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View Full Version : Ice Queens in an hour EST

02-28-2009, 12:39 PM
I just looked at the TV guide and there is a show called Ice Queens coming on MTV at 2:30 PM EST. It's going to follow three young figure skaters while they prepare for the South Atlantic Regionals.

03-01-2009, 11:56 AM
Watched it.

Do these girls and their parents have any fun? What's the point?

Hope what MTV paid was worth having all their peers see them cry and obsess on screen.

P.S. Off topic, there are cheaper solutions than expensive new boots to the current ones getting loose.

03-01-2009, 01:00 PM
Wasn't there a show like this a year or two ago? With Bebe Liang?

03-01-2009, 01:17 PM
Wasn't there a show like this a year or two ago? With Bebe Liang?

Yes, Ice Diaries, I believe.

03-02-2009, 08:04 AM
They were pretty whiney. Especially the redhead (can't remember her name.) She acted like she didn't care at all.

03-02-2009, 01:13 PM
They were pretty whiney. Especially the redhead (can't remember her name.) She acted like she didn't care at all.

She probably didn't. It's pretty sad, but I see kids being pushed by parents all the time. There's one very nice teenager where I work whose mother is always yelling at her from the boards. I was having my ice dance lesson and my coach, who is new at this rink, commented to me how that girl didn't want to skate, and he hadn't seen her on the ice for more than maybe 15 minutes. This poor kid isn't whiney at all, but anyone can tell that she isn't happy skating.

03-23-2009, 09:51 PM
I just ran across this thread and felt the need to clairify a few things. My daughter competes against and is very good friends with Rebecca..the red head. They have know each other since they were 7 years old. I have spoken at length with her family and was there during some of the filming at regionals. BTW, they asked the skaters questions but only the answers are recorded. First of all, none of the skaters were given a dime. Secondly, what they failed to tell you is that Rebecca had 5 weeks to train for regionals. She was off of the ice for about 4 months. She lost her vision and mobility. She couldn't even walk for several weeks. She was in and out of the hospital for tests. They thought she might have MS but fortunately it ended up being a viral infection. She would come to the rink not even able to walk a straight line and beg to skate. That doesn't sound like someone who doesn't want to skate to me. When she was given the ok to resume skating she had no strength left. It took her one week just to land a waltz jump. She had to retrain her body to do all of her jumps and spins again, plus learn a long and short program in 5 weeks and build up her stamina. She was frustrated because her jumps and spins weren't coming back fast enough. For her to compete at regionals was amazing in itself, but to make it to finals was unthought of. I honestly don't think my daughter would have been able to do it. I give Rebecca tons of credit! What you saw on that show was Rebecca at about 40%. She is a much better skater than you think. She has had so much to overcome. I just couldn't sit back and read the comments about her not wanting to skate and not say anything. It's not fair to her or to her family. They are all wonderful and supportive people who have sacraficed a lot out of their love for her. They would never force her skate if she didn't want to.

03-24-2009, 11:45 AM
Thank you for the clarification. Of course, none of us had any of the information you do, and were simply going on what TV usually gives anyone - the most superficial view possible.