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View Full Version : TV coverages! European skating fans, PLEASE READ!

05-30-2002, 06:38 AM
Just in case you still might not know:

Hi to you all!

I'm speaking for a group of German figure skating fans who want to make European TV stations change their figure skating coverage. It began out of sadness of the European Yagudin fans because of his signing with SOI and ended with a general frustration and indignation at the figure skating broadcast in Europe/Germany. We're sure everyone of us already tried to complain, while calling, emailing or writing to Eurosport or our national TV stations. And of course everyone had to hear or read the same answers ..... no interest, "not popular", no TV rights .... you're standing alone ... dadada ....! So we came to the conclusion that only a massive protest and a list with a BUNCH OF SIGNATURES will make sense and finally impress all those blasé TV sport bosses around Europe.

Our demands are the following:

- Detailed and appropriate broadcastings of all Championships!
- More informations about skaters, more interviews with skaters!
- Detailed and appropriate coverage of all six Grand Prix Events
plus the Grand Prix Final!
- Coverage of shows, galas .... , in particular the Northamerican one's
like Stars on Ice, Champions on Ice etc. ......

We're planning to send out this letter to EUROSPORT, DSF and ARD/ZDF (national German TV channels) with our list this summer (.... after the World Cup, when it gets a little boring in the sport aera, at least we're hoping for that!) and what we desperately need NOW ARE YOUR SIGNATURES!!!!!!!!

We've opend a website just for this list, so PLEASE SIGN HERE:


Thanx to Tino Eberl from the figure skating corner in Berlin for providing this link! :)

Please don't let us down! We need every single sign!

If you wanna help our group or just have some questions, please contact Iris, iris_kuesgen@yahoo.de

Before we'll send our letter to Eurosport, DSF and ARD/ZDF this summer, we'll let you know about the final version of it.

Apart from that - don't stop yourself from calling, emailing and writing Eurosport and your TV-stations! Complain, demand and say exactly which skater(s) you want to see! And feel free to use this list as well for sending it to the national and/or commercial TV stations in YOUR country.

Of course we can guarantee for nothing, but at least it's worth a try! :o)

Anke (Germanice)

07-01-2002, 03:36 PM
Gotta bump this up, because there's actually a new topic about it .....
