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02-20-2010, 04:18 PM
I want to know if it's too late for me to continue figure skating.
I've done figure skating for 9 years (from 4 years old to 12 years old). I was doing all my single jumps + the axel and some double jumps. I've stop because I had an Osteocondritis dissectible to my knee (My knee was kind of broken) when I was 12. Now I'm 16 and I really want to continue, but I'm afraid it could be late. I don't want to go to the Olympics and all, because I know it's not realistic, but I want to be able to compete with girls of my age who had never stop.
Thank you

-Sorry if my text has some mistakes, English is not my first language..

02-21-2010, 11:26 AM
Go for it, girl. It's never too late if its something your heart desires. There are many adults who learn to skate in their later years & compete at the Adult competitions. They even have a World Championship. I've seen a few at Regionals who could barely stay on their feet & land a single jump. Good Luck!

02-21-2010, 09:57 PM
The best thing for you to do is to be evaluated by a physical therapist to determine your strengths and weaknesses, and what you need to work on to prevent yourself from injuring your knee. There shouldn't be a reason you can't return to skating if you have completely healed. You may have some residual weaknesses that can be overcome with the appropriate exercise program. PM me with any specific questions.....