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View Full Version : Tape Trading Questions

04-27-2004, 03:50 PM
My apologies if this is in the wrong forum, but as I'm not actually selling or trading any tapes but just asking questions about it, I thought maybe it was more appropriate to put it here.

I've been thinking lately about greatly reducing my skating tape collection and getting rid of most of the tapes I have. I've never done any tape trading before so I'm not really sure how the process works. Of course, I wouldn't actually be making any trades since I'm scaling back, but basically I'd just be looking to recover the costs of the shipping for each tape. So my question is, what's the general ettiquite surrounding tape trading? It's not something I've ever done before so is there anything in particular I should know before getting myself going on this? Also, how do things usually work regarding money? Do people usually wait to receive payment before sending the tape, or send it first and then receive the money after the tape has arrived. Sorry for all the questions, I just want to figure out the right way to do this before I proceed. Any advice from more experienced tape traders would be greatly appreciated!

Aussie Willy
04-27-2004, 09:45 PM
There are a couple of Yahoo groups that you can list your tapes on which are solely devoted to skating tape trading. Web addresses are:



You will need to become a member but you should have no problem getting rid of what you want through these.

05-02-2004, 10:31 PM
Thanks Aussie Willy! I will definitely check those groups out.