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View Full Version : Who Gives The Best Post-Performance Performances?

Peter G
06-09-2002, 12:37 PM
[color=violet:e31ae44a84]At the end of programs, some people let disappointment take over their entire face. Others smile and wave.

Next, skaters lumber to the Kiss and Cry area, or stay in character and continue to include/involve the audience in their moment.

In the Kiss and Cry area, some skaters smile, wave to the audience, say hello to people and look as if they appreciate being able to perform at the World's level. Others grimace, give thumbs down to the judges, or angrily stomp off before their marks even show up.

Now I'm not saying that it is inappropriate to be disappointed in one's performance. Actually, it's very important for one to get that out of their system. I DO feel that one can pick and choose the time to do that. In front of the audience, the general public is not appropriate I feel. Do it with a trusted person in private who can give you the support you want and need at that time.

SO... who would you give medals to for their post-performance performances?

Gold: Krylova and Ovsiannikov (Krylova especially stays in character, I like that a lot)

Silver: Sale and Pelletier (a Canadian gives S & P the silver!!! They always look as if they like each other, and the mood of their programs don't just drop away as they bow)

Bronze: Drobiazko and Vanagas (another team who show that they really like each other....they always have big smiles - maybe an exception lately, but with reason!!! - and look approachable)

4. Sarah Hughes (big smiles, peppy)
5. Todd Eldridge (always classy)
6. Lobacheva and Averbukh (smiles, and it's apparent they like being with one another)
7. Jennifer Robinson (always chipper, upbeat, some exceptions)
8. Michelle Kwan (usually great, but the gunshot to the head keeps her from the podium...you've got to let go of that action, Michelle!)[/color:e31ae44a84]

06-09-2002, 03:34 PM
I always enjoy watching Elvis's post preformance preformance!! heehee
Sarah Hughes too because she always seems just soooooo happy and upbeat. That'sall I can think of now but I'll probably come up with more later!

06-09-2002, 08:15 PM
Michelle and Tara.

06-09-2002, 08:33 PM
I would definitely say Elvis. He always says hi to people when the camera is on him, looks at the audience and waves while he's in the kiss'n'cry, is upbeat even if he wasn't happy with his skate, etc., etc. lol

I would also say Todd, Jamie and David (really they could have gone ballistic when they saw the ordinals at Olympics and no one would have blamed them but they didn't), there's probably a few others too but I don't always notice which ones do or don't unless it's really obvious.

06-14-2002, 11:50 AM
Michelle and Tara. When they are happy it truly shows.

06-14-2002, 12:25 PM
Paul Wylie

06-14-2002, 09:00 PM
I think Michael Weiss gives the best 'performance' in Kiss and Cry, with all the baby-showing, proud papa drivel. It's so obnoxious that it's funny... :lol:

Another funny one - Maria B., she sits there with her legs apart (so do other ladies, but their coaches always tap them on the knees to close their legs) and then she really squints at the scores (she must wear glasses, but why not contact lenses for skating?) and stomps off when she doesn't like what she gets for scores.

Before I get flamed, I must admit that while Mike and Maria are not my favorite skaters, I respect what they bring to the sport, and enjoy their ability to let go in the Kiss and Cry. Mike sees it as a great opportunity to shows off his family, and Maria is just so honest about her reactions that it makes me laugh!


06-17-2002, 09:32 PM
Yags at this season's Skate Canada. Someone threw a huge stuffed dog onto the ice and he held up the dog's ear in K&C as if the dog were listening for the marks and the crowd's reaction. Got a big laugh.

Also Kurt Browning. I can think of several competitions when he gathered all the flower girls and boys around him in K&C to listen to the marks. Not really a "performance" but very thoughtful and something those kids probably won't forget.