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View Full Version : Johnny Weirs "attitude"

12-25-2006, 03:48 PM
At the Grand Prix Final, Johnny was "called out" by Peter Carruthers for his excuse making.

The result, I thought, was humourous.

For those who missed it, Johnny calmly freaked out, questioned why he was being put on the spot while Evan, who with every mistake over the last few years blames a sore hip (according to Johnny), is left unmolested.

Johnny then shot ice lasers at Peter (off camera) and stated that Peter did not understand Johnnys thought processes or excuses (what I got from it).

Anyone else think Johnny is correct? Is it up to an interviewer to question the integrity of a skater? Or is that crossing the line?

Also, am I the only one who thought a woman would have never gotten away with that answer? Could you imagine Sarah or Sasha finnaly just letting an interviewer have it for the dumb questions?

12-25-2006, 05:25 PM
He said that Evan blames every mistake on a sore hip?? He must have been pretty upset. Then again he'd probably just had to withdraw, so yeah, he'd have to have been upset.

A woman would be expected to be crying under the circumstances maybe. A guy, especially Johnny, would get flak for being a "diva" if he'd cried, so I guess anger is the socially prescribed reaction.

I don't know what else to say. Skaters are held up to a pretty high standard of behavior. (Which isn't a bad thing). A hockey or basketball player who'd been ejected would almost be expected to talk some trash against the opponents.

Anyway, I hope they're both well enough to settle the matter on the ice at Nationals. :giveup:

12-26-2006, 07:23 AM
I found him to be a bit defensive--moreso than he needed to be. I don't think I have ever heard Evan make excuses re: his hip when he had bad performances, so I am not sure what Johnny was referring to. Perhaps something that was said behind the scenes, but not on tv?....

Anyway, I do think Johnny needs to pull it all together or he will not have much of a shot at the medals over the next few years. He does seem to have something holding him back, and even he admitted at an earlier competition that he had been making a lot of excuses. So perhaps that what Peter was referring back to, and Johnny suddenly didn't want to hear it.

12-26-2006, 12:48 PM
While he likes limelight, Johnny doesn't do well in answering questions that make him uncomfortable. Perhaps he needs a few pat answers rehearsed in advance, the way other professional athletes prepare for interviews. He's very spontaneous, so the idea of preparing in advance is probably not appealing, but his "on the fly" answers aren't doing anything for his image. Reviewing his gaffs and flaws are probably not helping his self-esteem. (I'm not worried about his ego. LOL)

Here's hoping he heals well, prepares better (on- and off-ice) and matures a bit.

12-26-2006, 01:48 PM
Perhaps he needs a few pat answers rehearsed in advance, the way other professional athletes prepare for interviews.

I know that Skate Canada does media training for their athletes. I wonder if the USFSA does?

Some athletes are just wild cards with a microphone in their face though, training or not? That's what makes skating kinda fun!

Edited: I like Johnny Weir, I like that he is more than just another male skater and that he brings art to the sport, but that makes him a target.

12-26-2006, 06:17 PM
Hope I didn't give you the impression that I dislike Johnny Weir, that's not the case.

I don't know about the USFSA providing media handling lessons; somehow I think the coaches/agents handle that aspect in the US. (Not certain, though.)

12-26-2006, 09:37 PM
Talented skater with a bad attitude. My old coach used to say, "Talent will only let you get so far and then your good attitude needs to kick in." Jonny needs to kick his bad attitude in the butt.


12-28-2006, 01:29 AM
Plenty of Johnny attitude here http://goldenskate.com/articles/2006/122406.shtml

12-28-2006, 11:38 AM
Good for Johnny! That is PRECISELY what they do!

Its Peter C. and the rest of those ABC corporate hacks who have the "attitude".

Frankly, this is why people do not watch skating any more, because ABC bullies and deamonizes some skaters, and ruins some skaters too. Its like they cannot stand it if anyone has a favorite skater who is not their annointed one -- they have to be bashing someone!

I cannot recall a single time when growing up that everyone in my family liked the same skaters equally! There is no accounting for taste,. so when you are unfair to any skater, you turn their fans off, and you drive people away from skating.

They have totally poisoned skating for most people, and that is such a shame!

12-28-2006, 12:52 PM
I thought the article with Johnny was absolutely glorious! :P

Mel On Ice
12-28-2006, 07:15 PM
Carruthers is a great commentator on pairs - I've learned so much listening to him - but he has zero talent interviewing skaters before, during and after events. His technique is akin to asking shell-shocked crime victims how they feel 30 seconds after being violated. He's as subtle as the Atlas Stones in the World's Strongest Man competition.

12-28-2006, 09:30 PM
I remember Peter interviewing Todd Eldredge after a competition several years back.

At the end of the interview, Peter thanked Todd and practically slammed the microphone to his own side, face near red.

The interview was not that good, Todd was not too forthcoming, and he and Peter had no chemistry. I guess it peeved Peter off! LOLOL :roll:

Peter is very forceful and arrogant for an interveiwer, and when the interview does not go the way Peter wants, it seems to escalate to, well, Peter getting ruffled.