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View Full Version : Very first post and begging already!

04-14-2010, 01:04 PM
Sorry! But I really could use some help, and I thought a place full of skaters and enthusiasts might be a good place to ask.

So, first, hi! My name is Laurie, and I live in FL with my husband and our 11 yo daughter, who is, of course, the skater in question. She is currently skating with the Theater on Ice team at our rink and loves it.

I'm trying to help her win a sponsorship contest, because right now this or something like it is pretty much the only way she is going to be able to keep advancing her skating. Her coach wants to promote her and she is bored with the level she is in, but as I'm sure you well know, advancing isn't cheap!

There are 5 days left, and the winner is partially determined by votes. Anyone can vote once a day, and it's free. Registration is needed, but it's simple and they have not sent me any spam whatsoever.

So if any of you would be so kind as to vote each day until 04/19, we would be so grateful!


Of course, any other ideas on how to fund this would be great too! I don't want her to have to stagnate or quit just because we're not terribly well off and the economy is tough.

Thanks so much!


04-15-2010, 07:55 PM
Hi Laurie. My name is Dana. Do you have any info. on how this contest works? It might help us help you more. BTW. welcome to the Boards...your doing very well.

04-17-2010, 03:46 PM
Thank you Dana. The contest is pretty simple; it's just an online contest run by Prilosec. I posted a profile for her at the link above (here it is again: http://www.officialsponsor.com/applications/view/3872 ) and the Prilosec judges will decide on the winners in the next few weeks. Voting is a big part of the decision, though, so I'm just doing everything I can think of to get as many as possible! Have gotten her to 7th place out of 130 people in the sports category, but voting closes Monday.

If anyone would like to help, all you need to do is click on the link. If you click vote, it will ask you to register. It's a very simple registration and they don't send Spam. Then you can vote once a day after that. The rest is up to the people they have judging.

I'm glad I found this forum; looks like an interesting place!
