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06-27-2002, 07:48 PM
A couple threads here sent me looking at old tapes, with the intent to search for some Kurt programs. One thing leads to another and pretty soon I'm surfing from tape to tape looking at all sorts of stuff.

1) The original Ice Wars ... ah, memories: "Doop-Doop," Paul's "Schindler." Oh, and the first time I ever heard Cirque du Soleil music (played during skater intros).

2) 98 Masters: S &P's American TV debut (B & S won the comp). A filler piece on the skaters who had qualified for Jr. Worlds -- including interviews with a braces-laden 13-yr.-old Sarah Hughes (speaking of her awe of Michelle Kwan) as well as her parents.

More eerie was seeing a glimpse of Sil and Pek; most chilling was an interview with Laura Handy and Paul Binnebose (pre-accident, of course).

3) On other tapes, I continued to run across old faves, e.g., Brian Orser's Ebb Tide, and forgotten gems -- Katia G. @ 2000(?) Ice Wars, skating to something from "The Postman"(?). Sigh. Like buttah. (Katia, come back. Kurt, Brian, don't ever leave.)

Oh, and then a glimpse of Lulu or Josee makes me want to look for a couple more of their programs.

So what trips down Nostalgia Lane have you taken recently?

06-27-2002, 09:50 PM
[color=blue:f46930a5e2]I haven't been on any FS nostalgia trips recently, on account of I only own one tape and it dates back to January 2002... However, one thing I'd really like to see again is the dance event from Lillhammer 94. Also, when I was younger there was a TV series made about the Duchesnay called [i:f46930a5e2]La Glace et le Feu[/i:f46930a5e2]. I'd really, really love to see it again!!! [/color:f46930a5e2]

06-28-2002, 10:25 PM
Good question, I am sure lots of us are going through our old tapes.

I was just watching ImprovIce I think from 2000, the one where the 2 groups skate to Spy that Shagged me at the end, and Robin has this nice duet with Cynthia Stuart.

It's really really corny but I liked the Disney Top Ten count down with Michelle, I think Michelle, Oksana, Ilia and Elvis were just kind of cute and fun

Also the 1998 Elvis Tour, I was never a big Katerina fan till I saw this one, but I loved all her numbers, including the You're the Boss one with Elvis, that was great. Punsalen and Swallow did Umbrellas of Cherbourg in this one, my all time fav from them and of course all Elvis' numbers, too, it was amazing that he could do that only like 8 months after he got injured, too.

I'm not a big SOI fan, but I did like the "Old Friends" one, I should get that one out again.

07-02-2002, 11:41 AM
:D grateful for Retro Ice Time (Where did Ice Tme and Retro Ice Time go?!) bc one show was about the 1984 Worlds- the first live international competition I attended!

It was pretty amazing to see bc it took me right back. I haven't been able to watch those programs since we got rid or our Beta Machine :oops: The only problem is they cut the programs. :cry: 'sigh'

07-03-2002, 07:28 AM
Ice Time With Debbi Wilkes moved to WTSN last fall so you need digital cable in order to watch it. Retro Ice Time only aired during the summer of 1999 and hasn't returned since--a real shame since watching all those old competitions (especially the ones I was too young to remember the first time around!) was a wonderful way to get through summer skating withdrawal! It's also a shame how quickly CTV Sportsnet went from showing three hours of skating every Saturday night during the first season it went on the air to not showing any skating at all this season. :(

Another digital cable channel, ESPN Classic Canada, has been airing Retro Ice Time reruns and fuller-length broadcasts of other old competitions, but most of the events shown on this channel have been fairly recent (between 1997 and 2000, if I remember correctly.) They [b:c4524c096b]have[/b:c4524c096b] shown a full-length broadcast of 1984 Worlds (as well as 1993 and 1994 Canadians) before, though...at least that's what I've heard. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I can't get either of these channels. :cry:

07-04-2002, 12:23 AM
:D thanks for the info so quickly! I am tempted to get digital cable just for WTSN but ack!!! 8O

I do find it hard to believe that Retro ice time didn't get enough viewership with all of us junkies in withdrawl around! And it's not as though it could have been that expensive to make either. Hmmmmph.

I was also disgruntled at the cutback of coverage on Canadian stations this year. It was great that ABC covered a bunch of comps but I didn't ever get to see the lower ranked Canadians! :cry:

07-08-2002, 06:52 PM
Was on ESPN Canada Classic this past season on Sunday nights after Figure Skating Classic. I had watched Retro Ice when previously aired, but I was more conservative back then and didn't keep many of my tapes. I rectified that during the recent season. Seeing the old coverage was a real treat. One of my favourites was a Canadians where Brian Orser and Brian Pockar went head-to-head.

07-08-2002, 07:17 PM
Great topic!!!

I recently re-watched the 1995 World's in Birmingham where an injured Elvis won his most thrilling championship. I was so excited for him and thought him the most disciplined skater/athlete to ever be. (But then I still think that!)

Re-watched the Tribute to Sergei and re-hashed some good tears there..

I have a whole pile that I'm hoping to get through before the new season begins again. Lu Chen skating in her prime was also a highlight seen lately...I could go on and on....