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View Full Version : why can't judges explain their positions?

06-02-2002, 05:38 PM
I might just be dumb and naive, but I literally don't understand what the rationale is for judges not having to publicly explain the marks and placements they give for each skater. Is there a reason or is it just to cover their derrieres that they don't have to explain the placments?

Aussie Willy
06-02-2002, 08:50 PM
Yes it seems to be some silly rule that the ISU instituted to make themselves unaccountable. You would think with all the problems over the last few years they would want to make themselves more open. Instead they keep trying to hide the problems. It just makes skating fans more resentful and cynical about the organisation.

I would definately like to find out why the judges reach the decisions they do. I might even learn something from it.

06-03-2002, 12:35 PM
maybe because it is degrading when they mess up?? I dunno..another reason why judging is so fishy