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Old 04-19-2006, 01:56 PM
NickiT NickiT is offline
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Golden Eggs
I had a good lesson this morning. All my jumps were good and my coach commented on my lutz-loop on being particularly good today. I must admit it did feel bouncy! A really good day on the spin front too. Every camel spin I did for my coach was spot on and I managed a really good camel/sit/backsit combo. Change foot camel is coming too but the position on the back camel is still somewhat off. My field moves were OK too. I only did the first three sets of the UK Bronze ones but my coach thought they looked better!

Rotten Eggs
I was struggling a bit with my blades as they are due for a regrind. I landed my lutz-loop too far back on the blade in my programme and nearly fell but managed to hang on. Annoying after doing some good ones before my programme.

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Old 04-19-2006, 02:44 PM
phoenix phoenix is offline
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Golden Egg: Partnered the Kilian with my coach today--with the music!! Shocking--it's actually soooo much easier w/ a partner. I'm sure it will be fine for the competition, as we have 2 months yet to get it solid.

Rotten, stinky eggs: Then he watched my solo & was far from complimentary, when I had been thinking it had improved dramatically from the last time he'd seen it. And when I asked if he thought I could have it ready to test this summer he said, "I don't know. Maybe the END of the summer. MAYBE." Here I'd been half thinking to put it out on a June test session to see what happened.....guess not.

Then he asked to see my Blues & again was less than happy (even though I skated a very solid pattern).... "Where is the wildness? Where is the expression, knee bend, deep edges? It is accurate, it is fine for a test, but......" Seems he wants it skated with some abandon, just on the edge of control. Not sure I can do that.....

*sigh* So, so far to go. And just when you start feeling a little cocky, like it's all coming together, you find you're WAY off!
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Old 04-19-2006, 05:00 PM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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Rotten Egg:

Had a couple of those suitcase bungee cord type strings attached one end to my skates and the other to my wrists. Secondary coach thought it would be fun to make me do my moves with the bungee cord on me...well, fun for her anyway!!! (And if I was holding a wooden stick on both sides, I'd look like a puppet with strings attached to me too!!! LOL!!!)

The purpose of all this besides to make Jazzpants and all of secondary coach's students look goofy? To get me to lower my shoulders and arm when I do my moves.

Okay, nice try!!! NEXT!?!?!?!

Golden Egg:
Nothing yet. We're still working on those arms and shoulders!

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!

Last edited by jazzpants; 04-19-2006 at 06:55 PM.
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Old 04-19-2006, 06:25 PM
cassarilda cassarilda is offline
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Weds 19th April 2006

Both hubby and I went along to Coffee Club yesterday. I was still a little unsure about my knee (see below as to why!), but I figured that its the only time for a few months that hubby could go on a Wednesday, and since I am assisting/working on Saturday, there is a chance that I will be too tired to go to class on Sunday.

Rotten Eggs:
We went along and hopped on the ice. As soon as I hopped on I knew my knee was stiff, and I wasnt confident doing much... I tried to do the lesson, and going forwards was fine, but I freaked out at anything backwards, or anything that consisted of crossovers. I hate being petrified, and later hubby suggested that was why skaters have to be young, because they dont have the fear of re-injuring themselves (plus they bounce more when younger)... but its still not an excuse... it would have really hurt and probably majorly injured myself if I had fallen on it again, so maybe body's natural action to ensure i take it easy?

Golden Eggs:
Anyway, hubby wowed them with his skill, technique and flair... Most of them had seen him around but never seen him skate.... I had a very cute little old lady come up to me and just stand and watch and gush about him whilst he did a move that neither of us were game to... it was very cute.

After the lesson, we could only skate for an hour, so I did some laps with hubby, tried to stretch my legs out, and in the end got a stroking session from hubby.

Then I got our friend of mine to teach me the beginner dances (Canasta Tango and Dutch Waltz)... Canasta is easier I think... possibly because Ive done it before... but I followed her around and then hubby got me and did the Canasta with me... YAY!! numerous times around the rink, almost running into everyone, but he's very good at dodging people.

He was watching/observing my posture, leg extension and timing, and let me tell you, I was absolutely stuffed after doing the Canasta around the rink about 4 times (ie. 8 patterns)!!! Its a lot harder doing it properly

The Dutch Waltz is a little harder, but perhaps because Ive only done it once... Im sure it will get better as I go.... Hubby reckons its a sucky dance because no matter how good you are, the dance always looks bad.... its hard on our rink as well becuase its so small... you cant fit the whole dance on the rink if you want it to look good.

I was trying to be good whilst doing the dances and not look down, so that was good, but one of the cool things about doing it with a strong partner is that on things like cross rolls and edges, they force you onto a good edge... my cross rolls rock when I do them with hubby!! And Im more confident doing crossovers when Im partnered as well... but that might just be because its my husband

We had to hop off at 1pm, because I had a shoot that afternoon, but it was good fun... I only wish I had more time with hubby to practise with him..

OK.... my knee.... for those of you who are interested as to why its currently an issue with my skating... I was VERY glad that I didnt fall on it again Its not too sore internally, and Im taking good care of it, so its actually a lot better today... hopefully it should be gone enough by Sunday for it not to be a problem.

Click here if you want to see my bruise.. its quite impressive!

Edited to remove pic and replace with link... just so you all dont have to see it all the time
aka cassarilda

My Progress Report!
"Did I mention there is only ONE rink in Melbourne?!"
"If you're not flying, you're obviously not trying!!!" - courtsey of the guy who helped me up off the ice after my last spectacular and sore fall

Last edited by cassarilda; 04-19-2006 at 06:37 PM.
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Old 04-19-2006, 07:33 PM
Terri C Terri C is offline
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Golden Egg:
The new program is slowly starting to make a transition from discombobulated mess to presentable. I surprised myself on how fast I move on the straightline footwork!

Rotten Egg:
Salchow/ toe loop combo and loop were giving me fits today.
Adult Nationals, 2009 "The Time of My Life"
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Old 04-19-2006, 08:44 PM
mikawendy mikawendy is offline
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Golden Egg--
Went up with flo to the adult skate session last night, which is less crowded than some of the other sessions. Another skater we know was working on a new program. She has a double loop in it with her arms over her head! Very cool to watch!

(BTW, flo, I forgot to call you earlier--you left your water bottle in my car.)

Rotten Egg--
Allergies, allergies, allergies....
Ask me about becoming a bone marrow donor.
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Old 04-19-2006, 09:12 PM
Rusty Blades Rusty Blades is offline
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From my Journal tonight (Golden Egg!)

Session #30
Wednesday, 2006/04/19
Previous Ice Time: 52:15, Session Time: 2:00

Was extremely tired after work, not sure how I was going to get through two hours of skating, needed NAP!

Worked a lot on backward sculling and half sculling trying to find my backward balance but still couldn’t hit it for backward one foot glides again. Worked a bit on LFO edges and left foot glides (when I could get a faceoff circle) and a little on RFO edges (which are still not too bad - that could change before next session.

In the second hour I had another lesson with my coach: T-pushoffs, stroking on the circle, forward and backward sculling and half sculling.

By the end of the second hour I was exhausted but “pumped”, listened to my music all the way home and worked on choreography in my head. I realized a few things tonight:


I must: I was dog-tired, went out and worked my tail feathers off for two hours and would do it all over again at the drop of a hat. I wish I could skate every day of the week!

#2 - I have the PERFECT coach!

I love the way Heather and I work together. Her style of coaching is just perfect for me. Her criticisms are gentle and don’t get my hackles up and her understanding of the (motivated) adult skater is A1. A perfect match; I don’t think I could have done better and I thank my lucky stars for landing in the same club as her!

#3 - I would like to be a LOT farther along than I am but I am happy with my progress.

In three months (almost to the day) I have gone from not being able to stand up on skates to having my forward edges (ok, they’re not great, but they are THERE!) and getting close to backward glides.

Everybody needs an “up day” once in awhile

Rotten egg I need to retire so I can spend more time skating!
(A.O.S.S.? Got it BAD! )
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Old 04-20-2006, 09:02 AM
flo flo is offline
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Thanks Mika!
golden - it was a great session and I had the chance to go over my interp. program. My coach made some nice modifications - this is a program from several years back. I first used this music for an artistic program, then changed choreography for my first interp at nats (96), then added some stuff for my bronze test, then nats interp again, silver test, and now France. Someday I'll put all the loons on the same tape and watch the evolution.

Thanks Thin - I'm looking forward to skating something I'm really comfortable with - although we did add a bit!

In the middle of the session my, and Mika's coach yelled out "Mika's skating with speed!!" You've been working hard on that and it shows!
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Last edited by flo; 04-20-2006 at 12:20 PM.
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Old 04-20-2006, 03:06 PM
mikawendy mikawendy is offline
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Originally Posted by flo
In the middle of the session my, and Mika's coach yelled out "Mika's skating with speed!!" You've been working hard on that and it shows!
I must be going deaf or maybe I was totally tuned out trying to dodge the people doing Jr. moves and doubles! I didn't hear anything at all--hope he doesn't think I was ignoring him!!
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Old 04-20-2006, 05:21 PM
Skittl1321 Skittl1321 is offline
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Golden Eggs I did a three turn! And a good 2 footed spin (unfortunately CW). Lessons are going extremely well for me. I am very excited about it all.

Rotten Eggs Still can't do more than a 30 minute lesson a week because of a overuse injury of my ankle, and a run through the airport made my tendonitis flare up. So because of lack of practice I won't pass my level. I can't do consistent FO-3 turns on my right foot and can't do them on my left foot yet. The concept of a backwards snowplow stop completely eludes me. I try and get the weight wrong so I turn.

A long journal entry of my lesson can be found here comment if you visit
What I need is a montage...
Visit my skating journal or my Youtube videos (updated with 2 new videos Sept 26, 2009)
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Old 04-21-2006, 02:26 AM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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Golden Egg:
  • Managed to lower my shoulders (or at least catch myself when my shoulders are raised...)
  • Worked on all the moves, Despite having to play dodge the other skaters, I did okay.
  • Primary coach thinks pretty much that I'm ready. Secondary coach still holds her cards close to her chest but did give me a "Good job!" on the test critique so that tells me something.
  • After an initially first scratch spin, the second camel spins are better and the third one even better. By the end of the lesson, I was attempting camel-sit again. (Note: Attempting... keyword!!! I'm close on the sit position on the sit part of the camel-sit.)
Rotten Eggs:
  • Still need more extension, well the first two moves anyway. HELP!!! (Where do you judges look for extension on the perimeter forward crossovers anyway? On the FI guide, I already know. But what about on the forward crossovers too?)
  • First camel attempt's wimpy

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!
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Old 04-21-2006, 03:26 AM
Thin-Ice Thin-Ice is offline
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Originally Posted by jazzpants
[*]Still need more extension, well the first two moves anyway. HELP!!! (Where do you judges look for extension on the perimeter forward crossovers anyway? On the FI guide, I already know. But what about on the forward crossovers too?)
Look for it? Anytime your foot is not on the ice. Expect it? On the FI glide, but if you do get it on the forward crossovers, I'll note it and usually comment on it if you're a skater who holds the forward crossover position for longer than a nanosecond. Many skaters just rush through the crossover part -- which I will also comment on (not in the same positive way as the note on the extension) . So, when judging I pay attention to the crossover as much as the glide. It's supposed to be BALANCED and RHYTHMIC and it is what so much of skating is based on. So the prettier/stronger it is, the better all around.
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Old 04-21-2006, 10:10 AM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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Empty ice and older skaters - ahhh, bliss!

Golden Eggs: One other skater on the ice when we arrived this morning. That was to change during the course of the 45 minutes we spent together, but until after Husband left, I don't think there was a single skater on the ice under 50! And even afterwards the vast majority were 50 or over.

We ran through our respective programmes and critiqued each other, and did a couple of dances together, but the Husband had to leave for the earlier train (of the two possibles) as he was making a site visit.

But the ice was glorious..

Rotten Eggs: Meant to take the camcorder down so we could film each other, but forgot!

Cross-cuts still iffy - one lap was awful, the second lap okay. Cross-rolls okay when I get into them, and gaining speed now. Still a bit grinding-to-a-halt.

I do not like doing my warm-up on silent ice - you can hear when I don't hit an edge right!
Mrs Redboots
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Ice dancers have lovely big curves!

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Old 04-21-2006, 06:14 PM
badaxel badaxel is offline
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Golden Egg:
Landed some VERY cheated double salchows and double toe loops today. More like really over rotated singles, but, hey, progress is progress. It's more like a mental victory anyway, because I wasn't afraid of it!
Also, I'm on vacation, so I have been skating every day. It's nice not to have to rush home in the morning, and to spend the ride home reviewing my practice instead of mentally preparing to deal with fourth graders all day.

Rotten Egg:
Have I mentioned how much I hate the axel? Now I am having this problem where I land it, but then I fall after about a foot. Or sometimes I just fall. If anyone has any good advice beyond "kick your leg through, not around" I would really appreciate it!
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Old 04-22-2006, 03:41 AM
SkatingOnClouds SkatingOnClouds is offline
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Golden Egg:

I landed flips today !!!! This used to be my favourite jump but I have fallen over so many times trying to get this working again. Today I landed 3 in a row, each one a bit better than the previous. I stopped at 3 in case I lost it again. I'd be more excited if I wasn't so worried it was a fluke. If I can do it again tomorrow, and even more importantly in front of my coach on Wednesday night, I'll believe I can do flips again.

If I can get my flip back, that means only the lutz to add in to get back to doing all the jumps I could do 20 years ago. Sure my loop is little more than a hop, but then it wasn't more than that 20 years ago.

Backspins continue to improve, though only from a push start. Can't centre them from a 3 turn entry yet, but they're getting there, and change foot spins continue to improve.

Rotten Egg:

Forward Spins! If I'm getting all my jumps back, it'd be nice to get my spins back. They were coming along quite well, I was working on scratch spins, even dared try a couple of sit spins and camels. But I suddenly stopped being able to centre even the most basic spin, haven't centred one for 2-3 weeks. Coach says I need to bend my knee more on the entry. 46 year old knees do not like bending more.

Golden Egg: Sold a cello, the money should be in my hot little hand by the end of the coming week! That means I will be able to afford custom made boots and new blades !!!

Rotten Egg: Husband thinks I should use the money on something boring like repaying the loan I took out to buy the cello in the first place.

I skate - therefore I am
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Old 04-22-2006, 04:54 AM
Rusty Blades Rusty Blades is offline
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Originally Posted by SkatingOnClouds
Husband thinks I should use the money on something boring like repaying the loan I took out to buy the cello in the first place.
Hubby is right. enjoy the new boots
(A.O.S.S.? Got it BAD! )
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Old 04-22-2006, 09:31 AM
Skate@Delaware Skate@Delaware is offline
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Originally Posted by Thin-Ice
Look for it? Anytime your foot is not on the ice. Expect it? On the FI glide, but if you do get it on the forward crossovers, I'll note it and usually comment on it if you're a skater who holds the forward crossover position for longer than a nanosecond. Many skaters just rush through the crossover part -- which I will also comment on (not in the same positive way as the note on the extension) . So, when judging I pay attention to the crossover as much as the glide. It's supposed to be BALANCED and RHYTHMIC and it is what so much of skating is based on. So the prettier/stronger it is, the better all around.
I guess that's really why my coach wanted me to COUNT the CADENCE when I do crossovers...(especially me who has no sense of rhythm...) every single time I skate I'm to do the drills....

Jazzpants: I still hunch up my shoulders when I spin, but I actually spin better that way!!! I'm weird.
Ah, show skating!!! I do it for the glitter!
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Old 04-22-2006, 05:15 PM
Rusty Blades Rusty Blades is offline
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Rotten Eggs Had a few little bobbles on backward - should have worn my butt pad just in case. Forward edges are still languishing, but I can go back to them later.

Skates were REALLY dull!

Got lots of reminders on "form and posture" from my coach

Golden Eggs Really concentrated on backwards today and the backward one-foot glides are getting easier. Actually got in a little backward stroking on BOTH FEET - WAHOO!

Got my skates sharpened.

Gave my coach a big “thank you” hug to show my appreciation.

Picked up a spin trainer while I was at the pro shop - might as well start working on finding my axis and getting used to spinning! Surprise, surprise! I can actually do a few rotations without falling on my . . . you know.

All in all another very good day
(A.O.S.S.? Got it BAD! )
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Old 04-22-2006, 08:15 PM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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Golden Egg:
  • Moves are looking pretty good...well what I can do with the crazy kids playing TAG!!!
  • 5 step mohawks are smooth and I'm starting to concentrate more on lower arms and shoulder and more extension.
  • Tried to get more extension on the perimeter forward crossovers, well at least the FI part. The push behind is a bit tricky, but once I'm more warmed up, I can do them better.
  • Got a bunch of flips today. Got maybe 1 or 2 loops too!
  • Got one camel this morning.
Rotten Egg:
  • I've gain some weight and I need to get back on the wagon again and start losing weight again for the summer.
  • Spins are a bit off. I swear they put some stuff on the Zamboni water that's making the ice feels more plastic-y (instead of smooth like buttah...)
No Eggs
  • Played around with Silver Moves.
    • Forward Power pulls are a bit better. At least I can sorta do them. No power though yet.
    • Backward Power pulls: I only did a little since I feel like I'm risking my life doing them. (Okay, how do you look behind you while you're doing them backwards anyway and still keep your torso still?)
    • Spirals are fine.
  • Played with prelim moves
    • Alt 3's... I'm okay on the FO3 (not great) but still wimpy on the FI3's.
    • Tried to do FI spirals. Oh, dear! Need to do lots of work.
    • Tried to do FO spirals. Did okay...until I almost got killed by little kids playing tag. Decided to abandon the rink at that point.

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!

Last edited by jazzpants; 04-22-2006 at 08:24 PM.
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Old 04-23-2006, 02:19 AM
cassarilda cassarilda is offline
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Sun 23rd April

Golden Eggs:
  • Didnt fall over! My knee is too tender for that
  • Did the Canasta Tango and the Dutch Waltz around the rink (carried the printed out pattern diagram with me )... the Canasta is kewl, and relatively easy YAY! I get to practise with hubby... sometime..
  • Because I needed to in the dance, I was doing forward crossovers... and did them around the rink, so they are still there
  • Edges/glides... getting there.. My left leg is definately my worse.. my posture gets worse, and my ankle doesnt roll as much as the right one does...
  • Stroking, I was happy, I did it properly... nice extension, deep (for me) knee bend, arms out and pushing
  • Stopping.... I actually can do t-stops at speed now! YAY!!! I used to always put my right foot behind, but wasnt happy with it.. so once I put my left foot behind, I feel a lot more stable, and can now stop at speed!

Rotten Eggs:
  • There is an old lonely guy at the rink, and I always try to be nice and give him a little time, but today I wasnt up to it, possibly because I just wanted to skate, and he kept following me around and lingering.... I dont like cutting people off mid sentence and skating off, but I found I had to do it today... I just wish he would leave me alone when Im on the ice!!!
  • I think Im over my group class... I could teach it if the teacher wasnt there simply because I know the routine... its hard because we have littlies in the group, and they really restrict what we can do, plus we always have new people joining, so I understand he has to teach certain things, but when there are just a few real regulars we actually do new stuff... I was considering stopping the weekend group classes, and doing the Wednesday Coffee Club (with the same coach) as my group lesson, because whilst I find it hard now, the moves are more relevant and I will learn more... and then get hubby to the rink sometime during the week and he can teach me the dances and more advanced things... I know I need a private coaching lesson, but its hard when I live so far away, we dont have early morning sessions (well, theyve just started one, but living so far away negates it), and I also dont have the money... I want to be better than I am, and I know I can be, but I dont get enough ice time and/or enough relevant teaching... I cant WAIT to get back to Perth, have sessions from 5/6am - 9am every morning at the rink which wont be more than 20mins away! ANYWAY!!!.... yes, so I have to figure out how I can get so much better with limited funds and time
  • ummm not much else...
aka cassarilda

My Progress Report!
"Did I mention there is only ONE rink in Melbourne?!"
"If you're not flying, you're obviously not trying!!!" - courtsey of the guy who helped me up off the ice after my last spectacular and sore fall
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Old 04-23-2006, 05:48 AM
AW1 AW1 is offline
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Golden Eggs: The head coach lady at synchro today said my skating has come along so far since she saw me last and she was really happy Made me feel very good and confident and I was nicely surprised by her comment since I thought she hadn't really noticed.

Rotten Eggs: Well my feet are killing me - damn having to wait so long for new skates, I am praying that it's this week or next, but realistically it could be a few weeks yet
Oh and head coach lady said to me today she would really think it's a good idea if I went into the next Aussie Skate competition with the little kiddies!! I was like OH MY GOD!! That's not going to happen!
mum to Miss Lil (6yrs old)
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Old 04-24-2006, 04:52 PM
Raye Raye is offline
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Golden eggs: Just got back from the Vancouver Ice Dance Weekend, with coach Victor Kratz.... had a fabulous time... Learned a few new dance moves, had some of my technique corrected and met many wonderful people

Rotten eggs: Victor made us all work hard and MY BUTT HURTS....
If you keep your eyes on God, you can walk on water.
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Old 04-24-2006, 06:21 PM
doubletoe doubletoe is offline
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Originally Posted by badaxel
Rotten Egg:
Have I mentioned how much I hate the axel? Now I am having this problem where I land it, but then I fall after about a foot. Or sometimes I just fall. If anyone has any good advice beyond "kick your leg through, not around" I would really appreciate it!
Keep your chest out over your takeoff knee on takeoff, and check the free leg out strong and quickly on the landing.
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Old 04-24-2006, 06:48 PM
badaxel badaxel is offline
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I can't figure out how to do the quote, but thanks, doubletoe, for the advice. I will try that at my next practice on Wednesday!
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