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View Full Version : toe loop...again

01-30-2007, 05:39 PM
I know I brought this topic of toe loops up several months ago...after practicing my toe loop (among many other elements of course!) over many many months I video taped myself and found myself facing forward on the jump! I have been trying so hard not to do that, but I just cannot seem not to. Ive played over videos of higher level skaters doing thier toe loop in slow motion and I'm pretty sure they are somewhat turned around on the take off. it would be really helpful if s/o can kindly post a video of a single toe loop with the correct take off position. I think it woud really help me and inspire me too! thanks!!

happy skating!!

01-30-2007, 10:18 PM
If you are doing a single toeloop, the judges tend to be a little more forgiving. But still, it's good to get it as correct as possible.
While working on my double toe takeoff (which I tend to toe-axel, even though my single toe takeoff is apparently fine), I learned a few things that fixed it:
1. Keep your head and shoulders completely still on the 3-turn and the 3-turn exit. You may not even realize your head is turning, so ask your coach to tell you if it is.
2. Pick while your skating knee is still deeply bent from the 3-turn exit.
3. Pop up quickly off the pick as you straighten the skating knee. Don't spend time on the toe or it will have too much time to turn forward.
4. Cross your right thigh over your left (assuming you pick with your left) as you straighten up and take off. That way, you get a head start with the landing side without turning the takeoff side forward.

01-31-2007, 07:48 AM
Well doubletoe's given some pretty good tips so can't really add to that, other than to say the way I do it is to think of the jump as a Flip off the other foot, that way I 'remember' not to turn prematurely.

S xxx

Team Arthritis
01-31-2007, 10:30 AM
FWIW ant and I have been discussing toeloops on rec skating ng this week and he has a nice long couple of posts there that have been very helpful. So I worked my toeloops in lessons yesterday and here are the drills that helped:

1) I couldn't get much draw of the R foot around the L planted pick at the boards (CCW jumper) so coach had me work this drill -> from a standstill plant L pick and do a RFI pivot 1/2 way (R arm front) then switch weight to plant R toepick and do a 1/4 turn LBI pivot (L arm front) and scull/push off L foot so you are in a deep kneebend on R leg letting L foot swing around straight/ fully extended into a strong upper body twist to the right and then bend the R knee only to put L toe in and drag R foot towards planted toe with the impossible goal of having the R foot scrape flat just as it leaves the ice right at the L toe plant sweeping up to the side.

2) coach also wants my to let the free leg "fan" around on the three turn but wants my arms to swing at sides (not around) "soldier arms" on the RFI-3 entrance. I find this very very tough so she had me drill L forewards side lunge with R arm front - rise up on two feet and clap my arms straight down on my thighs then shift into R back lunge with L arm strongly front. FOr some reason my body doesn't like to do this, sigh.

After all that the toeloop was much easier and almost "natural"http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/fantasy/vulcan.gif (http://www.thesmilies.com)