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02-05-2007, 11:52 AM
Frozen ice: Great lesson on Sunday. Program almost finished!

Frostbite: The rinks will be sooooooo cold tomorrow. Brrrr.

02-05-2007, 01:05 PM
Frozen Ice!:

We had our judges' critique yesterday and I got my program critiqued. I was told that my overall skating had improved and my speed and ice coverage were good. But best of all, my spiral sequence was called as the level I was shooting for, so I was very happy about that!
And a nice little unexpected bonus was that after I warmed up at another rink before the critique, I stretched out in their little ballet room and . . . (drum roll, please) . . . I actually did the splits in both directions for the first time in my life!! At age 42! Up to now, I'd always tried to do the splits on the floor and it had just never worked; it was so awkward lowering myself down into right position and it always bothered the knee and the bony foot of the back leg (which was pressing against the floor). But this rink had a very nice ballet barre and a big mirror across from it so you could see your position while stretching on the barre. After doing my usual seated hamstring stretches and working through the the tightness in my recently pulled hamstring, I stretched on the ballet barre and just kept stretching a little further until I actually saw my legs in a straight line, a complete 180 degree split! 8O And then I tried it on the other side and managed to do it on that side, too! 8O Let's hear it for stretching every day after skating! Woo hoo!:D

When I skated my program for the judge, I messed up my opening combination spin, which is the second highest valued element in my program. Arrghh! :frus: I'm worried about opening with that spin, due to start-of-program nerves, but there's nowhere else it will fit in my program so I'm just going to have to figure out the mental part. :??
Although I landed a perfect axel in warmup, I 2-footed and stepped out of the axel in my program. I also wasn't able to get the double sal working, so I just singled it in my program. Our judge said that although the flow is nice between elements, I visibly tense up right before my jumps. Gee, I wonder why, LOL!

Laura H
02-05-2007, 01:08 PM
:bow: doubletoe . . . know that you are totally INSPIRING . . . I have wondered in the back of my mind if it's possible to someone to do a split for the first time in her life at age 39 (me)! So now I know . . .it can be done . . .something MORE to strive for!!

02-05-2007, 01:33 PM
LOL! Thanks, Laura! The best stretch in the world--which my physical therapist gave me to help me work through scar tissue in my hamstring--is the seated hamstring stretch. I've done lots of different hamstring stretches, but this one works best because it keeps your hips squared so that you stretch the hamstring at the proper angle. I focus on pressing my navel down towards my thigh instead of letting my back get rounded. I hold each position for at least 20 full seconds as I go progressively lower, finally ending with my chest flat to my thigh and my head against the inside of my leg, just below the knee. I force myself to hold that position for a 30 full seconds while breathing through it and telling myself I will not pass out, LOL!

The other one that has been helping is the hip flexor stretch, which gets the back leg to go back more. I never realized what an important part of the equation that one was! I extend my back leg fully on a flat raised surface (like a bench or the top of a staircase) with the knee and thigh flat on the raised surface, but with the front leg bent at an angle of at least 90 degrees so that the knee is higher than the hip of the back leg. Then I push the hip of the back leg down while leaning back. You can also this stretch as a lunge position, with the back leg straight and your weight balanced on the ball of the back foot and the flat of the front foot.

Here is another good website:

Okay, now you next! :D

Team Arthritis
02-05-2007, 04:39 PM
way to go stretch! http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/sportlich/h015.gif

02-05-2007, 06:06 PM
doubletoe, I am IMPRESSED!!! When I was a kid/teen I could do the splits on one side and not on the other (never middle splits) and have forever been on a mission (well, with more or less effort & time) to get my splits back and then some. . . I am inspired, because at almost-38 it is in fact possible. I am really close when stretching after skating. Totally dig the stretch on the barre, too--it's a fun one.

Frozen ice! or frostbite is a great line for this week, since most of the midwest & eastern US (well, okay, Canada, too, obviously) is absolutely unbearably cold. It was -2F when I got up this morning; windchills have been in the -20s.

Frozen ice: Got to learn the cha-cha today. Some amusing moves. My waltz 8and prebronze 3-turn pattern continue to get more consistent.

Frostbite: What with it being so cold (I guess that's the reason) the ice was REALLY hard today and I felt like I was sliding/skidding everywhere. I didn't feel terribly certain on my edges and could have sworn my skates needed a sharpening. But nope.

Also, I think I have managed to make myself chicken about the half-flip, while trying toe-loops doesn't freak me out much at all. Very weird. I guess it must be the difference in jumping leg or picking leg or whether I'm rotating toward the picking foot or away from the picking foot. Anyone else have this problem?

02-05-2007, 08:54 PM
Frozen Ice: Great lesson... got to do a chinese spiral (and fall on it8O ), and the 1-foot spin is feeling better and better.

Frostbite: An ache in my wrist has gone from annoying to painful (overuse injury, since I've been using it to support my "weaker side" for the past 1.5 years.. and because I have a weaker side, it's the first hand to hit the ice whenever I fall...), so I'm doing a "forced immobilization" with a wrist brace and lots of care in hopes that it heals with some rest.

The sad part of all of this? I'm debating whether I should go onto the ice this week... and can't help but think: "Heck, that's what wrist guards are for!"

I'm starting to think that extended periods of time on the ice makes one crazy!!!!!

02-05-2007, 10:12 PM
Oh boy, oh boy, I think I have some online splits buddies! :D
I'm so glad I'm not the only 40-ish woman with goals and priorities that most would not consider "age appropriate" ROFL!!

Emmberchyld: Way to go! That's why God invented both skates AND wrist guards! :D

02-06-2007, 12:10 AM
Doubletoe... you never ceased to amaze me!!! :bow: :bow: :bow: (You've just inspired me to start finding time to set up my new Maxi-Flex toy so I can work on my flexibility! :D )

Frozen Ice

I managed to play around near the wall with my backspin and managed to do a quick back scratch spin with legs crossed and everything. Of course, I couldn't manage that again w/o hitting the wall afterwards :roll: :lol: , but it's a first step. (Don't know if secondary coach would consider this as an actual back spin b/c I was too dizzy to noticed whether or not I was really on the correct edge.)
If you consider this as progress... I can do consistent loops at the walls at the beginning of the session and almost landed a clean one away from the wall.Frostbite:

My lower back is bothering me so towards the end of the session, it was painful to land any of them. (And not surprised either... I just looked at my calendar and my chiro 3 week appt. is coming up real soon! :twisted: )
Didn't have time to try for camels. I was too busy playing around with exercises for my lesson tomorrow to try anything that primary coach wanted me to practice.... that is... AFTER I try to warm up my muscles so I'm warmed enough to skate NORMALLY!!! 8O It's FREEZING!!! http://www.cosgan.de/images/midi/verschiedene/r020.gifTime to hit the (VERY NICE AND WARM) showers!!! :D

Mrs Redboots
02-06-2007, 08:38 AM
I'm so glad I'm not the only 40-ish woman with goals and priorities that most would not consider "age appropriate" ROFL!!I offer you the man of 56 who plans to land his axel before he is 60! Now, there's ambition....

02-06-2007, 09:21 AM
Frozen Ice - Started on my dress last night!
Frostbite - With this weather I'm now thinking of velvet!

02-06-2007, 09:44 AM
Frozen Ice: Made a little progress on my 3-turns (though they're so small they're more like .0003 turns at this point). I forced myself to take a few steps away from my best friend the wall, and was able to make myself glide just a skosh more instead of just immediately turning and putting both feet down. I did stay on the wall to work on mohawks, but tried not to grab at it too often. And I managed about three and a half revolutions on my two-foot spin, and came out of it on a RBO and went straight into a back crossover from that! This all happened in extreme slow motion, but it happened! :o

Frostbite: My right side is still the bane of my skating existence. Also, it was miserably cold here all weekend, so the ice was extremely hard and I was even less confident of my edges than usual. Oh, and for some reason, my left boot decided it would be nice to give me a blister just over my ankle. :roll:


02-06-2007, 10:45 AM
Frozen Ice:
Did a few beautiful jumps last night.
A few waltz jumps, salchows, half loops and one split jump. Ahhh.

Upright/scratch spins were centered nicely.

My heel is sore today from the jumps - no good deed goes unpunished.

*whispers to taijiya:
Make sure you check your shoulders/arms before and after the turn; BEND YOUR ANKLES/KNEES afterward, too!
On the mohawk, point your toe backward and position the inside edge in the air BEFORE your step. *

02-06-2007, 11:06 AM
Frostbite: That'd be me---leaving the rink Sunday night, building mostly emptied out, empty parking lot, 10˚ below, to find I had a flat tire! A wonderful friend came to my rescue & we got the tire changed & then I had to get to a service station to inflate the FLAT SPARE.....to find that their air machine didn't work! Their last can of Fix-a-Flat also didn't work, so a desperate call to another Wonderful Friend saved my hide; her new boyfriend had given her a portable air compressor for Christmas!! I'll never again complain about practical gifts :lol: ..... she got out of bed to come help me, and this time all went well. I was so cold by the time I got home a Looooooong hot shower was the only way I could get warm again. Big hugs to all loyal friends out there!!

Frozen Ice: Good practices so far this week, starting to count down to test session in March. Will beg coach tomorrow to partner with me in part of my lesson.

02-06-2007, 11:26 AM
I offer you the man of 56 who plans to land his axel before he is 60! Now, there's ambition....Mrs. Redboots... I have two words for you: Grace Fredrickson. Two more words: Skating Grandma! (WEHT her anyway??? Hope she's still alive and jumping!) No excuse for us young'ums, that's for sure! 8O :bow:

Frostbite: Well, more like an inferno... of 102F!!! That's the temperature of my poor secondary coach right about now. :cry: No lesson today...

02-06-2007, 12:07 PM
I offer you the man of 56 who plans to land his axel before he is 60! Now, there's ambition....

And there's no reason why he can't do it! :)

02-06-2007, 12:13 PM
Doubletoe... you never ceased to amaze me!!! :bow: :bow: :bow: (You've just inspired me to start finding time to set up my new Maxi-Flex toy so I can work on my flexibility! :D )

Frozen Ice

I managed to play around near the wall with my backspin and managed to do a quick back scratch spin with legs crossed and everything. Of course, I couldn't manage that again w/o hitting the wall afterwards :roll: :lol: , but it's a first step. (Don't know if secondary coach would consider this as an actual back spin b/c I was too dizzy to noticed whether or not I was really on the correct edge.)
If you consider this as progress... I can do consistent loops at the walls at the beginning of the session and almost landed a clean one away from the wall.Frostbite:

Oh yeah! You need to tell me how you like the Maxi-Flex! Maybe I'll get one, too! Although I hardly ever stretch at home. . . I always stretch at the rink right after skating. . .

It seems to me like you totally have your loop; it's just your brain that's getting in the way. When I was working on my double loop (which I've shelved for now), I realized that as long as I pointed my toes really hard on takeoff, I would be rotating right over the toe of my landing foot and it wouldn't matter if I did one rotation, 1-1/2 rotations or even just 1/2 rotation; I would land backward on my toepick no matter what! So keep that in mind and really point your toes on takeoff. Maybe it will help get rid of that little bit of fear. :)

02-06-2007, 12:34 PM
Frozen Ice
Axels are feeling a lot better still! Let's hope I can keep it up
Lutzes felt nice and high
Spins feel more consistent and more like I control them rather than them controlling me.
Dance teacher is happy with the edges and power of 14 step
Field moves are good - need to keep them going.

Axels still need to go up
Ran through my programme - utter disaster. Fell on a LOOP 8O Can't remember the last time I did that. Missed my camel-sit. Nearly tripped myself up in the step sequence (I clicked heels!) and almost crashed into a lesson on my back catch spiral.
RBI double 3s still don't feel as comfortable as I would like
Only got a 10min dance lesson as dance teacher was late again
Still not getting the direction quite right on the mohawk then LBI on the 14 step.

02-06-2007, 12:38 PM
Wow, Kate, sounds like good progress! And it those mess-ups in your program sound suspiciously like tired muscles to me. Get 8 hours of sleep, don't skate TOO much before your program run-through and see if it's better tomorrow! :)

Ah yes, our favorite back inside double 3's. :roll: I find that they are 100% easier when I focus on deep ankle bend before and after each turn.

02-06-2007, 12:51 PM
Wow, Kate, sounds like good progress! And it those mess-ups in your program sound suspiciously like tired muscles to me. Get 8 hours of sleep, don't skate TOO much before your program run-through and see if it's better tomorrow! :)

Ah yes, our favorite back inside double 3's. :roll: I find that they are 100% easier when I focus on deep ankle bend before and after each turn.

I think you are right - everyone commented that I looked tired yesterday. So I'll be sure to rest before the next session.

Thanks for the tip (again :) ) I'll try and remember the deep ankle bend for the BI double threes - I seem to forget that part and concentrate on shoulders but I'm sure it would make all the difference if I could do both! :-D

Mrs Redboots
02-06-2007, 03:43 PM
Frozen Ice: Have just heard that the rink reopens on Thursday - hope we have a decent surface after Old Bill's been crawling all over it for four days!

Frostbite: Even if we had had ice, I couldn't have skated today, having finally succumbed to the cold that's been doing the rounds. Just hope I can go to dance club at Alexandra Palace tomorrow (and pick up my daughter's wedding invitations en route!).

02-06-2007, 06:26 PM
Double toe, thats amazing and I totally agree that stretching after every skating session helps immensely, although it took me 6 long years, that gave me my bielmann position last year and I'm still working on making it better.

Kate... I've done that crazy fall on loop thing (and flip too) I attribute it to a loss of concentration (and probably posture), when I can usually do those things so easily.

Copying my wrong thread post here ... thanks double toe for the heads up ... silly me!

Flying high:
First lesson with new coach is good. new coach new perspectives and we got on to working with things, he pointed out old things in ways and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't but it was really nice and fresh. The best part though was the confidence I got from him on the toe loop. I learnt how to do a straight entry today... and I never realized just how much check I needed for that, I only thought it was needed for the lutz.

And yeah generally I felt the best things coming from the toe jump areas, I can now work on a straighter entry for my flip. And I took off on the lutz for a true lutz in a long while. (fell on that one) then I did a wobbly one after that... but one good take off is a precious thing!!!

And yeah good news is that my axel and double salchow were still with me, although as wobbly as ever, we tried to work on them a bit but i was getting panicky (i keep getting that and stressing myself out in the lesson and then everything goes wrong... for both the axel and double salchow my attempts got better and better and then went down hill pretty quick again.)

Spins are cool, he likes them in general but we can always work on more speed and centering and stuff, today was kind of a show him what I've got day. So yeah we went through alot of things in a short time.

And well we didn't touch it in the lesson because I needed more help in the other areas, but I showed him my spirals after that (which I'm rather happy about) so it was really cool.

Falling flat:
Rink is closed from friday to sunday for hockey tournament

02-06-2007, 11:14 PM
Tidesong: Wow, wow, WOW! A Biellmann! I can't even do a layback. :roll:

02-07-2007, 05:16 AM
Frozen Ice!:

And a nice little unexpected bonus was that after I warmed up at another rink before the critique, I stretched out in their little ballet room and . . . (drum roll, please) . . . I actually did the splits in both directions for the first time in my life!! At age 42!

Wow! Excellent. I had to try to get the splits for a can can routine we did once. I never quite got there but I managed a cheated splits that looked ok as my skirt covered the fact that I wasn't quite there!

You've inspired me to start working on it again! :D

02-07-2007, 07:20 AM
Frozen ice:

January was, overall, a good skating month.
The other day I was able to say had a good crossspin, consistent camel and sit spins that centred 99% of the time, a sometimes camel sit and the beginnings of a layback
Single jumps have all got higher and stronger
Forward dances and moves for dance passport have gradually improved


'Proper' Flip is still not there. Last week coach told me it was a 'huge improvement', but this week it's worse than ever.
Axel is a joke (though I'm not worried if I don't get it for years)
Sit spin is refusing to get any lower. As it is it is acceptable, but it needs work.
Last night spins were all over the place - literally :-( It's depressing when this happens, as spinning is the only thing I have any kind of apptitude for.

02-07-2007, 07:40 AM
Frozen Ice: I got an extra 20 minutes of lesson. Because I was "listening so well" and he wanted to work on half-lutz and loop. The listening so well made me laugh. There are some days I respond less than others, but I always pay attention. Anyhow- the good. Although not high, my jumps are all getting better. We worked on choctaws independent of the entrance to a spin, and now that I understand the step I think I will be able to do it out of crossovers into a spin better. My spins looked good- enough so that we started working on an attitude spin and a layback. We started the layback because, from my dance days, when I put my leg in attitude my arms immediatly go above my head- I cannot stop them. My coach was laughing at me for that, and said if my arms are going up, my head and back should go back! Laybacks are hard! I'm supposed to start doing 2-footed spins in a layback position to get used to the dizzyness. So far, those don't make me nearly as sick feeling as a wobbly backspin. I love spinning.

The LTS instructor that normally does the first SS class that I help with was sick, so I got to teach on my own. It was really fun, and went really well. I don't think the kids were bored, we worked on everything, no one got hurt, and I wasn't left with the last 10 (of 30) minutes going- WHAT NOW!

The gel ankle sleeves are wonderful. I did not reopen my ankle cuts after 4 hours of skating/teaching, and they did not bother me at all. The boot stretching seems to be making a big difference. I do not have the issues with my feet loosing feeling any longer due to pressure.

Frost Bite For real, practically ,now my feet lose pressure just due to extreme cold (my poor feet had no chance, I shoveled snow for 30 minutes and then went right to the ice rink) I spent 5 minutes rubbing them before skating, but I had to relace after 30 minutes to spend a few more minutes rubbing them again. Then they were good to go. I wish our rink had air dryers in the bathrooms.

The gel ankle sleeves push my feet forward probably less than a millimeter in my boot. That's just enough now that the tip of my big toe is rubbing the tip of my boot. It really really hurts. If it's not one thing, it's another.

LOOPS! Oh my god this is a scary jump. I did some CCW loops, and those aren't scary, they are only scary CW (the way I go). My coach was confused by what made one scary, but not the other- the difference. One is on the right leg (not scary), the other on the left. I don't have this issue with any of my other jumps- I think it's the one footed nature of it. Oh I wish I could spin CCW! Then again my LBO edge is actually stronger than my RBO- so that has really helped learning all the other jumps, but my right leg is physically stronger than my left!

Rusty Blades
02-07-2007, 10:06 AM
FROZEN @$#%$ SOLID!!! We have had overnight lows approaching -50C in the past week. We haven't had a night warmer than -30C for AGES!

Nicely Frozen: Ran through the last half of my program a couple of times in the first half of my session today - it is going to be easier than the first half because it is easier to speed up or slow down to get in time with the music and there are various "move substitutions" I can make on the fly depending on whether I am running out of energy or have lots left.

Frostbite: Only the backward segment concerns me 'cause I am still not totally at home on backward edges, so I spent the rest of the first half working on back edges and glides.

Nicely Frozen:When coach arrived, we did a program run-through. (What do I mean "WE"??? I did the work - she stood and watched! :roll: ) Except for a couple of very minor bobbles, it went fine. Then we talked about how to dress it up with more presentation and upper body movements.

Good session! Still right on track for competition in six weeks. 8O SIX WEEKS???!!! AHHHHHHHH!

Mrs Redboots
02-07-2007, 11:12 AM
Frozen solid: We have regretfully decided we'd be utter fools to try to skate tonight with our colds! So staying sadly at home.

Frozen ice: Rink is open again! I was in the area earlier today and saw that it had the "We are open" boards outside that it usually has when it is. Yay! Hope we feel well enough to skate tomorrow.

02-07-2007, 11:40 AM
*whispers to taijiya:
Make sure you check your shoulders/arms before and after the turn; BEND YOUR ANKLES/KNEES afterward, too!

8O Now how did you know of my tendency to stiffen up and straighten my knee as soon as I turn to the back edge? :lol:

On the mohawk, point your toe backward and position the inside edge in the air BEFORE your step. *

Thank you! That actually makes sense; and now that I can visualize it, then I can apply it next time I'm on ice. (This is why I'm thinking of getting private lessons to go along with the group lessons; when the coach is too busy herding cats of various levels, she's not got much time to focus on any one of us for too long!)


Team Arthritis
02-07-2007, 11:43 AM
Frozen not solid but way COOL:
had a couple of lessons on alternating FI double 3's with the free leg tucked behind and exit with it extending forewards. R is nice L is trouble. Trick is to stay completely upright over the skate with no waist bend! Next FO swing roll swing back to FI edge then double inside three. If only....;)

Frost Bite:
having finally learned the steps, I tried the Willow Waltz to day to music - YIKES this dance is all about how can we make you do things in as uncomfortable contortion as possible8O

02-07-2007, 11:53 AM
Frozen Ice!

They finally raised the temperature of the ice on my main rink and the ice has been beautiful!! Finally -- we've only been telling them for years that it is too cold, and too hard, and too hard to skate on. Good ice -- what a concept!

The core strength training I have been doing (some very subtle yoga) is finally starting to pay off with less back pain when I am not skating (yea! - this has been a MAJOR problem!) and my coach noticed yesterday that my core was a lot stronger when I was doing my figures, which is great. The figures themselves are still so-so and not anywhere near testable (too bad you can't test them one at a time!) but they are coming along slowly.

Bronze Moves getting stronger, too, with the exeption of that darn Power-3 to the right -- I wish they would drop this move from the test structure and replace it with something else -- I have some ideas...

Also starting to work on some dances that I have not been able to solo for years now (or so it seems) - Quickstep (that darn chocktaw -- used to be easy, now I just can't set it up right so that the turn feels comfortable), Argentine (the darn 3-turn, and oh, that twizzle!) and Westminster -- well, many parts -- but getting there. Also revisiting the Rocker and Tango -- some American Waltz as well.

Core strength rules!

Frostbite: Communication with dance coach -- I don't think I've had a lesson in a couple of months -- either he is sick, out of town, or else I have been out of it -- maybe someday... -- he's fun to skate with when he is there!

02-07-2007, 12:04 PM
<snip>when the coach is too busy herding cats of various levels<snip>LOL - I use that phrase ALL THE TIME! Glad to help.

Rotten threes-on-the-line. *grumbles*
Backspins were sloppy, but controllable.
Kept nosediving on camels. That's what happens when you don't practice them for a month, right? Tomorrow, they'll be fine.

Frozen Ice:
MITF were great this morning except for the usual - see Frostbite, above.
Upright Spin, Scratch Spin,Sit Spin, Waltz, Salchow, Half-Lutz were great.

Slippery Slope:
Didn't try any toe loops *writes on practice list*
Half-flip was overrotated, which is good and bad.
(Good because I want to do a WHOLE one; bad because I was only trying for a half.)

02-07-2007, 02:19 PM
Frostbite: No skating at all so far this week so have yet to skate on my freshly sharpened blades...

Frozen Ice: As Mrs Redboots said, our rink is finally open again and, even if we get the predicted snow overnight, I will make the patch session tomorrow morning!!


02-07-2007, 02:22 PM
Frostbite: Getting sick, so I slept in today and skipped skating. Can't really afford to do that since program still needs work!! My quads are really sore for some reason. :??

Frozen ice: Axels have been good, and I did some nice double loops yesterday. Did some more work on Senior moves. I talked to the dance coach about starting up again after Sectionals. I figure Senior moves are going to take a while, so I'd like to get some dances done. Hopefully I can get at least my Silver test this year (I passed Pre-Silver before I stopped).

02-07-2007, 03:38 PM
I actually did the splits in both directions for the first time in my life!! At age 42! Let's hear it for stretching every day after skating! Woo hoo!:D

Our judge said that although the flow is nice between elements, I visibly tense up right before my jumps. Gee, I wonder why, LOL!

I managed to play around near the wall with my backspin and managed to do a quick back scratch spin with legs crossed and everything.

I offer you the man of 56 who plans to land his axel before he is 60! Now, there's ambition....

Doubletoe, whoa! You are amazing! :bow: I think I'm gonna start stretching more post-skating. You've inspired me. I'm pretty regular about it in general (aside from skating, and it's helped my skating), but it sounds like it's made a big difference in your achieving the splits.

YAY, Jazz on the crossed leg backspin! I know you are working hard on it!

Mrs. Redboots......I secretly dream of skating things I'd like to do. Literally! Hey, he's gonna make that axel I bet.

Frozen Ice!

I continue to break in my new boots and blades. Relearning things is good, in a way! :twisted:

We worked on back edge pulls today, and not being able to bend as much in the ankle just yet was actually a blessing, as now I have more lean! Also back outside and back inside three turns. These were harder, but I did do them. Last were brackets....I actually got several forward to back to forward in a row!

I got a really good camel, for me, today. It was centered, with smaller circles (relatively...mine are usually big, though centered), and I got about five or six revolutions WITH a nice position.

Footwork from my new technical program (program is sort of on hold for now) came along ok today. I hit the RFO rocker and the bracket at the end! My coach even commented that it was improving.

Little additional things. My coach wants me to try for a stag jump (riiiiiiight.......), and a back hydroblade that's....I guess kind of like a backward shoot the duck? With the free leg kind of in front and off the ice? Well, my boots won't let me bend into that yet, but I got off-ice things to practice....


Hmph. It's amazing to me how I am having to learn things over again, just because of a rocker! I am finally landing loops again, though they are wimpy compared to what I could do on my old flat blades on my "bedroom slippers".

I lost all my twizzles (forward and backward). Not that they were stellar anyway, but the rocker. I have no balance.

Backspin is coming and going for now. Sigh. I think it was getting better until now. Again, it's finding the balance on the new rocker.

Flip is gone. Now I am afraid of the feeling on the entry three, balance is different. It will be back though....for now, it's FROSTBITTEN! :roll:

02-07-2007, 04:03 PM
E-skater, nice progress!! Brackets are tough in stiff new skates, so kudos to you! And the camel sounds like it must have felt great! I'm betting all of your spins will be better once the boots break in a little and you adjust to actually *having* a rocker. ;)

02-07-2007, 07:57 PM
Another coooooollllllddddd early morning skate for me! It's such a hassle getting up so early, but once you're warmed up, it's not so bad. I had a pretty good practice.

Did two complete runthroughs, including all elements in my program. Did the first after a five or so minute warmup. Two footed two jumps, but that was it. Did both combos and my back camel/back sit combo. Second runthrough towards the end of my lesson was clean.

Rotated some axels completely! But no one foot landing. :(

Worked on a flying back sit spin. I can do it. I'm really hoping to put it in for my next competition, which is coming right up. I have no axel, so I at least want a flying spin!

02-07-2007, 08:00 PM
hey Hannah you're working on a flying back sit spin (are you doing the forward take off, switch to back sit, or the back take off into back sit), did your coach give you a choice between the forward one and the back one? Because I find the forward one easier than the back one but it might be the other way round for you though. Anyways I think its very cool that you're working on the flying back sit because I can't do that (yet) :D

02-07-2007, 08:28 PM
It's the same take off as for a flying camel, I just land in the back sit position. I can't do a flying camel because the head towards the ice thing freaks me out. We tried flying forward sit, but I couldn't even figure out how to land on my left foot.

I am a weird skater (confirmed by coach). Things that are harder, like flying back sit, are easier for me than the traditional easy thing, like flying camel or flying forward sit. I can't do a forward camel to save my life, but I can do back camel/back sit combos.

I am odd. :lol:

02-08-2007, 01:50 AM
Working on getting lower in sit spins....falling a lot, but coming along...


So now I have a sore quad after about 50 of those :P

And I've been working on keeping my torso upright while doing basic stroking (gah, I never worked on this on my own), so that's putting a lot of new strain on my lower back muscles.

I'm sore from skating again, and that's always a good thing. :) But...geez...*ouch* :P

02-08-2007, 05:42 AM
I am a weird skater (confirmed by coach). Things that are harder, like flying back sit, are easier for me than the traditional easy thing, like flying camel or flying forward sit. I can't do a forward camel to save my life, but I can do back camel/back sit combos.

I am odd. :lol:

You sound exactly like me. Both my coaches have commented that on things that skaters are 'supposed' to struggle with I do with ease, or learn very quickly, but relatively straightforward things I either take forever to learn or simply CANNOT get right!

S xxx:lol:

Rusty Blades
02-08-2007, 07:05 AM
... but relatively straightforward things I either take forever to learn or simply CANNOT get right!

.... ummm, like me and my 3-turns :cry:

02-08-2007, 09:55 AM
Hannahclear - open hips? That's the problem I have with flying camels. They all want to be a layover.

02-08-2007, 01:03 PM
Working on getting lower in sit spins....falling a lot, but coming along...


So now I have a sore quad after about 50 of those :P

And I've been working on keeping my torso upright while doing basic stroking (gah, I never worked on this on my own), so that's putting a lot of new strain on my lower back muscles.

I'm sore from skating again, and that's always a good thing. :) But...geez...*ouch* :P

Oh, boy, do I remember those sore quads from practicing my sitspin! Ugh! Just don't overdo it, because that's how I messed up my left knee a few years ago! Now I limit myself to just 5 per day so have to stay really focused on technique so that I don't waste any of them. :roll:
Anyway, I noticed a few things about how you're going into your sitspin that may explain why it's posing such a challenge. I think they could be corrected with just a few "fixes," though, so let me know if you are interested. :)

02-08-2007, 01:05 PM
Hannahclear - open hips? That's the problem I have with flying camels. They all want to be a layover.

Me, too!!!! My open hips (or "loosey goosey" hips, to quote my first coach) are great for spread eagles, but want to flip me over on flying camels. Now I consciously tell myself to turn my left hip in and make sure it faces down to the ice as soon as I land and start the spin, LOL!

02-08-2007, 02:28 PM
Oh, boy, do I remember those sore quads from practicing my sitspin! Ugh! Just don't overdo it, because that's how I messed up my left knee a few years ago! Now I limit myself to just 5 per day so have to stay really focused on technique so that I don't waste any of them. :roll:
Anyway, I noticed a few things about how you're going into your sitspin that may explain why it's posing such a challenge. I think they could be corrected with just a few "fixes," though, so let me know if you are interested. :)

Odd you should mention this. Right after my dance test, I dove back into working at getting a "sit" in my sit spin. And, YUP, L knee...something happened (I've also hurt that knee several times skiing....). It was right after I'd done several, way too many, incorrect technique sit spins! Now I have to "be careful" on that knee, so I'm doing only three or four per session.

I'm going to watch this particular vid. I'm guessing I'm in need of any "fixes" you can suggest! Not that my coach hasn't tried EVERYTHING. :giveup:

02-08-2007, 03:10 PM
Frozen Ice
Had a good lesson today, after a horrible lesson Tuesday. Worked through all the Adult Silver moves, and the only thing that is really pathetic is the LFI-RBO threes. Worked on the double three-turn pattern and brackets from the Adult Gold tests and didn't do too bad! My backspins were really good today, I have no idea why -- let's hope I can repeat them next time I skate LOL!

Since struggling with an ankle injury... Doctor and physical therapist frustrated as well, since I have been religious about wearing the walking cast, icing, etc. Because of the injury, I can't do any jumping, so I just am working on gentle moves, etc. I am going a little stir crazy because I love jumping!

02-08-2007, 04:18 PM
Frozen ice -
1. Spins are slooowly starting to improve again. Did a beautiful back spin today. Coach was so pleased that I didn't even have to do it again!
2. Decided on a competition (my first). I'm very excited about it but am a little concerned that now that we are working on jumps from different entries than I'm used to I have forgotten how to jump.
3. Had a breakthrough on the loop today. I was on a harness and really went into it with a strong 3 turn...it helped so much. Now I know it is psychological.
4. Coach is now really excited about teaching me figures.

1. See above about loop jump.
2. It is still miserably cold outside and my asthma is flaring up. I'm thinking that iceskating might not be the best activity for an asthmatic. (Of course I only feel that way when it is cold outside and I am sucking down albuterol.)

02-08-2007, 05:12 PM
Odd you should mention this. Right after my dance test, I dove back into working at getting a "sit" in my sit spin. And, YUP, L knee...something happened (I've also hurt that knee several times skiing....). It was right after I'd done several, way too many, incorrect technique sit spins! Now I have to "be careful" on that knee, so I'm doing only three or four per session.

I'm going to watch this particular vid. I'm guessing I'm in need of any "fixes" you can suggest! Not that my coach hasn't tried EVERYTHING. :giveup:

Well, sometimes it's just the way someone puts things in different words, so it's worth a try, right? :) There are 4 main issues I see in the video, and they are the exact same issues I used to have so I know them well, LOL! (1) Back is rounded instead of staying arched and rigid throughout the entrance edge and the spin, (2) Not going in low enough on the entrance edge, (3) Not extending the free leg far enough behind you on the entrance edge, and (4) the free leg is too high as you bring it around. Here are the details that have been helpful for me:

1. Preparatory edge: Make sure you get as low as possible on the right knee and keep the left leg extended--even a little crossed-- behind.
2. Step out: You need a VERY deep knee bend on the entrance edge, so get as low as you can, while keeping your back arched and rigid (arched means shoulder blades together, chest out and lower back concave). The deep bend on the prep edge makes it easier to step right out onto a deeply bent spinning leg.
3. Entrance edge: Keep the free leg extended way behind you so that it almost crosses behind you. Wait a little longer before initiating the swing.
4. Swing: Keep your back tight and arched, and keep the free leg lower as you bring it around to the front. Think of yourself as a protractor, with your free foot being the pencil that draws a big circle on the ice. And make sure you don't rise up as you bring the free leg to the front. Stay really low, with tight arched back and strong, extended free leg.
5. Snap: Turn the free foot out once it reaches 2:00, then let it collide with the skating leg. Push your chest and free leg forward as you keep arching your back. It should feel like you're pushing your belly button towards your skating thigh while squeezing your shoulder blades together. This will keep your weight forward on the ball of the blade instead of falling back onto the heel as you sit lower.
6. Final position: As you arch your back and push your chest and free leg forward, lower your butt until you feel the top of the skating calf pressing against inside of your right thigh. Once you feel that, it means your skating thigh is roughly parallel to the ice.

Let me know if any of this helps! (And Casey, if your sitspin ends up anything like your scratch spin, you will put us all to shame!)

02-08-2007, 05:17 PM
This is for last night....which was really miserable and not really worth posting:
Frostbite: daughter made dinner, which didn't sit well with me...I made it to the ice but after five minutes suffered pains in my gut (no one else was affected, I'm thinking it was the large amount of garlic she heaped into the burgers)....and the argument hubby started with me in the lobby (in front of everyone:x) so after 20 minutes of torture...I bailed and went home.

Hated to do that, as I compete on Sunday and REALLY needed to run-through! I can skate on Saturday but now I'm jammed up for finishing daughter's dress (hmmmm, I could get back at her for the awful dinner......:twisted: )

and I'm still p.o.'d at hubby :x

02-08-2007, 07:52 PM
Hannahclear - open hips? That's the problem I have with flying camels. They all want to be a layover.

Oh gawd no. Closed. Totally closed. I can't turnout my leg on the forward camel at all. I can't even feel the fact that it's not turned out.

My problem with flying camel is fear based. I can actually do a pretty good back camel.

02-09-2007, 04:35 AM
Working on getting lower in sit spins....falling a lot, but coming along...


So now I have a sore quad after about 50 of those :P

And I've been working on keeping my torso upright while doing basic stroking (gah, I never worked on this on my own), so that's putting a lot of new strain on my lower back muscles.

I'm sore from skating again, and that's always a good thing. :) But...geez...*ouch* :P

Casey, those are pretty good. They improve as the video goes on, good sign. :)

Two major fixes: Keep your back arched and your head up - your shoulders and head look like they're almost dipping down, and you just aim right at the ice. And get those knees in tighter! I could drive a truck through that space. ;)

Here's a video of my sit spin - It's not perfect, I worked my butt off (ha) this past summer to get it faster and lower. Not to be arrogant, but maybe it'll help?

Rusty Blades
02-09-2007, 10:04 AM
Current windchill -43C, temp -31C Geez I am getting sick of -40 whindchills and -30 temperatures! Where the heck is that "global warming" they keep talking about - I WANT IT NOW! :twisted:

Frostbite: When I got to the rink today, there were huge chunks of frozen slush around the one end zone. I told the rink attendant that everybody who skates the early session is headed to important competitions in the next few weeks and chunks of ice like that could end a person's competitive season. They re-flooded the ice :mrgreen: and it turned out I was the only one to show up ;) I LOVE private ice!

I was still a bit stiff from Wednesday but worked on backwards and "animating" my Interpretive program.

Coach arrived and we went over my Nationals entry - good to go - then went through my program. I blew it the first time half way through. We talked about how to handle screw-ups in competition, and then I did it again.

Glassy Ice: When I hit my final pose, she clapped and hollered "EXCELLENT!!!" "That was good" she said "And we're right on track for Nationals." :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

On the way from the rink to the office, I dropped my entry off with UPS. That's it, everything is in place. I have been working my a## off for a year (learning how to skate all over again) and now I just need to keep polishing my program and to get to Nationals uninjured!

02-09-2007, 12:58 PM
<snip>it turned out I was the only one to show up ;) I LOVE private ice!I had private ice this morning also - it's wonderful. I connected my iPod to the sound system and skated moves to the B52's "Rock Lobster." LOL

Frozen Ice:
Pre-Prel MITF - Golden. Just have to remember the entry steps on the spirals and keep banging away at those back inside edges. I found out that I could watch myself in the glass and my edges all improved dramatically once I stopped breaking at the waist. :frus: Practiced the Waltz-3 on all three circle areas, just in case. I kind of like it on the rink ends, but it turns out more egg-shaped unless I'm careful. I miss my scribe.

Jumps - Waltz, Salchow, Toe Loop, Half Flip, and Half Lutz were all great.
I didn't even cheat the salchow or toe loop, which is unusual.

Spins - Sit spin was nice and low, Scratch spin fast and long, Back sit was actually good, Back Scratch fast and quick.

RBO3 is fine and actually fun with some speed. LBO3 is weak and now I know why - I keep opening the free hip and letting it come around. I can now do my back double threes on the right side. More things to practice.

I never spin well at this rink. I'm not sure if it's because I can hear every crunch of my blades or the really hard ice itself.

I'd say I only centered 2 out of every 5 spins I tried. Ah well.

Struggled to get out of the back scratch spins - have to do some start/stop exercises.

Loop jump - not keeping the free hip closed or the foot in front. Gee maybe that's why I chicken out with a half-loop? Grrrr.

Haven't made much progress on the tango stops. I want to be able to do them soooo badly, too.

Terri C
02-09-2007, 02:17 PM
Frozen Ice:
Yesterday PT gave me clearance to try to jump, but to stop if there is pain.
On lesson today I tried a waltz jump and ..... NO PAIN ON THE LANDING!!
I then did three waltz jumps in a row, and felt a slight pull, then a waltz toe and couldn't do the toe loop part. So we stopped jumps then.
Nice noontime public session... just about all adults.... now if the rink could do this on a weeknight.

Why does my sitspin show up after Primary Coach leaves the building??

02-09-2007, 03:27 PM
Frozen Ice:
Yesterday PT gave me clearance to try to jump, but to stop if there is pain.
On lesson today I tried a waltz jump and ..... NO PAIN ON THE LANDING!!
I then did three waltz jumps in a row, and felt a slight pull, then a waltz toe and couldn't do the toe loop part. So we stopped jumps then.
Nice noontime public session... just about all adults.... now if the rink could do this on a weeknight.

Why does my sitspin show up after Primary Coach leaves the building??

Terri, GREAT NEWS! And LOL re the sit spin. :twisted:

02-09-2007, 03:34 PM
Frozen ice: Luckily coach cancelled yesterday's lesson (when I was snowed in anyway) and moved it to today.

Did a decent loop and flip. They are there but they just seem to have taken a holiday lately and not shown up to the rink when I do!

All my hard work on moves has paid off in that (as well as passing the test!:lol:), suddenly I can do back outside double 3's under control, with absolutely no problem at all. It's amazing and I love them! All thanks to practising the interbronze exercise number 4 (back outside 3's and mohawks in a circle). Getting control on those seems to have magicaly enabled me to do back outside double 3's.

frostbite: backspin:frus: :x

02-09-2007, 08:41 PM
Well, sometimes it's just the way someone puts things in different words, so it's worth a try, right?
Thanks for the tips, and you too vesperholly. Today I was able to hold the sit spin all the way down for 2-3 revolutions a few times so it's coming along...I'll keep working at it...

02-09-2007, 09:04 PM
Frostbite -- everything. Just had an off day. Haven't been able to practice much and will be off ice for the next two weeks due to business trips. Sigh. Coach MADE me revisit three turns (I've been successfully avoiding them for a month now) and it was disheartening. I can manage to do one each of the back insides, but back outsides are trauma. Total trauma. Oh and the fun part of my lesson, choreographing my program, turned bad when my newly cut tape wouldn't play. One of those days kids, one of those days.

On the plus side I'll be in Florida for business and while I'll be working my tushie off it will be warm. I'll miss skating though.

02-10-2007, 06:05 AM
Hi everyone! *waves*

Im back (again) :D

Frozen Ice:
- I went skating twice last week!!! YAY!!!
- Im getting outside mohawks!!
- Ive almost got the first two steps of the choctaw... inside, outside, and then I fall :lol: well, not actually, but ive gotta do some more shoulder check to make sure I dont fall inwards... but still, Im happy :)
- Getting a little more confident on the ice again

- Ive realised my 3turns suck.. Im throwing myself into it too much, and I need a BIG curve to do them on, so lots of re-learning them to ensure I can do them on a slight curve, and just from a knee bend, not throwing my arms around ;)

- My skates HURT!!! I went to get them sharpened (first time ever! 8O ) and the guy noticed one of the blades was warped, and fixed it, so I dont know if when I broke them in my foot was in a different position, but now the bit that rubs against the boney protrusion below your big toe HURTS!!!! Im in so much pain I cant skate, and changing lacing doesnt do a thing :(

- I want to learn how to do a proper fast hockey stop, cos my t-stops just aint fast enough for my liking.
- I want my crossovers back, nicely.
- I want to get the choctaw!! :D

And you all know I will get there :D

I hope you have all been well :D

02-10-2007, 07:37 AM
Erinna - Did you forget about us? Welcome back!

New group schedule means I lose a private lesson on Saturdays, unless she decides to change to a freestyle or public session. Have to call the Mom later and break the news.

02-10-2007, 09:18 AM
Vesperholly: Just watched your video of the sit spin. Very impressed.

Casey: I also watched your 2 year progress video...also very impressed. You are such a dare devil! Love your speed and can tell you throw yourself in with little fear! No wonder you have progressed so nicely in 2 years.

Isk8NYC: our rink has been doing all kinds of schedule changes at last minute...making it really difficult to count on our lessons and practice. It is a nightmare for the coaches as their income is effected. Many students are having difficulty changing schedules so just missing all together.

02-10-2007, 01:15 PM
Frozen ice: Skating is getting stronger and stronger, Bronze Moves getting better, more confident all of the time. I notice that I can do the 5-step Mohawk sequence MUCH better if I am doing it to the beat of ice-dance music. Am thinking that Rusty Blade's "Wireless Coach" would be a great asset when I take the test. I would have someone off-ice hook the wireless coach up to an ice-dance CD and I would pass that move with flying colors! Hmm, I wonder if the judges would mind if I sang during the test?

Did small patterns of all upper-level dances yesterday - slow and steady and could do all turns, etc. A good feeling. Can't wait until my dance lesson this weekend and the ice-dance seminar next weekend!!


Frostbite: Right before I went to bed last night one of my cats was up on the roof -- my husband went outside to try to get her down and I ran to the window to watch - slipped on the tray that we feed the cats on and went down like a ton of bricks, twisting my right foot/ankle under me.

My immediate thought - no skating for 6 weeks! All this progress down the drain!! No ice-dance weekend next weekend (a seminar with Judy Blumberg!), no dog class today, no taking care of myself (for a while), trips to the Dr., physical therapist, hiring somebody to help me with my business, wondering how I'm going to take a shower...

Will go this afternoon to get an xray, but looking forward to at least another week of pain. Very very depressed.:?? :frus:

02-10-2007, 01:15 PM
I've been struggling with my sleep schedule once again, so I could not get up in time for 8:30 empty sessions. Finally managed on Wed, but on Thu, hadn't slept well and felt dizzy after one spin and off balance on everything. Went into Friday's lesson with pretty much no decent practice all week.

Frozen Ice:
In spite of sleep woes and lack of practice, I had a great lesson! Coach told me she had seen my FXO's before lesson, and they looked pretty good, so we didn't work on them at all. Still having big problems with LFO edge due to pronation. Coach took another look, and now thinks it's my knee that is turning inwards. This makes sense to me, because it does then push my foot in from the bottom, and place pressure on the outside of the ankle. Repeating the mantra "Knee Over Toes", I was able to hold edge much better, with no pain on outside of heel. Coach wants me to do off-ice squats to strengthen muscles to hold knee straight. We worked on FO and FI threes, which are progressing, slowly, but surely. I think strength is key at this point. Finally, I tried spins, which I hadn't been able to do all week. First, I didn't get dizzy, second, was able to go to one foot after just one spin. Finished the lesson with several one foot spins, the last one being 5 revs, and so good that coach called it beautiful. DH was watching from the stands, and saw that spin and agreed. If I can just make myself do the off-ice exercises that I need, I think I will start to make real progress again.

Terri C
02-10-2007, 01:52 PM
Frozen Ice:
Walked in to the rink today to find that the freestyle that was only supposed to be for 50 minutes was extended to go for another 30 minutes!! Then Secondary Coach promptly informed me that she could take me for lesson today!!
It gets better- I managed to do two sitspins on lesson today and..... a half lutz three turn waltz toe sequence with a slight pull, but no pain!! Yay me! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully.

All of these kids getting ready to either test or compete next weekend, ay yay yay!

Rusty Blades
02-10-2007, 02:34 PM
I needed to finish up a little business with my original club and since my coach was away, I thought it a good chance to go back to skate with some of the first adult skaters I met.

Frozen Ice: I spent an hour chit-chatting with my friends and just playing with backwards and turns - nothing strenuous or stressful. My goodness, some of those 3-turns that I can’t do were looking pretty good today. Gee, imagine what they will be like when I CAN do them!

I had fun - no frostbite today :mrgreen:

Rob Dean
02-10-2007, 06:52 PM
Frozen Ice: We'll start with the good part. It was a banner day today. My son and I have been waiting since we started this in early '04 for there to be a hard enough freeze here in Maryland that we could skate on a pond. Today was the day! I haven't skated on natural ice since I was a kid, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but after making sure that it really was safely frozen, we found that it was usable, though a little bumpy. I've payed to skate on worse ice! Temperature was tolerable at just below freezing--so I doubt that we'll have many more days, and it probably won't last until next weekend.

Apart from the adventure, though, the real skating has been more in the frostbite mode this week. I have been dragging with a cold and should perhaps have not gone out today in an absolutely sensible world. I've been short on lesson time all month due to son's other commitments, and this week's lesson all went toward the APBM patterns. Coach says they've improved (and I can tell that she's right), but as I said in another thread, I'll be the first student she's put on the ice for this test, and she'd like me to be overprepared, so we let the deadline for the next test session pass quietly yesterday. Looking at moves all lesson also meant that we didn't have the time to assess the possibility of testing the next dance (or two?), so that's deferred as well. Back to serious practice tomorrow, putting four sets of lobes into the double-3 pattern. :(


02-10-2007, 08:23 PM
Frozen Ice:

NONE!!! :( (Partly why I didn't post 'til now...) :roll:

Lower back was acting up and chiro advised me to stay off the lower back for at least 24 hours after he cracks my back (which got cracked that Wed. LATE afternoon!!!) So we started on edge stuff...

Primary coach first wanted to see my brackets!!! I warned him that I'm still just learning it... He saw it... wasn't impressed!!! :roll: (I warned him but does he LISTEN!?!?!) I guess I should have told him that he should be happy since I couldn't even do the FO ones last month away from the wall.... :roll:

This of course, started him on SILVER MOVES!!! Of course, I do need lessons on BI3 and BO3 so that's what we've primarily been working on. Needless to say, I need a bit more practice to get them. :frus:

Then I did 8 step mohawks... well, at least I think I'm starting to get the patterns... but BOY do I need help getting the BO mohawks. :oops: Speed is okay for a first try....

Then it was power pulls. Primary coach's words were "STOP WIGGLING!!! WALL, GARDEN!!! WALL, GARDEN!!! Where I should be skating towards when I do power pulls. Of course, the idea is to get MUCH BIGGER lobes!!!

Dumb question of the day from primary coach:
Primary coach "Why did you do backward power pulls anyway?"
Me: "Ummm... b/c you told me to do the power pull pattern and it's forward power pulls first and then backwards power pulls, right???"
Coach: "Oh..." :oops: :roll: :P :lol:

THEN spirals... it's funny when you're there to see this:

Me doing the spiral pattern.... the free leg wasn't high enough for Jay, so he yells HIGHER!!! HIGHER!!! His Gold Level guy skater then says "HIGHER!!!" (I can hear it's not Jay....) Then I hear in the background yet another male voice yelling "HIGHER!!!" In the end I hear a chorus of "HIGHER" as I'm doing this. The other skaters were looking over in my direction and I could tell they were tempted to add in the chorus of "HIGHER!!!" Needless to say, it was quite :lol:!!!

Then just to be smart-alecky, after I finished the pattern and was skating back over, I hear one more "HIGHER!!!" following by laughter by the rest of the guys!!!

ALRIGHT GUYS!!! I *GOT* the HINT!!! NOW SHUT UP!!! :twisted: :P :lol:

The last thing were spins... in particular change foot spins. (ala ISI 3) Still need a lot of practice on the transition going from forward to backwards. I can do them consistently, but not well.

02-10-2007, 09:40 PM
Frozen ice: skated today to make up for lack of session on Wednesday (due to daughter's poisoned dinner :lol: ). It wasn't too bad, not as crowded. Music monitor played tunes a bit loud but the background tunes were DISCO!!!!! COOL!

Ran through my program elements, then worked on the backspin-hop and managed some backspins. I did some 2-3 revs and got so excited I forgot to hop! Finally! Ran through my program 3 times, once with music. Did work on the loop, and showed one of my skating buddies how I've been doing it. I have good height and rotation, just keep putting that other foot down (still). It's all mental.

Frostbite: yeah, putting that foot down bites! And had a sinus headache all day!!!! Hope it's gone tomorrow when I go to Bowie Maryland for the competition. My daughter is competing also, her first out-of-home rink one!!!! And I spent all evening re-doing her dress...it did not turn out right so it's almost being completely re-sewn. She never was around for fittings......She is stoning it now (I think that she is addicted to doing that which suits me fine).

And our warm-up times are weird-mine is at 1, hers is 4-ish....which means we will be there all day. but that beats being there at 0800 or earlier!!!! or 6pm and later!

02-11-2007, 09:40 PM
Frozen Ice/Frostbite....it's all COLD!!! Got back not too long ago from our competition. Had a good time, froze all day long, starved (as in...snack bar had no hot dogs :x ). But found a locker room where there weren't too many giggly silly girls, and it was stocked with a mirror, toilet paper, etc.

I did well (again, skated against the book, ISI). Daughter skated many hours after me, against three others. As this was her first comp and she has only one time per week to skate, she did not do as well as she thought she would do (hmmm, she thought that if another skater fell, it put her down a few notches-she learned otherwise).

I ordered a video of her skating. Had my skates sharpened (after I skated) and the toe punched out by Chuck.

Overall, a very good time!!! Except for leaving...it was dark, and daughter gave the wrong direction leaving...so we had to turn around and try again!

Blood sugar was very low by the time we got to where we could eat. Yes, I did bring snacks but quickly ate my way through them....(note: bring more food!!!!)

Next month: Skate Annapolis (which is not being held at Annapolis due to lack of completion of the new rink) at Easton, Maryland. Next year I am adding a spotlight event. I don't know if I will be up to Freestyle 3 since the backspin is sooooo elusive-you need a change-foot spin and a sit spin (let's not go there).