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View Full Version : Which one famous top skater would you most want to have the ability to skate as?

05-26-2007, 11:43 AM
Say, I thought we could have a little fun. But if you could have the ability to skate just like any one famous Top Skater....who would it be? I voted to be able to have the ability to skate like Kimmie. As she's one of my Top fav. skaters, and she skaters sooooooo well and all. I'd LOVE to be able to skate like her. Ok friends....your turn.

05-27-2007, 05:54 PM
I was hard to pick. It was between Carolina or Michelle but I picked Michelle. Carolina just flies into her jumps and has so much guts and that the only way your going to get something done is with guts! So I admire that but, Michelle is a legend, the grace and solidness of her presence is what made me pick her. And of course this is who i grew up watching as a younger skater.

05-28-2007, 02:30 AM
I would pick Mao Asada... I am too amazed right now how she skates! Her flexibility and smoothness and jumps!

05-28-2007, 03:12 PM
Kimmie Meissner...triple axel anyone? :bow: I mean, how many other women in the world can do that? It's so rare anymore. I think it's great that we have female skaters who are pushing themselves to the limit like Meissner. She rocks!

Besides, Kostner's hands drive me nuts when I watch her! She appears to hold them so awkwardly and it just ruins her line for me... :roll:

Kwan's done - she had her time. It's time for her to move on and coach maybe. Heck, there's always ice shows...

Cohen...yes, she is a flexible, emotional, and beautiful skater to watch, but God is she inconsistent with her jumps! If she can't pull it together under pressure, I can't see her having the success that Kwan did in her younger days.

And Hughes - ugh. I think I am one of the only skaters that doesn't enjoy watching Emily or Sarah. They just never impressed me much. I mean, Sarah won Olympic gold, which was great for her, and at that time, she was very good. But when I saw her at Stars on Ice about two years ago, she had really gone down hill. Yes, I know it was a show and all, but the "hardest" element she attempted was a double toe...give me a break! I would have loved to have seen more from an Olympic champion...

05-28-2007, 03:38 PM
I would love to be able to skate like Alexis Yagudinguchi, the imaginary child of Kristi Yamaguchi and Alexei Yagudin! LOLOLOLOL

Quads and flair and ice presence pouring out of the hoohaa! :bow:

05-28-2007, 03:47 PM
John Curry

05-28-2007, 06:45 PM
Midori. No one has had the same quality of jumps as she before or since.

06-01-2007, 02:28 PM
Out of all of the male skaters, I would like to be able to perform like Johnny Weir or Daisuke Takahashi. I think they both have a fluidity in their skating that is awesome to watch and they have the jumps to match it. They have the perfect balance between artistry and athleticism and I am striving for that balance.

The female skater that I would also like to emulate is Miki Ando. Most people won't agree with me, but other than that horrible spiral, I think she is the best female skater in the world. Honorable mention: Mao Asada.


06-01-2007, 08:41 PM
Kristi Yamaguchi - delicate, graceful and the best arm movements in the business, IMO.

06-04-2007, 01:36 PM
Probably Sasha Cohen; she's a great skater and she's REALLY flexible.

06-04-2007, 09:01 PM
I wish i could skate like sasha cohen and mao asada.
sasha cos she is flexible and has great spins and mao because she has awsome jumps and is consistant.
if i had to chose it would be mao asada, just.


06-14-2007, 03:37 AM
Alissa Czisny... I don't really care if somebody chokes on their jumps as long as they're artistic and graceful and nice to watch. I guess I've always been more about presentation than jumps. Perhaps why I like ice dance a lot, and prefer to do artistic programs when I compete. I would rather have somebody say about me "Oh, that's too bad that she missed some of her jumps... but she's really nice to watch" versus "Well... she lands her jumps well, but she looks like a battering ram coming down the ice!" So yeah, if I had the ability to skate like any of those people above, I'd pick Czisny... not that the others aren't artistic too... but I'd still pick Alissa over the others :)

06-23-2007, 09:25 PM
I'd love to skate with the artistry and power of Alexei Yagudin, but I'd also love to have Sasha Cohen's sprial (mine's almost there! lol in wishful thinking)

06-24-2007, 07:12 PM
Would have to be a combination of the following skaters:

Janet Lynn for sheer joy and musicality
Midori Ito for pure jumping ability
Nancy Kerrigan for athleticism and strength when not folding under pressure
Michelle Kwan for her ability to truly connect with an audience
Peggy Fleming for sheer balletic grace
Lucinda Ruh or Denise Bielleman for the spins
Nicole Bobek for the spirals
Tara Lipinski in the days of her most inspired and youthful footwork

Now where is my DNA blending machine...

06-27-2007, 03:39 AM
Well, it's definately not going to be one but a combination of skaters.

Michelle Kwan for her artistry (hands and body use)
Jeffery Buttle (spins, footwork and in between the elements)
Elvis Stojko (1993 to 1997 power and sureness of jumps)
Alessa Ciszney (sp) (Beillman)
Sasha Cohen (Spiral extention)
Joannie Rochette (spirit and dedication)

Of course, I don't think for one moment that I'll ever be able to do spins, footwork, in betweens, Beillmans, spiral extentions or have the power and sureness of jumps anywhere close to those skaters above. But I sure can try to get as close as I can within the level in which I'm skating. I sure would love to spend time with each of those skaters I listed above to work on the things that they possess which I would love to have in my own skating.