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View Full Version : Kurt Browning's children's book in stores today

01-05-2006, 01:24 PM
Kurt Browning's new children's book "A is for Axel: An Ice Skating Alphabet" is out in stores today. Here's the blurb from the publisher:

Four-time World Champion and professional figure skater Kurt Browning replaces his boots and blades with pen and paper in A is for Axel: An Ice Skating Alphabet. From holding an edge to laces and hooks, Kurt glides and dances through the alphabet explaining the history, techniques, and memorable moments of the sport. Spirited illustrator Melanie Rose captures the excitement visually with her colorful, playful illustrations. With the Winter Olympics spinning our way in 2006, this book will have fans young and old dreaming of gold.

It's also available online through Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1585362808/102-9390824-4256912?v=glance&n=283155&n=507846&s=books&v=glance) for $12.21 USD, Amazon.ca (http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/1585362808/qid=1136485696/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_3_1/702-2192739-4292833) for $18.20 CDN, or Chapters.Indigo.ca (http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/item.asp?Item=978158536280&Catalog=Books&Ntt=a+is+for+axel&N=35&Lang=en&Section=books&zxac=1) for $23.95 CDN.

I haven't seen it yet, but it looks like it'll be a cute book. This is the one where an article a little while back had a cute anecdote about Kurt trying to think of a word for Q - "Quesadilla?" until Steven Cousins was like "you're kidding, right?" before reminding him of the Quad...