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04-14-2002, 06:49 PM
What suprised you the most this season?

04-14-2002, 08:38 PM
The pairs judging controversy was the most shocking to me. I doubt anyone would have been surprised if that had happened in dance, but pairs?????

However, the 'pleasant' surprise out of the whole scandal is the continued coverage the whole judging thing is getting in mainstream meda (eg. Washington Post, Toronto Globe and Mail). Many sports writers will be watching the hearings the end of this month with a great deal of interest -- the ISU [i:eeaf3787cf]must[/i:eeaf3787cf] give the appearance of dealing with this issue openly and fairly -- and without blinders on. The credibility of the sport is hanging in the balance -- not only with the hearings but also with whatever proposals are brought before the Congress in Japan in June.

My hopes aren't really all that high, but my fingers ARE crossed...

Show 42
04-15-2002, 12:03 AM
It is always [color=red:a367c9fdce]shocking[/color:a367c9fdce] when a skater, any skater makes a move from 4th to first. Second maybe, but first? Incredible. My mouth hung open for days afterwards. I wasn't surprised that the continuing scandal in skating finally came to a head. I would have preferred that it hadn't happened at the Olympics, but, oh well.

04-15-2002, 11:16 AM
It was actually a toss-up between Sarah and the pairs...but I decided I was more shocked about the pairs. Never would I have dreamed that there would be two gold medals awarded...

04-15-2002, 01:03 PM
I expected a huge controversey in ice dance; I even thought Sarah had a shot at gold if she landed two 3/3s...although I didn't believe she would land the second one. If Irina won, I was expecting some vituperation by the commentators...I was "emotionally ready" for that sort of thing.

However, I was shocked from the second I heard Scott and Sandra's commentary on pairs and thereafter for a week I was in a state of shock...I couldn't believe any of this from the beginning, as I did not think S&P had the kind of "slam dunk" claimed that night, and I still don't. I love both pairs, but I thought B&S won that night and I think overall they are the more accomplished.

I was happy and very relieved the way the thing got resolved...I like the fact B&S and S&P are skating together a lot, and I'm happy that pairs skating is now more popular in America/Canada...but that doesn't take away the sense of vulnerability to media hype that I feel was created that all the skaters (and fans) are now subject too.

All that, along with the hatchet job that was done on Sasha Cohen about some supposed bump in the warm up at Nationals has made me think of skating as a habit I really ought to break...something that at this time contains more spiteful meanness than beauty and inspiration.

04-15-2002, 03:35 PM
I voted for the pairs controversy, because I never, ever imagined it. Sarah Hughes winning at Skate Canada opened my eyes that she could win, even though I didn't expect it. It was a shock for sure, but I don't think anything tops the shock of the pairs, with all the international coverage.


04-15-2002, 08:57 PM
Sarah's win had to be the most surprising and shocking. I would have bet the farm that she would never, in a million years win....even before she was buried in 4th LOL!

What an amazing skate she had, and what a wonderful surprise to watch. And, for me, living on the Left Coast, it was the first time I had been able to watch a competition live, which made it all the more exciting and surprising!

04-16-2002, 10:30 AM
I thought the pairs controvesy was pretty predictable actually - you have judges, judges are human, human are not infalliable - stuff happens. :(

Now Sarah winning the Olys! 8O

04-16-2002, 11:16 AM
As far as the judging situation is concerned, I was only mildly surprised that it was pairs and not dance...the big surprise was the 2nd set of medals!!!

Surprised about Sarah's win? ...not really, it could have been one of several women who had the capability....assuming it was marked fairly. I didn't think either Irina or Michelle had it sewn up.

04-16-2002, 07:14 PM
Shae and Victor winning the GPF over A&P and D&V with F-P&M in fourth.

There was a list of women who could have won gold in SLC and Sarah was one of them.

The pairs gold was between S&P and B&S and could have gone either way. The aftermath was a surprise but
there is always something controversial at the Olympics.

There's always controversy in dance = the season it doesn't happen will be a shock.

04-19-2002, 10:22 PM
Definetely Sarah Hughes winning the gold. I thought her chances were already over after being 4th after her short program. I was really impressed.

05-26-2002, 12:29 AM
Sarah winning the Olys!
I thought she had a fighting chance for sure, but after she was fourth in the SP, I was quite surprised to see her take the whole enchilada!!!!!!!

05-26-2002, 01:06 AM
lol seems like im the only one that voted for an "other" moment. for me..............
2002 GRAND PRIX FINAL when SHAE & VIC won. it was such an amazing moment, i'll never forget where i was and how i felt, it was just so great.

05-26-2002, 02:04 AM
Sarah winning the Olympics was definitely the biggest shock for me this season. However, I would rank Michelle firing Frank and Lori as a close second.

05-26-2002, 09:24 AM
I think the most surprsing was, of course, Sarah winning the Olympics!! :D But Michelle not getting silver or gold was also very surprsing, i'm not sure which one is the most exciting or surprising?!?!?!?! :D

05-26-2002, 11:32 AM
I have to agree with BCSkater when she/he said that the best and most shocking moment was when Shae and Victor won the GPF. That was amazing and I couldn't believe how happy I was :) :mrgreen:

05-26-2002, 01:29 PM
Michelle Kwan not winning Olympic gold :x

05-26-2002, 01:50 PM
[quote:045e4fd64b="DBZ"]However, I would rank Michelle firing Frank and Lori as a close second.[/quote:045e4fd64b]

I agree with that- that was such a HUGE shock!


05-26-2002, 07:59 PM
[quote:1bcd36d11a="DBZ"]Sarah winning the Olympics was definitely the biggest shock for me this season. However, I would rank Michelle firing Frank and Lori as a close second.[/quote:1bcd36d11a]

I would say Michelle firing Frank Carroll; I felt that was something that would never happen. At the time it seemed like it was a hoax because it was so unbelievable. 8O

On the other hand, Sarah's win was not shocking or a big surprise to me since I predicted her to win Silver from the beginning and even after her being in fourth after the SP I still predicted her to win Silver, so winning the Gold was only one step up. :)

05-26-2002, 08:53 PM
I had to say Sarah's win. As much as I loved her and wanted her to get it, i didnt' know if it would happen. It made me so happy to see that dream come true, for her. Especially because she ahd been in 4th and was able to suprise so many more people with the win by moving up so far!!

lrng to skt
05-26-2002, 09:03 PM
Probably most shocked by the commentating and "spins" of fans and media :roll:

The Grande Prix Finale shocked me big time and I was not pleased with much of it - including rink size.

Pleasant shock for me was Sasha Cohen coming back so far so fast :D ...g

05-26-2002, 10:08 PM
I was at ice level in the arena when Sarah won. The shock was palpable. The judges, the officials, NBC, the volunteers, everyone.

The bustle still went on. The flower sweepers buzzed around like little bees, the medals ceremony people marched in with the flags. It all went as it was supposed to but when you looked in peoples eyes, well, we were all just stunned.

05-28-2002, 09:50 PM
The biggest shock for me was Sarah winning Olympic Gold. I thought that if there would be an upset, it would be Sasha Cohen...I just didn't think Sarah's skating would win the Olympic Gold.

05-29-2002, 10:19 AM
I am not an ice dancing fan, but the biggest shock to me was Shae and Vic falling at the end of their long program at the Olys. Clearly, they were in the zone, and I was just shocked when this happened. They lost a medal right then and there to no fault but their own. Sad.

Oh, i have a question..i will start another thread.

05-29-2002, 11:45 PM
I chose the pairs scandal because that should be the most shocking. It's kind of sad how jaded we are, that we all seemed to have accepted it and moved on.

I wasn't at all surprised at the ladies competition, unfortunately. I love Michelle and like Sarah very much, and I knew Sarah had it in her and I just had the feeling Michelle was not qhere she wanted to be.

I have to agree with those who chose B&K winning GPF, I was truly surprised and pleased by that one.


lrng to skt
05-30-2002, 02:56 PM
Actually I thought the GPF was THE judging scandal of the season :lol: :evil: ...g

05-30-2002, 03:19 PM
It's a toss up between three things...

The Pairs Scandal. There's been enough said about that, so...

Shae and Victor winning the GPF. That was the most pleasant shock and I was thrilled by it, both for Ice Dance and Shae and Victor.

That so many people were up in arms about Jamie and David's Orchid program. As much as I love Love Story, to me, this program was leaps and bounds above it. Techically, artistically and for sheer chill factor. I still don't understand it.

lrng to skt
05-30-2002, 09:18 PM
Wow [b:f723796787]Tigger[/b:f723796787] - I totally agree with your last paragraph - I felt all season that if they skated Orchid it would very probably be a winner - I think the choreography was masterful. It is my belief that they were not able to skate up to the program and that is why they went back to the program that was very much simpler and easier for them to perform (which I personally always have and always will find a major cheesy groaner).

I still mourn for a well skated Orchid :evil: ...g