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View Full Version : A question about the origans of Skating moves.

02-14-2006, 09:39 PM
Say I was reading a book and this question dawned on me. Does anyone happen to know how the early skaters who evented moves while in competition for all Skating Disciplines were able to invent them and get them legalized? For example we know that certain moves are not permitted in Pairs and Dance,etc. yet I read that a Pairs Team founded the Death Spial. What would have made it finally legal? Thanks.

02-19-2006, 05:57 PM
someone named Ina Bauer invented the Ina Bauer :P i'm not sure about how all those things became legal, but you could find out in one of those figure skating books :)

02-20-2006, 08:13 AM
Moves don't have to be "legalized". Skaters just do them. If something is deemed too dangerous, then they make it illegal in competition. It's not like Ina Bauer had to get permission from anybody to include the move that has been named after her.