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View Full Version : Fantasy Figure Skating Game

06-26-2002, 08:35 PM
I just wanted to let everyone know about this fantasy figure skating game I ran into. Basically, the training season starts today and the first similated events start on the 2nd. You make a skater and then train the skater to do certain moves:jumps, spins, and artistic moves. Then once the season starts, every day you get results from the events and you see how you fair against 25 other skaters of your skill level. They even include all the grand prix events, worlds, and olympics. It's really good fun and I can tell you that I'm hooked. LOL. And FYI, my skater is leading after the short at the Olympics!!!! yeah! LOL Well, the sonner you sign up, the more experience your skater gets! Have fun!

06-26-2002, 08:46 PM
whoops! silly me, i forgot the link. That might help. LOL
