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View Full Version : Help on Salchow

12-23-2005, 01:58 PM
Hi. I need help getting power on my salchow. I just learned it, and it's more of a step than a jump, and I'm taking a short hiatus from training during winter break, and I want to perfect it when I come back in January. I think my takeoff is funny, but I don't know. I spin then I take off. Then all of a sudden I'm on my other foot with no moment of being in the air. What am I doing wrong?

12-23-2005, 02:35 PM
If you are doing it from an outside three turn, make sure you check the turn before the take-off. If you don't check it, it will become swingy or spinny. To get more height really bend the take-off knee as you jump. If you are doing it with very little speed into it, you won't have as much power as if you are skating fast into it, so work on gaining speed on the crossovers leading into the jump.


12-23-2005, 03:51 PM
I'm also having problems with this jump. Thanks for the pointers, NickiT--I think I'm probably not checking and bending enough. I also feel very closed up during the beginning of the jump. The free knee is way too close to my skating knee on the takeoff, and I'm having trouble fixing that. So I have a really eensy jump because of it.

12-24-2005, 12:32 AM
Can't add much to Nicki T only that if you're going into the 3-turn with your arms out to the side try it with the 'leading' (left for right handed jumpers) out in front, make sure that it's strong and you don't let it swing backwards.

Practise 3 turns on their own and try and slow the entry down as *most* people rush the entry which is when you end up messing the jump up.

12-24-2005, 12:40 AM
Try doing the 3-turn on a very large circle and keeping your upper body very still and shoulders squared (i.e., no twisting of the upper body). Hold the entrance edge for a count of 3, hold the exit edge for a count of 3 (with your free leg extended straight behind you), then go down on the jumping knee and and spring up off the toe.

12-24-2005, 12:42 AM
P.S. When you push off onto the LFO 3-turn, start from a RBO edge or some other entrance that will give you a T position on the pushoff from the right foot onto the left foot.

12-24-2005, 08:32 AM
This was my "problem" jump for a whole year! :frus:

What fixed it was:
1. Getting a cadence or timing to the jump. So it's (assuming you jump around CCW) glide RBO (but not forever), then when you turn forward for the 3-turn, the timing begins-LFO 1-2,turn the 3, LBI 1-2 jump! Land 1-2-3.

2. On the 3-turn portion, have a nice knee bend, check strong, don't rush through the count-especially the second half! Most people rush it (I did). My knee is bent more on the second part of the 3-turn, getting ready to spring up.

3. When you jump, spring up, swing the knee through, bring those arms in.

4. When you land, the check continues, I look slightly over my left shoulder, and my landing leg is bent as I go through my glide, then I straighten it.

12-24-2005, 01:15 PM
Thank you all for your help. I'll try all of you're tips next time I go to the rink. Turns out I'll be taking a two month hiatus because someone didn't get the grades her mother expected. :oops: Until I bring back A's in all of my subjects, no more coaching unless I pay for it. Luckily I am selling stuff on eBay. But I also need my money to buy new equipment. I need skates, guards, tights and a new outfit. I'll survive for two months, though. Anyways, I'll try the tips and When I get enough money for coaching, I'll ask my coach, also.
Thx Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-24-2005, 01:55 PM
Oh, poor Kitty! :cry:

Maybe if you take home an interim grade report you can get back on the ice sooner? In any case, it will pass quickly enough.

Don't neglect any off-ice workouts you can do instead!

12-24-2005, 02:07 PM
Good idea! :D our school gives out interm grades from individual teachers and the thing I really need to improve is NM History. I try to do as much off-ice workouts as possible. My school has a weight room and I work out there and currently I can lift 60 lbs. with my legs and 20 with my arms. At home I work out too and It's really great. My Mom is usually has good intentions and only punishes me for my own good, and if that pays off, she might let me skate. If she didn't want me to skate, she would have said so in the first place. I'm so happy that I got into this sport early in my life (I'll be 13 next year) but I guess a hiatus would be fine in a couple of years. Thanks for your support!
