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View Full Version : Meetup.com Site

10-23-2007, 07:25 PM
I'm not sure how successful this is, but I came across it tonight while looking for something. There is an entire site dedicated to "Meetups" among strangers who have some interest in common. I don't know if it's just for fun or a lonely hearts situation, but I was impressed that the groups meet around the world and there are a number of skating meetup groups that are very active.


As I said, I have no experience with either the website or these groups, but I just thought I'd share my find. If anyone's participated, I'd like to hear your opinions.

10-23-2007, 09:28 PM
I took a look at a meetup group in my area and spotted someone I know that I used to skate with!

10-24-2007, 07:45 AM
I think I recognize one of the ladies on my (new) local group. They're skating this weekend at a rink not too far from my house, but I have other plans and I have the twins this weekend, so I doubt I'll catch up with them.

I'm unreliable about appointments - usually something comes up with the kids, so I end up cancelling.
I also don't like to give out my email address. lol