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Old 03-06-2006, 09:52 AM
quarkiki2 quarkiki2 is offline
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Lion: My Powerskating class ended up being a private lesson as the other woman who normally comes wasn't there. Not only was it just me, but I had a sub for the regular intructor -- one of the few subs I've never had for at least one lesson. In other words, someone who has never seen me skate and doesn't know me from Reese Witherspoon. Anyway, she sort of asked me what we were working on since there's no prescribed elements. We did forward stroking and crossovers, backwards power stroking and crossovers, edges, forward swing and cross rolls and a new-to-me three turn pattern that I actually enjoyed and will try to remember to practice (FO3, change foot, BI3 down the line). My BI and BO threes are still two-footed (barely), but I like doing elements in sequence and generally have more success than when they're in isolation.

The best part about this lesson is that I had a new set of eyes on me. She was extremely positive -- this is nice because I'm generally very nit-picky and particular and appreciate a coach who works me hard. I got a real confidence boost when she said that I was a "solid" skater -- right over the blade and steady. She said I didn't look at all unsteady or like I was going to fall -- this is very big for me because I've worked very hard for four loooong years to not look like a beginner. She was actually impressed that she didn't hear my toepicks once in the half hour. I know that my sub wasn't nearly as picky as my reagular intructor or my coach, but having someone else watch me was kind of fun and it was really, really nice to hear what is good about my skating. I usually focus so hard on what I need to improve, but I have a better appreciation of how far I've come, yay!!!

My Power skating class is officially becoming a Moves in the Field class next week. We'll be working on the Pre-pre elements. They're making the change in hopes of attracting some more students to the class, something I'd like, too. I've been lapping the other skater in my class and look forward to someone joining the class who is a better skater than I am so that I can "work up" a bit.

Lamb: Spinning on one foot is still there, but not with the wind up -- it adds just enough power that I drop my free foot as I pop into the spin. But not from T-push, so there's still hope....

Cross rolls - the second push, well, doesn't push.
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Old 03-06-2006, 10:02 AM
quarkiki2 quarkiki2 is offline
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Oh and a big huge congrats to SkateDelaware and Jazzpants for rocking the competitive skating world this weekend. And I agree the spiral is fab!!!!

You guys are my heroes!!!! I won't even think about the competition at our rink this spring -- waay to chicken for that.
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Old 03-06-2006, 10:22 AM
dbny dbny is offline
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Originally Posted by quarkiki2
a new-to-me three turn pattern that I actually enjoyed and will try to remember to practice (FO3, change foot, BI3 down the line). .
When you put that on the continuous axis and change feet for the other side of the rink, it is one of the Pre-Juvenile MIF patterns (Threes in the field).
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Old 03-06-2006, 11:00 AM
Skate@Delaware Skate@Delaware is offline
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All: Thanks again!!! I really enjoyed it and plan on going again next year. My daughter was even a bit jealous (she is the competitive type) and wants to compete next year.

Debbie S: I stayed to watch the ladies' synchro-good job all around and made me wish I still did synchro!

quarkiki2: you might want to start skating in shows if your rink offers them as a way of getting used to skating in front of an "audience". I just pretended I was skating a solo in a show.

We also stayed to watch some of the spotlight events and thought it was great fun! The atmosphere of the competition was fun and enjoyable---not uptight or tense like some competitions I've seen.

About my spiral: when I first started skating 3 years ago, my spiral wasn't even 90 degrees and my legs were bent and I was scared to lift that free leg. It has taken tons of work to really get these muscles and tendons worked and stretched and to feel secure enough to push that leg up and the other leg out!! Thanks for the compliments! I just want to say if I can do it, you can too! (and a good warmup and stretch before skating doesn't hurt either).
Ah, show skating!!! I do it for the glitter!
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Old 03-06-2006, 11:14 AM
Debbie S Debbie S is offline
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Originally Posted by Skate@Delaware
My daughter was even a bit jealous (she is the competitive type) and wants to compete next year.).
Ooooh, a convert, lol! It sounds like it was a comp for all ages. but they divided up into age groups? I'm not familiar with ISI comps, but I've heard that there are no age restrictions as far as who can enter a particular level, so they're good for teenagers and college kids that are too young for "adult" comps but might not want to compete against the kids in lower-level USFSA comps.

Originally Posted by Skate@Delaware
I stayed to watch the ladies' synchro-good job all around and made me wish I still did synchro!
So they had adult synchro, too? That must have been fun to watch. The team my coach coaches is a youth team (they're all about 8 to 11 years old) and they skate to music from Mulan 2 (I think). I think there were 6 teams in their comp. They're very cute.
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Old 03-06-2006, 02:01 PM
Skate@Delaware Skate@Delaware is offline
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Originally Posted by Debbie S
Ooooh, a convert, lol! It sounds like it was a comp for all ages. but they divided up into age groups? I'm not familiar with ISI comps, but I've heard that there are no age restrictions as far as who can enter a particular level, so they're good for teenagers and college kids that are too young for "adult" comps but might not want to compete against the kids in lower-level USFSA comps.

So they had adult synchro, too? That must have been fun to watch. The team my coach coaches is a youth team (they're all about 8 to 11 years old) and they skate to music from Mulan 2 (I think). I think there were 6 teams in their comp. They're very cute.
To your first queston, yes, they have classifications for all ages, which I thought was very nice. I was afraid I'd be the "old lady" skating against all the kids. NOT! My daughter hasn't competed skating yet, just in vocal competitions....she is a very good skater and easily surpassed me within our first 6 months of lessons!

There were 2 (I believe) adult women teams. There were TONS of kid synchro teams and we watched a lot of them, but by then, my daughter was feeling very sick, so we had to leave. Next year, hopefully, we can stay longer.
Ah, show skating!!! I do it for the glitter!
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Old 03-06-2006, 04:34 PM
fmh fmh is offline
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lion : finally I landed nearly all the double flips i tried today (about time!) spins are getting a lot faster and finally looking pre-novicy!

Lamb Ok I'll blame it on the ice...our zamboni was crowded and bumpy...I took some weird falls and have cuts all over my hands double lutz and double axel sucked so much today...only a few days before a competition...stress level is high in my whole club. Stress is too contageous
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Old 03-07-2006, 06:37 AM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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Originally Posted by dbny
When you put that on the continuous axis and change feet for the other side of the rink, it is one of the Pre-Juvenile MIF patterns (Threes in the field).
And will be a Level 3 Bronze UK Skating Move next year, alas..... As I told my coach, I definitely want to learn to do them, but I think I'll get the current Level 3 Dance Moves, if I possibly can, instead!
Mrs Redboots
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