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Old 02-10-2005, 06:54 PM
sue123 sue123 is offline
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Originally Posted by AnnM
As a kid:

As an adult:
Ten years after that, while in law school, I decided I needed an outlet for all my school-induced stress and anxiety. There was a rink that had ample evening and afternoon public sessions about twenty minutes away from school, so I bought a pair of cheapie skates and headed out. After my third slide across the ice, I decided that maybe I needed a little "refresher" course in skating and signed up for group lessons. Moved on to private lessons within a year and have been happily skating ever since, waking up much earlier for ice time than I ever did as a kid. I even brought my study materials to the rink while studying for the bar exam; I'm convinced that studying in the bleacher seats during the morning public sessions, with spurts of skating in between, was the key to my success with the exam.
hey, i'll buy it. i figured if i take my mcat books to the rink, i'll be able to study there in between the public sessions. they have an hour in between sessions, so i worked it out that if i go to the last half hour or so of one, i could then study and then go to the public session afterwards as well. see, before i was complaining because i had to stop going to my group classes because of the prep course that i wasn't supposed to be in but now have to be in, and i actually did a lot of studying there after my class. but i managed to change my work hours so i can get to the rink on friday's during the 1:30 session after my classes are over, as well as get private lessons before class on tuesday morning, and it i was planning on taking my books there for when i take some breaks. or at least bring my flash ncards with me. if you ever happen to stumble across an empty public session and you see some moron flipping through flash cards as she warms up, yep that's me. for some reason, material sticks better in my head if i'm moving. that how i passed organic chem, i took the textbook on the treadmill or stationary bike.

sorry to start babbling, but people think i'm crazy when i tell them i plan on studying at the rink. i say wherever you can squeeze it in.
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Old 02-10-2005, 08:02 PM
starskate6.0 starskate6.0 is offline
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Originally Posted by falling_rain
hey everyone, i'm new to this forum but already i can tell it's a lovely place. it seems really active and helpful!

i just wanted to start a thread cos where i live, not many people know much about skating, some aren't even aware we have a rink in the country. how did you guys start skating?

for me, my sister used to watch skating on t.v. whenever they showed it (which in the first place wasn't very often.) when i was about 13 i was quite intruiged by it and wanted to try. we went to the rink and i saw a coach giving some lessons. it was love at first sight lol. well no...more like bigfatteenagehormonal crush at first sight, but ah anyway, i dragged my sister over and it wasn't long before we started regular group lessons. i wanted to continue after a while but she didn't so i started private lessons. i did overcome the silly crush lol, and in the first place it wasn't a big deal. i think at 13 i had crushes as often as i sneezed, and they lasted about as long as well heh heh.

so that's my story. i got seriously hooked onto skating after a while. i don't know how it happened. i just know that not skating made me miserable and just the thought of skating would make my day brighten up.

what's your story?
Where are you living...
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Old 02-10-2005, 08:34 PM
starskate6.0 starskate6.0 is offline
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big Q. Long A. short version

Im not going to get into the answer to this thread, Ill be here all night.. but in brief.

Stepped on the ice for the first time at 23 in rental skates. six weeks later I was doing my first ice show in Australia, stood on the ice and presented a girl while she skated, I could not even stop. Five months later went overseas on a one way ticket to try Holiday on Ice, got kicked out and told I was the worst skater they had ever seen. Joined a show in Spain for 5 months, skated in a Circus, learned from the skaters in the show. Went to Canada and tried Ice Capades, ( they hated me, not good enough), Worked in pubs and night clubs for years in Europe and skated where ever I could,( Richmond Ice Arena in London ) tried again for Holiday on ice , they said no . I gave up and went back to Australia, Auditiioned for Disney on Ice , no luck there but got hired later after working on a lot of new footwork and basic figures. Almost 7 years with Disney,Learned a lot from them, 4 world tours in chorus and comedy, retired in 1993, took up adult skating in 2003 and learned how to freeskate.
Learning to be an amature and competing for the last 2 years...
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Old 02-11-2005, 02:48 AM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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Originally Posted by sue123
sorry to start babbling, but people think i'm crazy when i tell them i plan on studying at the rink. i say wherever you can squeeze it in.
Absolutely! At our rink, kids are often seen squeezing in a few minutes' of homework when they need a break from skating. And on Saturday/Sunday mornings, where there are (or used to be) three separate lesson sessions, with skaters encouraged to stay to the end and to practice on public ice afterwards, you would have thought the cafeteria was actually a homework room!
Mrs Redboots
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Old 02-11-2005, 07:15 AM
falling_rain falling_rain is offline
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Originally Posted by starskate6.0
Where are you living...
sorry for the late reply. i'm in Singapore
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Old 02-11-2005, 11:00 AM
skatingatty skatingatty is offline
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Started skating at age 12 at the Stone Mtn. Ice Chalet in Georgia. I took a bunch of group lessons and was very disappointed when I had to repeat a class b/c my crossovers sucked. Appeared in silly costumes in group numbers at rink shows. Took a few private lessons, landing on my back on a salchow attempt. Competed in one local competition and came in 2nd out of 3 girls after flubbing up a waltz jump. Quit at age 15 and then started taking private lessons at Berkeley Iceland at age 22, after dropping out of Hastings Law School in SF (long story). My coach there was great; she was a former student of Jim Hulick, Kristi Yamaguchi and Rudy Galindo's coach. I ended up in the DC area to go to Georgetown and continued skating as much as possible at the Fairfax Ice Arena. Then I moved to NC almost 4 yrs. ago and am still crazy about skating!
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