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View Full Version : Calling all Kurt Browning fans!

01-06-2006, 01:43 PM
Hmm..not sure where the right place to post this is. Hope it's here...

Calling all Kurt Browning fans! Or anyone who's enjoyed his skating over the years...

2006 is a special year for Kurt - he's being inducted into the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame in March, he's turning 40 in June, and he's celebrating his 10th wedding anniversary to Sonia, also in June. To commemorate all these milestones, I'm putting together a special project for fans of Kurt to get a chance to show their appreciation for Kurt's skating over the years, and I'd love for any and all fans of Kurt to participate.

It's going to be a scrapbook full of messages, photos, creative stuff, whatever, contributed by fans, which I'm going to give him at Stars on Ice in Vancouver in May. I'd love for anyone who's enjoyed Kurt's skating in the past to contribute. It can be as creative and elaborate as you can fit on a 12"x12" scrapbook page, or as simple as a "Congratulations Kurt!" signed with your name.

If you're interested in participating, you can go here for more details (http://www.kurtfiles.com/project.php). And if you know of anyone who might be interested, could you direct them there as well? In fact, I'd love to get the word out about this as widely as I can to include as many of Kurt's fans as I can, so if you can help me get the word out, I'd be forever grateful.

Hope you'll participate! Feel free to email me (address is in the above link) with any questions.