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03-10-2009, 01:00 PM
Springing Ahead: All four of my skaters who tested on Sunday at a single-panel test session passed!

Last night's ice show was absolutely fab-uuu-lousss!

All my skaters performed clean programs, including the FS 1 & 2 girls whose "Sparkling Diamonds" number "rocked" the house. Cheesy, I know. :lol:

And, me--well, let's just say that for having a week to pull together a program and just four hours of practice, things couldn't have gone better. :D

Falling Behind: I'm literally dragging after being at last night's show until 10 p.m., getting to bed after midnight, then having to get up at 5 a.m. this morning to coach.

03-10-2009, 01:43 PM
Great thread title!

falling behind - seasonal rink is winding down, only open thurs-sun now and scheduled to close the 22nd. sigh. I really wanted one more practice before lesson tomorrow.

03-10-2009, 01:43 PM
Springing Ahead: Found out I was able to do spirals (both ways) on an IE and OE, including a catch. My coach dropped jaw, once again. :lol: I continue to surprise her in my abilities...even I surprised myself doing these! Never tried spirals on edges other than an OE with my good leg.

Falling Behind: Scared of doing flip jumps after falling last week. 8O Working to get past it...Lutzs are easier for me. Weird.

03-10-2009, 04:20 PM
Springing Ahead:
Not really skating, not yet anyway. I had a great day skiing, and by the time we quit, I felt like I could do anything on skates. I wish there were a nearby rink so I could go straight from the slopes to the ice. Skiing makes it very clear that it's all about where your weight is!

03-10-2009, 05:34 PM
Love the title!

Spring ahead: Our death spiral has really been doing well! I'm starting to work on our costumes - something different,

Falling behind; partner is out of town most of this week. I'm tired and want my hour back!

03-10-2009, 06:17 PM
Springing Ahead:
Not really:( Although I now have some fun footwork in my Gold program. And my change of edge spirals are much better.

Falling Behind:
Stupid knee still hurts. I'm impatient for my doctor's appointment so I can finally find out what's wrong with it. I'm glad I'm able to skate, but I miss really skating, getting down in my knees and having speed. And I miss jumping.

Mrs Redboots
03-11-2009, 07:42 AM
Springing ahead: Our clocks haven't gone forward yet, so we are enjoying lovely, light early mornings - I could even have my shower this morning without having to turn the light on! It does make getting up early for skating so much easier!

Our free dance is coming along now, still rather ragged and there are gaps, but we are beginning to see it. And we have a twizzle sequence in it, how cool is that (only single twizzles as yet, but still!)?

Falling Behind: I just wish our compulsories were up to scratch - as always, as we start to groom them for competition, one feels they'll never make it. They will, no doubt..... eventually.

03-11-2009, 08:49 AM
Springing ahead - passed elements portion of FS3!!! Still have to schedule program portion of test, will probably do this after recital since I have 28 days. Showed coach my changes to the recital program, and she really liked them. The camel-upright combo spin I wanted for the ending even showed up when she was watching, so that's in too. :D

Falling behind - have to work hard on the flip between now and the 30th. I've been 2-footing in the program runthroughs (on purpose because I want to work on the timing and not mess myself up) but I've been working so hard on the program I haven't really worked the elements. I have not so far (knock wood) actually fallen on my behind. :P

03-11-2009, 09:20 AM
Springing Ahead:
MITF Spiral Sequence drew a few compliments from the crowd, lol.

I love the Five-Step Mohawk Sequence, but I have to THINK before the first mohawk. For some reason, I have to bring my free foot from the front to the instep or I just can't step down.

Faked a few of the FO/BO mohawks for the Eight-Step. Any and all tips will be appreciated. My tracings matched the rulebook, but it can't be that easy, lol.

Spins were strange - I just couldn't hook or center them for the first hour. I took a break and used a tighter entrance edge and voila! The spins improved tremendously. Even my camel was good after the break, and I improved on my "crouching dragon backspin" lol. (I don't know what the name is for that spin - it's a backspin on a very bent knee, with the free foot tucked under and behind.)

Waltz, Flip and Loop jumps were good (for me) and I even attempted a few lutzes. (Didn't land them, but I'm almost there.)

Tango stops are almost reliable on one foot. Did two good figure loops and a handful of twizzles on the right foot (BO/FI). Still can't manage the left foot twizzles.

Falling Behind:
Spins were weak and off-balance except for the last few laybacks and scratch spins.
Salchows and Toe Loops were terrible. No other way to put it.

My left blade needs another tweak and my skates need to be sharpened.
I laughed when the synchro coach asked me to join the adult team! lol
I might do the synchro class, but I think the team isn't in the budget since then my kids would want to join teams as well.

03-11-2009, 12:15 PM
Faked a few of the FO/BO mohawks for the Eight-Step. Any and all tips will be appreciated. My tracings matched the rulebook, but it can't be that easy, lol.

What seems to be giving you trouble? (The actual turn? Foot position? Timing?)

My quick tip is to keep your back against the circle throughout the turn. After the turn, focus on keeping your back arm pulling back and your back shoulder open.

03-11-2009, 12:32 PM
after just returning after a 3 year skating break I'll say
spring ahead: all single jumps up to (not including) axel are still there, yay!
fall behind: I can't spin :( but I think my blades are pretty screwed up.
We'll see tomorrow, I guess.

Kim to the Max
03-11-2009, 12:53 PM
Springing Ahead:
Had a surprise lesson with coach last night. We worked on that wretched axel, my show program, and then started the rockers from Junior moves :) I have another lesson on Friday.

Falling Behind:
Stupid axel. We worked on me coming off of my toe more and not pulling back...

Bunny Hop
03-11-2009, 03:29 PM
Springing ahead: Did the cross behind section of the Rhythm Blues without catching my toe pick. In fact, agreeing to do that at all is progress for me.

Falling Behind: Me. In general. I just feel like I'm falling further and further behind at the moment. Which of course I am, as I can only skate once a week, but my general fear is becoming a serious issue, and holds me back even more.

03-11-2009, 06:12 PM
Springing Ahead: The ice was not super-hard like it has been during most of this very cold winter. I like a bit of "cushion". For some reason, my spins center a bit better on soft ice, but I could still use some improvement.

Falling Behind: I've only skated about 2-4 hours per week during most of this season for various reasons. I've made no progress toward Adult Gold moves, and have lost a bit of ground on ...brackets. (what else - sigh.)

And on one bracket last night, I caught an edge, tried to save myself, but went over backwards smacking my head hard.


I stayed to skate out the rest of the session (I had paid for it, and I was going to use it!). But I didn't do much.

I had a bit of a headache all day today. Worse...in the fall, I bit my tongue hard enough to bleed. That hurts more today than my headache!

03-11-2009, 07:09 PM
Ouch, Bill! :(

I spin much better on softer ice, too. I usually wait about 20 minutes on a session that's just had an ice wipe before I practice spinning.

03-12-2009, 12:07 AM
Oh, no--! So sorry, Bill. :( Which bracket was it? I'll bite it back for you!

03-12-2009, 12:12 AM
OWWWWW!!! Bill.... you better not go back and skate until you're given the all clear that you did not end up with a concussion from a doctor!!! Just in case, KWIM?

I HATE skating on hockey hard ice. I really need to be able to sink into the ice and you just can't do that on hockey hard ice.

Falling Behind

Literally!!! Or rather falling on the behind??? :P Not a great skating day but fun nonetheless:

Chinese spiral: Must concentrate on skating on "locked knees" Must also heard to lean torso forward more too. Then she wants a balance of the two together? FUGGITABOUTIT!!! :twisted:

In the "My coach is CRAZY!!!" category:
Shoot the duck/teapot: She sees I could stay on for about a few seconds going forward. THEN she wants me to go BACKWARDS on the shoot the duck. She then tried to get me to do (you're not gonna believe it!!!) a HYDROBLADE. Got only as far as going a couple of feet going backwards on the shoot-the-duck/teapot. Of course, my TRAINER then had to go and do a nice easy one, get back up and THEN go straight up to a backward Y-spiral!!! And then as she's skating back to the wall to her water (where I was having my lesson), I said "You're nuts!!! I probably will barely get a few feet of the shoot the ducks going backwards. And I'm certainly NOT gonna come back up, much less to a Y-spiral. Secondary coached at that but said "At least TRY the back shoot the duck!!!" So guess what, I have to learn to do that, get back up and set up for a LOOP!!! At least that's the goal she had for me.

I swear, Nova!!! Someday we'll gonna have to meet at a much emptier public session or something so you can show ME how you do yours!!! I mean I CAN sorta do a back shoot the duck (as in got down to position and stayed on edge on the shoot the duck for a few feet before doing a hydroBUTTSPLAT!!! :twisted: (And would you believe I can actually get down on one leg to a shoot the duck with street shoes???) :roll:

03-12-2009, 02:03 AM
So guess what, I have to learn to do that, get back up and set up for a LOOP!!! At least that's the goal she had for me.

I swear, Nova!!! Someday we'll gonna have to meet at a much emptier public session or something so you can show ME how you do yours!!! I mean I CAN sorta do a back shoot the duck (as in got down to position and stayed on edge on the shoot the duck for a few feet before doing a hydroBUTTSPLAT!!! :twisted: (And would you believe I can actually get down on one leg to a shoot the duck with street shoes???) :roll:

Wow, that will be cool: shoot-the-duck into a loop!!! I have faith in you Jazzpants. You will get this!

And I think it's harder to do shoot-the-duck in street shoes than on ice because: 1) the heel on my skate is certainly higher than any street shoes I own, and that lifts me onto the correct part of my foot and 2) in street shoes there is no motion to help me maintain the position... and on ice there is at least a little motion to help fight gravity from pulling me immediately to the ice!

03-12-2009, 02:37 AM
Springing Ahead: The ice was not super-hard like it has been during most of this very cold winter. I like a bit of "cushion". For some reason, my spins center a bit better, but I could still use some improvement.

Falling Behind: I've only skated about 2-4 hours per week during most of this season for various reasons. I've made no progress toward Adult Gold moves, and have lost a bit of ground on ...brackets. (what else - sigh.)

And on one bracket last night, I caught an edge, tried to save myself, but went over backwards smacking my head hard.


I stayed to skate out the rest of the session (I had paid for it, and I was going to use it!). But I didn't do much.

I had a bit of a headache all day today. Worse...in the fall, I bit my tongue hard enough to bleed. That hurts more today than my headache!

Did you see a doctor yet? If not, go. Tell the doc everything you told us here.

NoVa Sk8r
03-12-2009, 06:31 AM
And I think it's harder to do shoot-the-duck in street shoes than on ice because: 1) the heel on my skate is certainly higher than any street shoes I own, and that lifts me onto the correct part of my foot and 2) in street shoes there is no motion to help me maintain the position... and on ice there is at least a little motion to help fight gravity from pulling me immediately to the ice!Yes and yes. The momentum really does most of the work. Sort of like the Y-spiral: I have a much easier time doing it on the ice while sailing backward.

I swear, Nova!!! Someday we'll gonna have to meet at a much emptier public session or something so you can show ME how you do yours!!! I mean I CAN sorta do a back shoot the duck (as in got down to position and stayed on edge on the shoot the duck for a few feet before doing a hydroBUTTSPLAT!!! (And would you believe I can actually get down on one leg to a shoot the duck with street shoes???)You'll get it! It's one of those elements that you just have to keep trying and trying and trying. There is a certain rhythm to it, besides the strength of lowering your body and getting back up. You are trying the BO hydroblade, yes? You should also work on the BI hydroblade. It's harder to go lower on this one (for me, at least), but it helps your body with the timing ... and then you can do a flip or lutz out of it! 8-)

03-12-2009, 08:32 AM
Bill - OUCH! I hope you're feeling better today.

Jazz - that would be SO TOTALLY COOL if you end up doing that hydroblade at all, esp into a loop!!! :bow:

Springing ahead: I'm springing ahead to work in silver moves though I'm not totally sure I should put it in this category as the three turns are not good! LOL. However I'm putting them in because my coach gave me very good tips today and I think I have a feel for what I need to work on.

Falling behind: appropriate title, as I need to take a few months off from lessons - the economy is nuts, so is my boss, and I'm fooling myself if I don't try and get a handle on finances and planning for the future. So that stinks. But will still skate publics and continue to work on all of the stuff I need to work on. Which includes presentation - I saw my easterns video! I hope to soon stop looking like someone's trying to kill me on the ice, lol 8O

03-12-2009, 10:46 AM
Springing ahead: Did the cross behind section of the Rhythm Blues without catching my toe pick. In fact, agreeing to do that at all is progress for me.

Hear hear!! I remember, not so long ago, when that cross-behind was downright TERRIFYING!!

03-12-2009, 03:18 PM
Did you see a doctor yet? If not, go. Tell the doc everything you told us here.

No, I didn't go to the doctor. I am taking it easy though and taking anti-inflammatories just in case.

Oh, no--! So sorry, Bill. :( Which bracket was it? I'll bite it back for you!

Doubletoe-- it was my easiest bracket, the RFI -- which I can usually do in my sleep. Somehow the blade just caught this time. If you really want to bite one back for me, choose one of the left back brackets. They completely deserve it!

03-12-2009, 04:30 PM
Congratulations, Liz!

(((Bill))) NSAIDs are my best friend :lol:.

Faked a few of the FO/BO mohawks for the Eight-Step. Any and all tips will be appreciated.

My first coach taught me this and it works well. Rotate strongly out of the circle on step 2. That way, you already have your back to the circle before you begin the turn.

03-12-2009, 04:43 PM
Thin-Ice: I am barely getting down w/shoes on. Believe me, I've been trying for that for at least over a year. I am just getting to those shoot the ducks now... and my sit spins STILL hasn't improved one iota... :frus:

You are trying the BO hydroblade, yes? You should also work on the BI hydroblade. It's harder to go lower on this one (for me, at least), but it helps your body with the timing ... and then you can do a flip or lutz out of it! 8-)Yes, the BO hydroblade! I do have a "training wheel" method to try though, but for now I'm just bending knees down, get into shoot the duck position.

Springing Ahead:
Okay, so I'm not dreaming. I did get thru a few feet before....

Falling Behind:
... (literally) on those back shoot the ducks. But I'm still trying...

Springing Ahead:
And speaking of flips and lutzes, I did get in a couple of them today too, as well as a few loops too!!! :bow:

03-12-2009, 05:10 PM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.

03-12-2009, 05:15 PM

03-12-2009, 05:18 PM
Doubletoe-- it was my easiest bracket, the RFI -- which I can usually do in my sleep. Somehow the blade just caught this time. If you really want to bite one back for me, choose one of the left back brackets. They completely deserve it!

I guess your RFI bracket just didn't want to be taken for granted. . . but I hear ya on the left back brackets. The LBO brackets were the ones I hated when I was testing Gold MIF but now it's the LBI brackets (second bracket on the first set) that get me.

And I think it's harder to do shoot-the-duck in street shoes than on ice because: 1) the heel on my skate is certainly higher than any street shoes I own, and that lifts me onto the correct part of my foot and 2) in street shoes there is no motion to help me maintain the position... and on ice there is at least a little motion to help fight gravity from pulling me immediately to the ice!

True! It's all about lifting the heel of your skating foot and getting the weight on the ball of the blade, right behind the toepick. You can even scrape the bottom pick a little (which is why it's better to do back shoot-the-ducks as a sitspin preparation--you don't have to worry about catching the toepick!). Something that is crucial to keeping the weight on the front of the foot is to push your chest forward and push your free leg forward. The free leg should be lower than the knee of the skating leg and pushed farther forward so that the calf of the skating leg presses against the inside of the thigh of the free leg. Back arched, chest pushed forward. It makes a huge difference!

03-12-2009, 07:19 PM
That's fabulous news, Agnes! :D

03-12-2009, 07:27 PM
<snip> after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope i123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!bravo!!! Congratulations!!!

03-12-2009, 07:35 PM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.

That's wonderful news!! :bow::bow:

03-12-2009, 07:54 PM
I can't tell you all, how much it meant to me to read the posts in the practice thread, and the costume thread(s), and the technical threads while I was stuck at home, when a trip to the grocery store would cause me to take a nap and I had no energy to do much more than surf the net.
I felt like I was watching a vast family around the world reach out a helping hand to one another, offer support, and all without flaming, trolling, or any of the other faults that I've seen in other forums.
We have a special place here, and although we'll no doubt never meet, I want to wish you all well, and thanks for being yourselves.
Good luck on your skating journey! Golds for everyone from me. You're all in first place on my podium!
Now, ladies and gentlemen, let's get skating!

03-12-2009, 08:34 PM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.

Awesome news! Enjoy your new freedom. :D

03-13-2009, 01:51 AM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.

WOO-HOO!!!!!! That's the best kind of test! And enjoy your return to the ice. After what you've defeated, both the break-through moments and those "worst skating days ever" will be a joy.
Congratulations again!

Mrs Redboots
03-13-2009, 05:12 AM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.

Oh, Agnes, I'm so thrilled for you! What wonderful news.

03-13-2009, 07:38 AM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.

I'm so pleased to hear that and excited for you as you can now get back to the more important task of skating!

And you are so right about having a lovely forum to read and hear about everyone's news and skating crises. It kept me sane as I recovered from my injury. It's a way of getting all the support from all the lovely skaters that you normally get at the rink without having to leave the house!

03-13-2009, 09:14 AM
That such great news, Agnes - congratulations!!!!!

03-13-2009, 12:27 PM
It's always nice to hear people getting healthy again! =D

This is the first time I'm posting on the skating thread, so I don't know if I'm doing it right.

Springing ahead:
I landed my lutz on the 3rd try! And being such a spinner and NOT a jumper, I am still very happy. Didn't really grasp that until after lesson. I was skating with such a big smile and practically telling everyone I know ---- I LANDED MY LUTZ on the THIRD TRY! It's something big cos I'd been working on flip since August last year, according to videos.
Flip improved from last lesson, which was 2 or 3 weeks ago8O. Coach was happy, and so am I!

Falling behind:
I seriously need to get more height in everything I do. One days when loop are there, the distance can be large, say, finger tip to mid-upper arm. But I have no height at all. Flip is quite sad too. Lutz, the more that I land, the worst it was. Coach was saying I was landing on the spot that I pick!
I had no mood to skate. So BLAH after a long day at school. The ice sucked before resurfacing, and sucked after too.
Exhaustive lesson.
Camel was bad because everyone's telling me to lower my upper body.
I landed my lutz. I've to work on jumps' height. :frus:8O:)

03-13-2009, 01:41 PM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.


I am so glad to hear this!!!

03-13-2009, 05:55 PM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.


Springing ahead: hit the ice today after about a week off (been sick) and it was pretty good; had the rink to myself for the first 30 minutes then it was fairly light after that. Ran through a quick warm-up then my program a few times after that. It was pretty good.

Falling behind: after doing some other stuff I thought I'd try some loop jumps and they were really bad. I don't know, maybe I was tired. I was not able to get all the way around or sweep my free leg across my skating leg either....(sigh). I stopped before it got really bad.

Overall a pretty good skate and I'm fairly pleased.

03-13-2009, 07:41 PM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.

I don't know many of you yet...but this is wonderful to read. It ended my day beautifully!!!! Congratulations and I pray that you will remain as such! :P

Springing Ahead: My spins are getting better and better...still traveling a bit, and working towards a scratch spin. At least I see nice circles now when I spin. All of my jumps are getting more height and distance + speed. Also, now am doing combination jumps. :D

Fast Forward: I saw Alissa Czisny's program (practice) in person at our rink! (I belong to the Detroit Skate Club) It was amazing!!! She's so much prettier in person.

Falling Behind: Landed all jumps a couple of weeks ago, and now, Flip and Lutz have become a mental block all because I fell a week ago. :( I can't seem to get it back.

03-13-2009, 09:27 PM
Springing ahead Final test today of a different sort than everyone else. after 7 weeks weeks of preparation to receive radioactive isotope I123, my body was finally ready for the full body scan. I'm cancer free!

Springing Ahead Back on the ice as early as tomorrow.

Congratulations! Enjoy!

Springing Ahead
Still away skiing, but I was able to ski 3 days this week, 2 in a row, took a 1.5 hr private lesson, went down a black diamond slope twice - and still had the stamina to do one more run with DH. I credit my ice dance lessons with my greatly increased stamina. I know for sure it wasn't there before! Wish I could do 2 ice dance lessons a week.

03-14-2009, 02:50 AM
Falling Behind:
Had to cancel skating and my lesson with my coach because I woke up dizzy, ate breakfast and still was dizzy. And so I went to see a doc to find out that I got a relaps; sinuse, ears, throat and chest infection. Had pain in sinuse, back and lungs. Got the ankle xrayed (see last week's practice thread).

Spring Ahead:
Got back on the ice for a 50 minute session.

Falling Behind:
Coach didn't answer my cell call because he probably thought I wouldn't be going to the rink.
All but one spin travelled like mad (inner ear must have been compromised by infection ).
Didn't have the energy to pull off Loop, Flip or Lutz even though I tried.
Waltz was tiny weeny.
Toe Loop was almost a walk.
Salchow just got around.
Had trouble pushing through each of my programs.
When I was done the session, my lungs were killing me.
Coach was right not to bother to come to the rink Thursday and I should have stayed home to rest.


Falling Behind:
The session didn't start out very good for me. Before heading to the rink I had decided to take all of my meds (Claritin Extra, Advil Cold & Sinus, Azithromycin [antibiotic], asthma preventative and rescue inhaler) just before skating. Well, doing that wasn't such a good idea because for my whole lesson I felt like I was going to puke. It was like I had a toxic soup in my stomach. Every spin, jump and spiral agravated my stomach.

Springing Ahead:
A few of my camel spins actually got 2 revs and my freeleg was finally in the correct position for a change. Hadn't gotten more than 1 and 1/2 rotations on a camel spin since 2005 pre-herniated discs injury.

Stomach started to settle down about 15 minutes after my lesson was done. But when there was a half hour left in the session, I got hunger stomach cramps and had to search the arena for food to buy. Finally found chips and then skated the last 25 minutes.

It took time but I finally was able to get down into a sit without feeling like I was going to toss my cookies. I did, forward sit (3 revs)/broken sit (3 revs)/ attempted behind the skating like catch sit (1 and half rev).

Upright also made a late appearance but was not centred as Forward upright basic with leg extended (4 revs), diagonal spin (3 revs), attitude (3 fast revs), catch behind (3 fast revs).

Worked on taming my arms (pulling in and out) with my easier jumps (waltz, toe and Sal). I'm trying to train my arms to do the right thing to help me with my Loop, Flip and Lutz.

Coach said that even though I was not feeling well, I had a decent spiral position above my hip.

I didn't over do it and I didn't loose stregth in my ankle like last Friday. Ankle was still swollen but not as bad. I put my ankle compression thingy on my ankle right after skating.

Falling Behind:
Don't have the results on the xray of my landing foot's ankle yet. Doc's office didn't call yet. I'm thinking either they didn't get around to looking at the xray yet, or there's nothing seriously wrong. If they don't call tomorrow morning, I'll drop by the office to find out the result on Monday.

03-14-2009, 11:48 AM

Falling Behind:
The session didn't start out very good for me. Before heading to the rink I had decided to take all of my meds (Claritin Extra, Advil Cold & Sinus, Azithromycin [antibiotic], asthma preventative and rescue inhaler) just before skating. Well, doing that wasn't such a good idea because for my whole lesson I felt like I was going to puke. It was like I had a toxic soup in my stomach. Every spin, jump and spiral agravated my stomach.

that happened to me at my last competition....yuk what a feeling!

I hope your ankle is ok. Please keep us posted!!!

Mrs Redboots
03-15-2009, 08:41 AM
Spring ahead: We think we finally have our free dance fully choreographed.

Falling Behind: Now, if we could just remember the steps.... plus we may have to change the beginning, as if we do it at Bracknell, we are only allowed one spin, and we have two choreographed.

03-15-2009, 07:25 PM
Springing ahead
-Had a nice skate in general today. The first session I did was horribly crowded, but I still got a lot done, and all of the amazing skaters around me really motivated me.
-Worked on double axels today after ignoring them for a while due to my hip injury and they were closer than ever! One of my friend's dad told me that it looked really close and good, and he is NOT one to just hand out compliments.
-Second half of my combo spin is improving. The whole combo is back sit, fold for 8 revs, change edge, forward camel, grab, lower to tuck under sit. Eventually my coach wants me to do a CE on the forward camel too, but I'm not quite ready for that yet. Anyways, it's the grab camel to tuck under that's finally improving.
-Landed some split jump, 3-turn double toes. ALMOST landed split jump, mohawk 2flips too.

Falling behind
-2sal+2toes weren't working all that well.
-Got my first ticket today driving back from the rink :frus: I don't feel that the ticket was totally fair. Apparently a car next to me slowed down for a pedestrian and I kept going. I couldn't SEE said pedestrian because there was a car next to me, and I didn't cut the pedestrian off. I guess the city needs it's revenue, but it really ruined the high of a great skate. Plus, I have no idea how I'm going to afford the ticket and traffic school :giveup:

03-15-2009, 09:52 PM
Falling behind - working a lot of weekends this month, which is cutting into my skating time.

Springing Ahead - got to the sunday night adult session, worked hard on program and program elements. Flip is still two footing, but I got really close a few times, and I'm going into it with more speed. I think I'll have it. The sal-waltz-toe combo is good, also with more speed going into it. 2 weeks to 8O go

03-16-2009, 03:59 AM
-Second half of my combo spin is improving. The whole combo is back sit, fold for 8 revs, change edge, forward camel, grab, lower to tuck under sit. Eventually my coach wants me to do a CE on the forward camel too, but I'm not quite ready for that yet. Anyways, it's the grab camel to tuck under that's finally improving.
That sounds very difficult.

-Got my first ticket today driving back from the rink :frus: I don't feel that the ticket was totally fair. Apparently a car next to me slowed down for a pedestrian and I kept going. I couldn't SEE said pedestrian because there was a car next to me, and I didn't cut the pedestrian off. I guess the city needs it's revenue, but it really ruined the high of a great skate. Plus, I have no idea how I'm going to afford the ticket and traffic school :giveup:
How much is a ticket in the States? Couldn't you plead for leniency or something? Money will find a way, I hope. =)

03-16-2009, 07:44 AM
Springing Ahead: My rink hosted its annual competition this past Saturday, which went really well despite the fact that I had to spend eight hours coaching my kids and was freezing the majority of the day.

My skaters ended up bringing home 11 medals total, six of which were gold. So, out of twelve events, my skaters medaled in eleven of them. And, everyone who competed ended up with at least one gold, so that was great as well.

03-16-2009, 07:07 PM
This was for yesterday, I have been too busy to post until now:
Springing ahead: lesson went well, despite some trouble (see below), ran through routine towards end and it was nice.

Falling behind: started getting a really bad stomach ache on the drive over to the rink (1 hour drive) and by the time it was my lesson, it hurt a lot (not to mention the associated digestive upsets) but I perservered.

Loop disappeared. Coach said I "lost my loop mojo" so if anyone has extra, please loan me some???

Waltz & Salchow are ok IF I concentrate on my LEFT ARM NOT DROPPING!!! Doh! Off goes the left glove as a reminder (basic drills anyone?)

Toe-loop trouble self-diagnosis:
Coach: do a toe-loop now
me: ok
Coach: what happened? You barely picked in? And it was so sloooow?
me: ummmmm......:roll:
Coach: well?
me: well.....'cause last time I did these I either missed my toe-pick and tanked it or it was really really good and I got so high it scared me 8O
Coach: well...you can start slow and build up speed, go do one now, right here in front of me, don't go fast
me: um, ok
I did and it was a nice one but I was going really slow.....sheesh!