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View Full Version : Have you ever met a skater and their parents together?

05-31-2007, 09:07 PM
Ok fokes!!!! I've asked you if you've ever met a skater. Now please tell me if you've ever met a skater AND their parents together?

06-14-2007, 03:53 AM
I've had the wonderful "opportunity" to meet more crazy skating parents than I generally enjoy thinking about(!) but a few of the most memorable: I met Melissa Gregory's mom briefly on the shuttle at World's. They look pretty much exactly alike only the mom is older obviously. It's spooky really. They looked a lot alike. They are both interesting on many levels. I also met Ryan Bradley's family at 4CC this year. They were very sweet. Kim Navarro's mom is awesome. I've known her for years because she coaches at the rink in my hometown. I saw Patty Weir (I think that's her first name) at Worlds too, but I rarely ever rode the shuttle with any of the men so I didn't see her much. I saw Johnny often... but he was usually hanging out with his Russian friends and not his mama. I hope she wasn't lonely :P

06-14-2007, 11:17 AM
I didn't know Melissa's mom went to competitions.

06-16-2007, 01:38 AM
Maybe not all of them... but if my kid was skating in the world championships, I would sure be there!!! :bow: