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04-18-2010, 08:07 AM
Seems like all I do when I get on here is brag, so please forgive me, but I gotta do it again...

:bow::bow:DD Passed her Junior MIF and Intermediate FS yesterday!!!!!!!!:bow::bow:

She gets very nervous before MIF tests, probably more so than competitions, so we had been really working on that in the weeks leading up to the test. I was so proud of the way she held it together and absolutely KNOCKED IT OUT! Solid, beautiful skate! One judge noted on her test sheet that it was a beautifully prepared and wonderfully skated test, and they gave her a hearty "Thank you!" when she was done. She received 6 bonus points from one judge! 8O I was hoping that she could have all her MIF done before she turned 13, but a knee sprain put her behind, so she might be 13 1/2 by the time she gets Senior...I'll take it!

For her FS test, normally it would be something that was no big deal, test requirements being so far below competition standards, it was all stuff she's had down for a while...BUT...coach has been working with her on triple sal for the last few weeks, and it really stared messing up her double, and that fired up the nerves even more. But she was able to get it under control the day before the test, and nailed it beautifully. Great scores from the judges!

We went and celebrated at Baskin Robins with a two scoop sundae with hot fudge! Mmmmm...:yum:

Thanks for listening to me brag...

Kim to the Max
04-18-2010, 08:42 AM
Seems like all I do when I get on here is brag, so please forgive me, but I gotta do it again...

:bow::bow:DD Passed her Junior MIF and Intermediate FS yesterday!!!!!!!!:bow::bow:

Congrats!! Junior is a hard test!! And Intermediate too :) Congrats!!

04-18-2010, 12:06 PM
Congratulations to her! Not many skaters can say they have passed all their MIF before 13, so don't worry about that!

Mrs Redboots
04-18-2010, 12:58 PM
Congratulations to your daughter!

04-18-2010, 07:05 PM
What a pair of accomplishments! Congrats to your daughter!

04-18-2010, 07:32 PM
Congratulations to your daughter, and to you too! I know how much work and time it takes to get those moves tests done - my daughter wanted to get hers done before she went off to college (she didn't start testing until she was 13) and it was a tight squeeze to get them all done! I bet you had to take time off from work to get her to those test sessions, and extra practices, and make sure the skates were sharpened, but not too sharp, and find the tights without holes, and...

When she passes her senior moves, you can take the certificate and pin to a frame shop to be matted and framed. My daughter's boyfriend scooped up hers off the kitchen table without any of us knowing it and had it framed as a Christmas present! The pin is stuck through the mat, and looks really nice with the certificate.

04-18-2010, 11:07 PM
Congrats! I was just curious since I am from Canada and unfamiliar with the moves tests but what sort of things did she need to do in order to pass the test?

04-19-2010, 06:28 AM
Congratulations to her! Not many skaters can say they have passed all their MIF before 13, so don't worry about that!

Nah, not worried at all...it was one of those "wouldn't it be neat if..." thoughts, and yeah, it would have been neat, but I would rather have her feel prepared and confident then rush to meet some self imposed deadline! She'll get there when she is supposed to, and not a minute before...
13 1/2 is still a pretty neat thing itself. Working on triple sal is a neat thing. Sometimes I just shake my head at the things these kids can do!

04-19-2010, 07:32 AM
Congrats! I was just curious since I am from Canada and unfamiliar with the moves tests but what sort of things did she need to do in order to pass the test?

Senior will moves consist of:

1. Sustained edge step involving CW and CCW patterns using long, deep edges, rockers, and mastered freeleg extension and flow. Very pretty when done correctly.

2. Sequence pattern, CW and CCW, using BO and FI spirals. Actually not too difficult for a skater who has nice spirals.

3. Back outside double three to BI rocker-rocker to power pull, three in sequence without foot down, the length of the ice

4. Back inside double three to BO rocker-rocker to power pull, three in sequence without foot down, the length of ice.

*Last two are quite difficult to master

5. Quickstep footwork pattern CW and CCW using 3 turns, brackets, rockers, choctaws, etc. Will change for new moves test in September

Overall a good culmination to moves tests, combines many necessary skills from previous tests. You need power, edge quality, and superior presentation to pass the test. I did it pregnant with my first child :)

Added: Whoops, when I posted, thought sk8ergalgal's post was 'what does she need to do?'. So there's senior for you!

Kim to the Max
04-19-2010, 08:07 AM
Congrats! I was just curious since I am from Canada and unfamiliar with the moves tests but what sort of things did she need to do in order to pass the test?

Junior moves consist of:

1) Forward power circles - starting from a standstill, go from slow tempo to quick tempo, and build speed and hold a long edge (corner to corner). Done both CW and CCW.

2) Backward power circles - same as above, but backwards. Again CW and CCW.

3) Outside forward and backward rockers - done down the length of the ice, 2 forward, 2 backward.

4) Inside forward and backward rockers - same as above

5) Power pulls to a quick rocker/rocker - 3 powerpulls (outside, inside, outside) to a BI/FI rocker/rocker, then inside, outside, inside power pulls to a BO/FO rocker rocker, repeat on both feet (done corner to corner)

6) Choctaws - again, done corner to corner - RBO-LFI edge choctaws (2) switch and do LBO-RFI choctaws (2) - you do 6 sets total, 3 on each diagonal of the ice.

Slightly confusing I know! But here is the link to the USFS patterns - http://www.usfigureskating.org/Content/Tests%20Book%20Moves%20&%20Dance%20diagrams.pdf - all of the diagrams of the patterns are in there!!

04-19-2010, 10:59 AM
That is great! Good for her. My dd (9) is preparing for Intermediate MIF and Prelminary FS- her first FS test with music- next month! Senior MIF is great for her age.

04-22-2010, 11:46 AM
Congrats to your dd. Well done!!!!!! :bow:
