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View Full Version : When do you need new boots/blades?

03-05-2007, 05:42 PM
I was just wondering because I got new boots last April. They are only my
2nd pair. The first pair were about 100 dollars, some ankle support but not much and the toepick on my blades was TINY. When I started learning the waltz jump my coach recommended that I upgrade my skates because I was starting jumps and stuff. So I ended up with Coronation Ace blades and I have no idea what kind of boot I have. On the bottom it says Riedell Royal with a crown on top and thats the only place with writing on it except the inside which also says riedell. When the skate shop guy(who has been selling skates for like.. 35 years and is a major pro at it) asked what level things I was doing, I said was doing up to isi freestyle 1 so he said I should definitely have better skates and I got these. The blades were a major difference but since I hadn't learned to spin or jump yet I can't really tell how much of that was just because it was a shock to my feet.

So, my question is, when should you look into new skates/boots/blades. When you reach certain levels/jumps? After 1/2/3+ years? I started last April, (once my stress fracture is healed) I will be working on the axel and starting doubles soon after, am 16 and am 5"6' and about 125 pounds if that helps at all. 8O

They look like this kind of. It's possible that these are the skates, I know that the blades cost like, 250 and the boots cost 200. I have no clue why my parents coughed up that much money for some shoes.


03-05-2007, 06:15 PM
1. Talk with your coach.
2. I know Riedell's website gives some guidelines as to which boots would be appropriate for each given skill level; other boot makers may have something similar.
3. Talk with your coach!

03-05-2007, 06:32 PM
I'm working on that. She's not answering our phone calls so yeah. I was just wondering if they wore out after a year or if you can keep until they basically fall apart or if anyone knew, but I guess it just depends on what skates I have now. I'm just bored not skating for a month. :halo:

03-05-2007, 06:46 PM
Riedell Royales with a coronation ace blade is a great skate capable of taking you whereever you want. While some coaches prefer skaters working on the higher double jumps etc. to have the more expensive Patterns and Gold Seals -- I have seen skaters achieve their Gold freeskate, figure and dances on coronation aces and MK professionals.

Your boots are worn out when they no longer support your ankle properly and have major creases where the ankle flexes. Sometimes you can replace the tongue and reinforce the ankles - rebuild them - and get extra time out of the boots. Riedell does offer an excellent service for rebuilding. It's taken many skaters through an extra 6 months or so before new boots are really needed.

If you think that the boots are creasing too much and have broken down - try duct taping the ankles (go around the boot and laces when done up) and see if that feels stronger. If you find taping the ankles makes your skating better - probably time for new boots.

PS taping the ankles can also extend the life of boots - at least for a bit