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View Full Version : Need needed! Do you have a NEED that I can fulfil w/ my MECHANISM skills in WOODWORK?

04-16-2007, 11:22 AM

I'm starting my GCSE Woodwork Project soon, but I need to find a NEED.
This can be anything, but I thought that it would be fun to work on something related to skating.
So - to fulfil this need I have:

Wood (all different types)
Metaland to shape those, I have a variety of machines at my disposal, including:

Drill (with so many different sized drill bits!)
Palm sander
LOTS of saws for different materialsand many more.

The only requirement I have is that it must have a MECHANISM

i.e. a small bicycle, a CAM toy, a pull-along toy car

My requirements:
-Somehow usable for me (e.g like a toy I can use)
-NOT a CAM toy (pull handle=toy moves in some way on top of a box)

Some Ideas I Have Had So Far

Quad skate board
-a board with clips to clip around your feet and wheels on the bottom to simulate a quad skate
-flat board with round stick to hold on to, with round handlebars. Wheels on bottom. Simple, really.With your ideas, remember that I am not exceptionally skilled in the workshop, and that the designs have to be quite simple. I have approximately 8-10 weeks to MAKE this idea, which works out at about 16-20 hours.

So, any ideas would be appreciated, and if you have a good idea for me that isn't skating related, post it anyway!


:D peanutskates :D

04-17-2007, 11:39 AM
update from my annoying teacher: the project has to have 3 mechanisms in it.

So I was thinking: skate guards on wheels:

mechanism 1: wheels
mechanism 2: lever on wheels to raise them up if you just want to walk
mechanism 3: the metal part connecting the 2-piece guard together

whatcha think?

05-21-2007, 02:52 PM
Building on your blade guards idea, how about ice/roller combo?
A device with 4 wheels (like quad skates) that can be fitted to your blades so you could skate off-ice in the same boots?