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View Full Version : Do you sometimes wish/Dream you could be like and with your fav. skater?

02-15-2010, 03:41 PM
OK. I don't think we've ever talkd about his. But seeing Rachael Flatt on TV. bought this to my mind for a thread. So..what I'd like to ask all of you today is...Do you sometimes wish and Dream you could be like your fav. Skater? Or even in your fav. Skater's..place? Please also include the one skater you wish and Dream you could be wih in a Competition. For example. For me I must say that I have always wished and even DREAMED of being like and skating like my fav. skater!!!..and I would say right now that to be...Rachael Flatt. Also when I saw her on TV. at the Olympics. I surely DID wish I could be right there with HER!!! I too sometimes wish I could be in her place!!! Anyone else?

02-24-2010, 06:24 PM
Well, I'd like to be able to skate better, but otherwise I'm pretty satisfied with my life, who I am and what I do.

So no, I wouldn't want their lifestyle and training regime.