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Old 04-25-2003, 10:46 PM
Hester Prynn Hester Prynn is offline
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PML! point taken... with a grain of salt.
Oh, and yes, I'm so embarassed for myself. I'm going to shudder in the corner now.
But in the interest of time... truce.
Better yet, POST WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANT HOWEVER THE HECK YOU WANT. fair?? If someone wants to sound like a person with an IQ of 10, let them.

That said, I agree this thread has been drawn out (partly my fault) and we need to get back to the skating talk. I'm sorry if my point of view offends anyone... but... I'm moving on.

See y'all around.
I am God
Old 04-25-2003, 10:56 PM
inuk_shuk inuk_shuk is offline
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This will likely be my last post in this thread. I'm so sick of this.

Hester Prynn : THANKS!!! And I WILL post "whatever the heck I want" !!! If you, or anyone else for that matter, decides they want to ignore me, GO AHEAD. And if you, or anyone else for that matter, wants to think that I'm a moron or that I have an IQ of 10, go ahead and do that too!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. At this point, I don't care. Ignore me, do it, I want you to.

Read what you want.

Think what you want.

Enough said.

Cheers *raises cup of kool-aid*
Old 04-26-2003, 05:29 AM
Norlite Norlite is offline
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Originally posted by sk8ing is lyfe
ok, i want to drop it too, however i have one problem...

hestor prynn, you call us childish? you just embarrassed yourself infront of all of skatign forums with your clueless reenactment!
i thought it was rather stupid and i am embarrassed for you.
i am trying not to be blunt, however it is very hard.

this site is called skating forums, not adultskatingforums. why r u saying that we should have to create a teen one, why dont you create an adult one.? it works both ways.
in the skating community, you have canskates, test stream kids, and competitive. then adults who are skating for fun. notice how most of these people would be children or teens??? what gives you the right to make us feel unwanted in the skating community, when all we are rtying to do is give skating our best shot in the future and see how far we can go amaturely? to purposely ignore our opinions is stupid (once again) as we have so much to offer the forum!
if you choose to ignore our insite, then that is your problem not ours, so if you want to pretend that you adults are as sophisticated as u let on, with your amazing(im sure) education, then go for it, but dont complain to us!

this whole thread sickens me! im sorry. but it is so immature. I agree with the first post, but it couldve been left at that

i wouldve made an effort to change, however now i will not do so until we are treated with respect rather than looked down upon. you can continue your aristocracy but leave us out of it.

i value your posts i really do but i am truly not impressed with how you have taken this whole controvery.

BTW (by the way) hestor prynn, i have a 94% in english thank you very much, so i do not need critisism on my spelling or punctuation.

i therefore do not apologize for any mistakes in here!
94% in English??

My goodness, now this thread could almost turn into a discussion of the horrible state of our school system
Old 04-26-2003, 05:55 AM
Rachel Rachel is offline
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Um, girls.

Sorry to sound unsympathetic, but most adults work 40 hours a week, and do a lot of boring work around the house. Some take classes; some have a second job; some have children to take care of; all of them have a lot of responsibilities.

We're all busy people.

What amazes me is that you spend all this time at school writing correctly, then get online and suddenly forget all that. If you are truly spending hours writing correctly and have very little time to get online and use cute spellings, then it should come much more naturally to you to write correctly than it does to use the cute spellings. After all, it's not that the cute spellings do not also have rules and correct ways of being incorrect; you have to think about one at least as much as the other, or so I was always taught in writing theory and linguistics. I think it's a bit disingenuous to claim that you can't write "correctly" because you are tired or it's too much work; it's just as much work either way. I would guess that it's been more of an awareness problem than anything else.

However, I think some people here are being a bit hard on you and that you have more maturity than you are being given credit for. Being quite childish myself, I would be strongly tempted to retaliate by pointing out the spelling, punctuation and grammar errors in some of the posts criticizing mine. Thank goodness you have refrained from such rude behavior and demonstrated some class.
Reprobates! Shoo! Shoo!
Old 04-26-2003, 08:00 AM
96.23?? 96.23?? is offline
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I for one have HAD ENOUGH! We have already come up with write as you like and think as you like and if you don't like how they write you can judge them because now we are all just very fed up with this silly thread that has really gotten us nowhere!

So can we all just forget about this? I've already truced with jazzpants and I think enough is enough! No more rudeness towards each other please!

Also, if people apologize take the apology don't just keep going about stuff they have done wrong in the past because it sure isn't helping!

Also, Norlite, there was no need for your comment which was if anyone didn't see it :

"94% in English??

My goodness, now this thread could almost turn into a discussion of the horrible state of our school system "

It wasn't one of the nicest posts I've seen but I don't want to make a big deal out of it, just take into consideration you probably have just offended some people.

Thanks and can we all just forget about all of this now?
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Old 04-26-2003, 10:43 AM
Suzanne Suzanne is offline
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96.23?? -- yes, I'm all in favour of moving on. And yes, I do appreciate the fact that you are writing now so that we can understand you. Thanks!
Old 04-26-2003, 11:57 AM
inuk_shuk inuk_shuk is offline
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Alright, I know i said the last one was probably my last one, but I had to post just one more. I couldn't sit back and watch some of you guys be that rude to us and sya nothing.

Rachel --> We know adults ahve a lot on their plates too. I have two parents that definatly don't have much time for recreation.

Norlite --> I found your post to be extremely offensive. I have 91% in english and I worked very hard for that mark. I think it was well deserved and I'm sure skating is lyfe's mark was too. NOTE : Our schools have very high stadards for us and it's very hard to get an A in something. Thanks.

Suzanne --> You ROCK!!!

That's all.
Old 04-26-2003, 01:10 PM
flippet flippet is offline
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Ok all, putting on the moderator hat now--which those of you who know me know that I almost never do.

One point to make--if you'll notice, no one was singled out when this thread was started--it was a general request. If there are posters who felt singled out, perhaps it's because they recognized themselves in the request? And if that's so, then they already know and are sensitive to the differences.

So. I think everyone understands the issue now--on both sides. I've seen effort to cut down on the slang, which is great--posts are much more readable now. I think we can close this thread and move on.

If people are still bothered, I think the 'ignore poster' function would be a good one to use. Not that I want to see anything less than a community here, but if stress levels are increasing either way, perhaps it's a better option.

Thanks for everyone's input--it's all being acknowledged. Locking now.

~flippet the mod
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