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View Full Version : back on the ice and really sore ankles

06-24-2007, 07:19 AM
I've been pretty much off the ice since September 06 when I damaged my knee in a non-skating related accident. In March I had surgery, and I have now had about 3 sessions on the ice since then.

Today, I was doing lots of edges, and the coach told me to bend through my ankles more. Now I have sore ankles, and I don't usually get that when I'm skating - but I'm wondering if it's because I'm overcompensating since I can't really bend my knee as much as I'd like after the surgery.

My boots are still fairly new and stiff, and need to be broken in because I didn't skate on them for many hours (maybe 3) before I hurt my knee.

Does anyone else get sore ankles, or is that something I should keep an eye on?

06-24-2007, 08:34 AM
You mean sore joints, or sore skin and bruising? Bruising might be from the skates not being broken down and having dried out entirely over the winter when you haven't been skating (they get stiffer when you don't skate in them for a long time, they really do).
Also for the edges, I noticed the ligaments/muscles/etc at the heel are doing a lot actually, even if they're in a stiff boot. They just might've grown weaker of the winter and now you've got a muscle ache, effectively?

Bunny Hop
06-24-2007, 01:22 PM
I get sore ankles as well. It's muscular pain at the front of the ankle (if that makes sense). My boots are also still very stiff - I've had them for over a year now, but I only skate once a week, so it took me ages to break them in and I doubt they'll get any less stiff unless my skating time increases (doubtful). And I don't have great knee bend either, so perhaps your theory about trying to overcompensate with the ankle is correct.

06-24-2007, 02:35 PM
When I started skating again after 2+ months off the ice, my ankles hurt more than my knees did. Mostly just major case of "hot spots".

A lot of it was because my boots had dried out in the 2 1/2 months since the last time they'd been worn. After about 3-4 times back on the ice, frequently enough that the boots didn't dry back out, they felt normal again.

06-25-2007, 05:52 PM
My ankles hurt if my boots are either too tight or too loose. They have to be laced just right.

06-26-2007, 04:55 AM
um.. it's hard to describe where the pain was. Mostly in the front of my ankle at the joint while I was skating. There was also a spot which was sore on the side of my right ankle, but I think that's just from the boot being so stiff.

I still haven't worked out a comfortable medium for lacing yet -but I do like to have them loose around the foot, and tight around the ankle - so maybe that's part of the problem?