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View Full Version : Live chat room

05-26-2002, 09:29 AM
Here's a link to the ISU live chat room for those of you wanting a place to chat. It works much like the chat from F$W and you don't need to be a 'member' to use it. Adrian's working on a chat room for this forum, possibly for launch in the fall with the beginning of the new season.


Enjoy! :)

05-27-2002, 01:09 PM
Thanks Spinner! Think I might just wait till Adrian has his chat room up and going.


06-19-2002, 11:09 AM
Nobody is EVER there when I (remember to) go! :cry:
Obviously the time difference..... :roll:

06-19-2002, 12:15 PM
I've only found some people in there a few times, but I go often and look......and I live in the States, so it must not just be the time difference.

Spinner, is there a certain time and/or day that most people gather?

06-19-2002, 10:24 PM
People usually show up around 10 or 11 EST, but that's not always a certainty. Keep in mind too, that this is the off-season and interest isn't as high. It will pick up when the skating season starts.

If you like, make a topic inviting everyone in at a specified time. You'll probably get some bites then. :)


07-29-2002, 10:41 PM
Just a clarification...I was mistaken in that I thought this is the 'official' ISU chat room. They did run a chat room, but I've come to find out it's been down for quite a while. Some people were regulars there and asked Adrian to set up a 'mock' ISU chat room. The link I provided is just that. While it is a place Adrian created, it is [b:a6394b8862]NOT[/b:a6394b8862] moderated and neither Adrian nor the moderators are responsible for the content.

Thanks and have fun!