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View Full Version : David Pelletier at 96 Canadians

06-24-2002, 01:46 PM
I was just going through some old tapes this weekend (as I am wont to do during the off-season), and came across David's men's LP from 96 Canadians (the Dracula number). I had no idea I had it, so it was a great find. His performance was quintisentially David, but he struggled a lot with his jumps ... he looked so down at the end I wanted to yell at the TV "Hey, don't worry, in 6 years you'll be Olympic champ!"

leap of faith
06-24-2002, 01:50 PM
David as a singles skater is something I wish had a copy of. I remember his 1995 LP and the big deal was he almost medalled in 2 disciplines since the Elvis withdraw gave that extra podium spot and Dave ended up 4th.

I have Jamie's 1998 LP and it's the same bubbly personality. She struggled with the jumps too.

your last comment made me smile...there's times I've wanted to talk to old footage