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Old 04-03-2006, 12:48 PM
sk8pics sk8pics is offline
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I have really enjoyed reading the reports from y'all who were there. I wish I could be there, but who knows if I will ever make it. My coach said he had a great time (with his other 3 adult students) and said I would have enjoyed it if I had been able to be there. Oh well.
August 22, back on the ice!
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Old 04-03-2006, 12:54 PM
NoVa Sk8r NoVa Sk8r is offline
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Also, the $2 Long Island Iced Teas were a nice touch at one of the nearby restaurants. Thanx for the company, mskater (and bravo on your much-improved spins)!
Probably shouldn't have indulged so much after the vodka graciously provided by Rob L., but hey, that's one of the joys of finishing your event on Thursday afternoon.
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Old 04-03-2006, 12:57 PM
LoopLoop LoopLoop is offline
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I'll add some more info about why I wasn't at nationals with Nova...
Yes, it's true that I really never planned on going to nationals this year, for several reasons.

One, we did really really well in silver pairs last year. So I didn't want to go back to nationals in pairs until we were ready for gold. And after watching the gold pairs last year, we *didn't* think we'd be ready to be competitive at that level yet (look back at our posts from this time last year...). Our death spiral is incorrect, technically speaking; we don't have any overhead lifts or a throw axel; and we need more work on speed and attack. And there's the fact that we would have had to take either three adult pair tests (bronze, silver, gold) or two standard tests (preliminary and juvenile) in order to be eligible to compete in gold.

In addition, we both compete in singles as well as pairs, and ice time is limited... therefore it's difficult to improve in both disciplines at the same time. Last year, when we really pushed to learn pairs, my singles skating backslid substantially. So if we had really dedicated ourselves to get to gold pairs this year, it might have been more of the same. And we've both had off-ice issues this season, injuries, travel, etc.

And I didn't want to spend the time and money to go to nationals for just one event; doing only one event at a local competition is one thing (or at an event that's within a couple of hours' driving time). When I go to Peach, I only have to take one vacation day; for the Halloween competition I take one vacation day. But with the $$$ and vacation time involved in nationals, it's hard to justify going every year for some of us. Last year was the first time I'd gone to nationals since 2001 (my first time, when I was in bronze).

Last but not least, the family events I alluded to in my previous post... some are aware and some are not, but my father passed away over Christmas. He was diagnosed with cancer in September, and right after Thanksgiving we learned that his chemo wasn't working. We thought it would be several months, and I was expecting to have to travel back and forth to Arizona on a regular basis throughout the winter. And then his health went downhill very quickly, and I flew back and forth several times in rapid succession, and ended up staying for a few weeks. So even if I HAD changed my mind and DID want to go to nationals, I ended up spending a lot more money and vacation time than I'd planned to over the winter.

So, don't blame Nova for my not being there. It wasn't his fault!
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:07 PM
flo flo is offline
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NoVa, what resturaunt???
Loops and NoVa, You both also did really well last year in singles. Having done both at nats, I know its is a lot of work just to maintain your levels, let alone make the improvements you have. Come back when you're ready and you'll be great.
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:10 PM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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Originally Posted by MusicSkateFan
My only regret? Not getting my picture taken in front of the Barbara Bush Middle School (it was right near the practice Ice arena)with an in-appropriate hand gesture!
Gives new meaning to the words "Watch the birdie, huh?"

Loops/NoVa: You two come back when you are good and ready! So take your time!!! Besides, I don't plan on being at Chicago given how crappy I'm still skating. (Back crossovers, forward power 3's and FI mohawks need a LOT of work! I'm getting mighty frustrated as to what else I can do to fix it!!!)

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!

Last edited by jazzpants; 04-03-2006 at 01:17 PM.
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:15 PM
MusicSkateFan MusicSkateFan is offline
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I had a nice birdie for good old BABS!
Just picture me driving by with my "look at the birdie" gesture!

as Mel Brooks says in Blazing Saddles " Oh, I hate the West!"
Why are you skating so slowly? Get out of my way!

If you skate faster, it makes everything look better!
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:32 PM
mskater mskater is offline
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Originally Posted by NoVa Sk8r
Also, the $2 Long Island Iced Teas were a nice touch at one of the nearby restaurants. Thanx for the company, mskater (and bravo on your much-improved spins)!
Probably shouldn't have indulged so much after the vodka graciously provided by Rob L., but hey, that's one of the joys of finishing your event on Thursday afternoon.
Yes, the $2 Long Islands were nice, I was able to play "catch up" since you had a good head-start on me drinking all that vodka at the rink:] I look forward to your Gold Singles debut in 2007!!!!

Also, I wish you and Loops all the best with pairs - I know you will get back into your 2005 Form very soon! :]
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:45 PM
TimDavidSkate TimDavidSkate is offline
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Originally Posted by mskater
Yes, the $2 Long Islands were nice, I was able to play "catch up" since you had a good head-start on me drinking all that vodka at the rink:] I look forward to your Gold Singles debut in 2007!!!!

Also, I wish you and Loops all the best with pairs - I know you will get back into your 2005 Form very soon! :]

Nova, youre moving to Gold level next year?

Hello MSkater, how are you?
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:48 PM
NoVa Sk8r NoVa Sk8r is offline
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No, I'm retiring. Skating gold level was never meant to be--only in pairs.
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Old 04-03-2006, 01:58 PM
daisies daisies is offline
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Originally Posted by Csk8er
I was very glad to be able to watch on the web all my friends compete (especially PEDONSKATES & DAISIES). It made me feel like I was even there!
Thanks, Christy! We missed you!

Originally Posted by flo
Congrats Kelton and also a big one to Dani,Gatty and Daisies!
Thanks flo! It was great seeing you again. Lucky No. 13 next year, right?

I posted this on CAS too, but I will share here as well.

My trip to Dallas started out great -- I got to take my skates on board the plane, which is unusual for LAX. But I asked the TSA director before I checked in if I could, and he said OK. And thank goodness I did -- it turned out that my flight was delayed 4 hours because a bird had flown into the engine on the preceding flight, and they needed to either fix it or find us a new plane. This 4 hours was quite stressful -- not knowing if I'd even make it to Dallas that day because if they couldn't fix it or find a new plane, there were no other flights, as everything was sold out due to spring break -- and it would have been even more stressful if I didn't know where my skates were during that time! I must have looked quite distressed, though, because a nice man asked if I was OK. I told him how I was headed to a competition but was worried I wouldn't make it for my practice the next morning, and he put it all in perspective for me: He said, "It could be worse -- you could have been the bird."

I finally arrived at DFW around 10pm and headed to Thrifty rental car, where I had a reservation. I had reserved a compact car, and all they had were PT Cruisers (which I refuse to drive because when I had my car accident last year, they gave me a rental PT Cruiser, and I am convinced that car's seats are what contributed to my back problem!) and minivans. I was like, wait, I have a *reservation* ... how can you be out of compact cars? (Classic Seinfeld moment: "You know how to *take* the reservation, you just don't know how to *hold* the reservation .... and the *holding* is the most important part!")

Turned out that during the time I was arguing with them, someone dropped off a Dodge Stratus. So they gave me that. They asked if it was OK if I waited 15 minutes while they washed it. Sure, I'm already 4 hours late, what's another 15 minutes?

I actually really liked this car. It had Sirius Satellite Radio. I know satellite radio is bad for the terrestrial radio industry -- the industry in which I work! -- but damn if it wasn't totally awesome. I
listened to channel 22 -- First Wave -- the entire time. All New Wave!!! And this weekend was an all-Smiths and -Morrissey weekend -- nonstop Smiths and Morrissey! I never wanted to leave the car.

And I almost didn't leave the car, because I got LOST on my way to the hotel the night I arrived. I am not kidding when I say Grapevine, Texas has the single worst signage of any American city. I usually say that about every city I go to outside of California, but this really was the worst! Wasn't it?

Once I finally got to the Fairfield Inn, I checked in, hauled my luggage all the way up ... and my room keys didn't work. Oy!

The next morning I had practice. I always take a hot shower before I skate to help warm up my muscles. Guess what ... no hot water! Can you believe this? LOL!!! Apparently it was just me, and just for that time I wanted to take a shower, because later it was fine.

I had a hard time sleeping the night before my Friday event, so I was watching TV. All of a sudden I hear "BEEP BEEP BEEP" ... and this text crawls across the screen with "Tornado Watch" ... Tornado Watch??? Sheesh! It listed all these counties where the watch was in effect, and I had no idea which county I was in. So I just turned off the TV and hoped for the best! This California girl knows nothing of tornado watches!

My official warmup for my event was Friday morning at 7:40am, so I got up at 5:30am. I turned on the shower and the water came out in spurts. You know when you turn the water main off for a while and then turn it back on, and it all comes out dirty for a while? LIKE THAT. Of all mornings! It took a while to clear, but meanwhile there's like this mound of sand in the bathtub from all the dirt that came out. Gross! I immediately called the front desk and was like, um, what the??? They said they had to fix something overnight so they had to shut off the water. GREAT. Well, to make a long story even longer, the water never got hot, and I took a 45-second shower and froze my butt off. All this the morning I had to compete! I was PISSED!!! But I didn't want to deal with it because I needed to focus on the competition. So when I was leaving for the rink, I was waiting in the hotel lobby for my friend Garry who was going to ride with me. The front desk guy asked me how I was. Big mistake! I let him know, but I was very calm about it because I didn't want to get all aggro. He apologized. I said, "I really hope you're going to do more for me than apologize." End result: I got a night's stay for free. Sweet!

Oh, and I got some GREAT deals in the mall! A $398 Marc Jacobs jacket for $42! Score!!!

I competed in Masters Interp 3 Comedy/Character and placed 4th. I skated first and was not expecting to medal after seeing all the awesome skaters in my group -- there were some REALLY clever and entertaining programs (including Ms. coskater64!) -- so when I saw the results I was pleasantly surprised. One of the judges afterward spoke to me and asked if I was in the wrong group. LOL. I totally was -- I was in Comedy/Character but probably would have fit better in Artistic/Dramatic -- but oh well!

Congrats -- and welcome back -- to everyone who competed!!!!
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:10 PM
pairman2 pairman2 is offline
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the best

Hi everyone
I want to say a special congratulations to Ed V. for his Master Championship Mens program. I have to say this was sublime and was the most beautiful program I've seen this entire skating season...including out of all the elite skaters!

Second, a special hurrah to all the silver pairs. You guys are going to transform adult pair skating. As a group you guys had a collective energy that was a thrill to watch!

Another special harrah to Heather in Championship Masters Ladies in her first AN and a great showing there!

Of course there were countless other wonderful moments, that also deserve mention. I look forward to seeing you all again soon!

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Old 04-03-2006, 02:16 PM
Debbie S Debbie S is offline
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Hey pairman2, do I know you?

If you are who I think you are, congrats on your performance at AN! Did you get the e-mail that was sent out Sat? (yeah, I'm the one who spread the word - it's my PR/marketing nature - lol! - although I didn't mention anything about the site - I guess Linda googled you?)

Of course, if you're not who I think you are...oops, sorry!

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Old 04-03-2006, 02:24 PM
pairman2 pairman2 is offline
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It's me

Hi DebS

Yep, you got the right one!... It was a little treasure to see the club annoucement. Thanks!!
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:26 PM
TimDavidSkate TimDavidSkate is offline
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Originally Posted by NoVa Sk8r
No, I'm retiring. Skating gold level was never meant to be--only in pairs.

The costume you wore at AN, was that new? it looks nice on you
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:30 PM
NoVa Sk8r NoVa Sk8r is offline
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Well, no, that was not my costume. I borrowed that red shirt from an ice dancer (and fellow silver competitor) because everyone thought that the orange shirt (that I wore for Peach Classic) was, um, too tight, and not so great. That red shirt is polyester and is inelastic and does not breathe. I almost dies in it for New Year's

For AN, I wore my black and blue pairs "onesy" outfit--it was well-received.

And TD, weren't you suppoed to show up and watch some events? You let your fan base down!
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:54 PM
Isk8NYC Isk8NYC is offline
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Originally Posted by Mel On Ice
When I went to pick up my music, the lady behind the desk asked for the usual information: event #, last name, etc. She got out the clipboard to me to sign off, saw my result, and thought it necessary to say "aw, you must have skated really bad." I was shocked and told her no, it was a personal best and she just shook her head pityingly, like I didn't really know the truth. NOT what I needed going into my interp, thanks.
Clueless, huh? Congrats on a personal best. Hope you top it next year.
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:18 PM
lovepairs lovepairs is offline
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Oh LoopLoop,

I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. I didn't know. I'm sorry, I was nudging you to get back on the ice with Nova in the most friendliest of ways. You two are such a great team, and we just missed you on the ice--that's all. If there is anything I can do to help just let me know. My best friend's mother passed away about two weeks before AN--she helped raise me when I was very small, and was like a mother to me--so, I know just a little bit how you must be feeling. Again, if there is anything I can do to be a friend at this time, just let me were just very missed at AN--that's all.

Now, will everyone please stop blowing my cover and refer to me as Lovepairs instead of Andrea, even though everyone knows who I am now anyways. LOL!!!
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:26 PM
FrankR FrankR is offline
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Originally Posted by NoVa Sk8r
For AN, I wore my black and blue pairs "onesy" outfit--it was well-received.
Interestingly enough, one of the vendors at the event was selling similar "onesies" just outside of the North Pole Rink (although I think the color scheme was reversed, it was black with blue accents). I toyed with the idea of getting one for myself but I don't think it would work on me. You've got the pecs for a shirt like that, NoVa. If I tried to wear an outfit like that, even with the tightest Lycra imaginable, my boney frame would make that shirt look like a sail hanging on a mast.
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:32 PM
LoopLoop LoopLoop is offline
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Originally Posted by NoVa Sk8r
For AN, I wore my black and blue pairs "onesy" outfit--it was well-received.
But didn't it look (and feel) like something was missing?
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:34 PM
lovepairs lovepairs is offline
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You were gorgeous exactly as you were! Your outfit, along with Moves Guru were my favorites. I liked yours even better then Pairsman's, which I designed myself. I'm really serious--we all put so much time and effort into designing our outfits that there really should be a "best" outfit award.

Anyway, you would look gorgeous, too, in any of Antonio's outfits, which were also sublime over-the-top beautiful!

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Old 04-03-2006, 03:41 PM
NoVa Sk8r NoVa Sk8r is offline
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Originally Posted by FrankR
You've got the pecs for a shirt like that, NoVa. If I tried to wear an outfit like that, even with the tightest Lycra imaginable, my boney frame would make that shirt look like a sail hanging on a mast.
I think I gained weight (5-10 lbs?) since my fitting last summer. It felt like the back zipper was impaling the bottom of my neck!
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Old 04-03-2006, 03:43 PM
FrankR FrankR is offline
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Aww, thanks! I wasn't sure I really liked mine so much. In the video footage you can see my shirt peeking out from the back of the vest. It was especially noticeable during the sitspin. However, it was okay. It met the moves guru's approval and you liked it too so I'll take it.

As we said in Dallas, your costumes were wonderful. You both looked great and skated great too. You guys rock.

I was thinking of e-mailing Tony and seeing who makes his outfits. You're right. His costume looked great as well.

Take care,


Originally Posted by lovepairs

You were gorgeous exactly as you were! Your outfit, along with Moves Guru were my favorites. I liked yours even better then Pairsman's, which I designed myself. I'm really serious--we all put so much time and effort into designing our outfits that there really should be a "best" outfit award.

Anyway, you would look gorgeous, too, in any of Antonio's outfits, which were also sublime over-the-top beautiful!

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Old 04-03-2006, 04:01 PM
lovepairs lovepairs is offline
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Thanks! Yes, that's a good idea. Ask him who his dressmaker/designer is. She, or, he, really had the right idea and a really good design sense. I also liked the outfit worn by (I think it was) one of the Master Championship men. It was a white top (black pants) with sheer illusion white on top with AB crystals. It was quite beautiful on him, too. I asked him if his jewels were crytal, or ab, but he didn't know.

What I liked about your outfit is exactly what I liked about Michael Weiss's "Beetoven" outfit--just so, to-die-for classical--very beautiful!


Hey, let's learn the skid together! I'm cross-threading over here!
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Old 04-03-2006, 04:04 PM
lovepairs lovepairs is offline
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Oh, also, I love your mother! She's just like you--so kind and sweet! Tell her that we enjoyed seeing her, again, so much!
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Old 04-03-2006, 05:50 PM
flo flo is offline
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NoVa - It's good to have friends with great costumes. I borrowed one at nats once for a final round in silver as I didn't like the way the other dress photographed. Your blue fit the program well.
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