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10-25-2003, 03:54 PM
Okay I've been trying to follow this whoel code of points thing. But can anyone just break it down for me. I'm reading these sites and its like the goal is to completely confuse you! So I'm looking at the link posted on the Gr prix and can anyone walk me through the points? heres the linkclick here (http://www.isufs.org/results/sa2003/seg003.htm) Example.. TSS TCS TES..what does that mean. I know that there aren't any deductions cuz they work from 0 but why is that listed on the side. Thanks to anyone that can help me out!!

10-26-2003, 11:48 AM
TSS - Total Segment Score (i.e. the overall score for the routine).

TES - Technical Score (i.e. the points accumulated by the elements performed).

TCS - Not sure what this stands for, but it's basically the "presentation" score, as it is the total of the 5 scores given for presentation, which are:

SS - Skating Skills.
TR - Transitions.
PE - Performance and Execution.
CH - Choreography.
IN - Interpretation.

The final column of "deductions" is for things like music violations, costume violations, illegal moves etc (that's why it's usually zero).

There is a description of the presentation components on the ISU site, and what they all include, but I can't find the link at the moment - hopefully someone else will be able to help with that.
