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View Full Version : List your fav. Partnerships through History

12-28-2009, 10:36 AM
Ok people!!! Here's one I don't think we've ever talked about. Today I want you to list your fav. Partnerships through Skating History as a Fan up till now. Please say if there Pairs or Ice-Dance. Also use the following format. Mine are....

Katia Gordeeva and Segel (Pairs)

Balmin and Agusto (Ice-Dance)

Jamie Sale and David Peither (Pairs)

Megan Wing and Aaron Lowe (Ice-Dance)

Renee Roca and Goca Sur (Ice-Dance)

Katie Winkler and Louis (Ice-Dance)

Jessica Dube and Bryce Davidson (Pairs)

Melissa Gregory and Denis (Ice- Dance)

Katie Orscher and Garrett Lucash (Pairs)

Brooke Castle and Okotaki. (Pairs)

Kaitlyn Weaver and Poje (Ice-Dance)

Katherine Copely and Davidis (Ice-Dance)

Tiffany Vise and Derek Trent (Pairs)

Rena Inoue and John Baldwin (Pairs)

Amanda Evora and Mark Ladwig (Pairs)

I'm sure there are others I've missed.....but that's MY list for now....GO!!!