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Old 05-14-2008, 07:34 AM
Skittl1321 Skittl1321 is offline
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Yesterday wasn't a good skating day.

I got to the mall about 45 minutes before LTS started, so I went to Target to buy insoles. There is no way that my foot and an insole can be in the boot at the same time. So that's a no go. But I put them in a pair of shoes I wear a lot to work and they fit great.

Did about 20 minutes of skating. Progressives are improving, cross rolls are maybe even good, swing rolls not so much. Went into a spin and immediatly popped something in my leg. My PT pulled my quad on Monday while stretching me, so I took that as a cue to get off the ice.

Taught classes that are comically small and have 2 instructors so I didn't do too much because the other instructor was doing fabulous, just helped a few kids out a little.

My lesson- started with crossovers in a figure eight. Had a fall on forward ones- just caught my toepick and slide far. It was a good fall though, as I was able to fall on my hip, and not face plant, and there was good slide to it. So I was fine and went on my way. The problem with forward crossovers is I'm changing on a real strong inside edge now, instead of 2 foot transition. My edge to change has me going so fast that when I start the left side I can't keep up. I'm not a very balanced skater.

Then we did back crossovers, and our instructor had us widen out stance and really step toward the circle. My body position was probably wrong, but the crossovers felt fantastic. Started working on one foot transitions here- those are hard!

Then we moved to waltz 8s. Mine were okay. I haven't worked on them since last summer, but the other girls hadn't learned them yet. After a few tries they were pretty good. I was trying to get the parts to be placed evenly on the circle (something I was never very good at during PB moves)- and I leaned too far back on a back outside edge and went down hard. I fell on my hip (which is quite sore today) but in kind of reverberated up my spine and my neck popped really hard. That was enough for me to end the lesson. I might have been able to skate- but I would have been shaking hard enough that I probably would not have done well. The thought of breaking my neck again is enough for me to act like a wuss and leave a lesson. I told the instructor that I was fine, but I was done for the day. Today my neck is really sore, much more so than the hip I fell on- it's like all the muscles near it reacted by getting as tense as humanely possible

I'm not sure I'm going to take a lesson next week. In an effort to get us off our toepicks our instructor has asked us to wear hockey skates. Honestly- the toepick isn't the main difference in the hockey skate- it's the rocker, the complete lack of a tail, and the fact that only a very small portion of the blade touches the ice at a time. Not to mention- the blades are going to suck because we'll have to use rentals. I guess I can see why he might want to do this, but I really don't see the value, and I haven't worn a rental skate in 15 years and don't really want to after seeing how they are maintained. So any other instructors want to weigh in? Is there actual value in this? Or is it just going to be an exercise in me trying not to die?
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Old 05-14-2008, 08:27 AM
Isk8NYC Isk8NYC is offline
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Y'know, it sounds like you have skate problems moreso than a lack of balance. Just reading the reports, it sounds like there's something wrong. I'm not sure that a lesson on hockey skates is going to solve anything - you're already slipping off the heel backwards, lol. Just MHO. I do think you should get a "skate checkup" though - I wonder if your last sharpening changed the profile?
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:19 PM
momsk8er momsk8er is offline
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I agree, that much falling on edges is likely not simply a balance problem. Not unless you have balance issues off the ice, or you are really, really pushing it.

Oldtimer: A coach (not mine) who saw my loop jump today told me I have a good loop jump! Whooo hooo! I have thought this jump was sooo impossible for so many years. I am just delighted (jumping up and down here) that I'm finally getting it.

Bronze moves feeling mostly good. Endurance is an issue while skating them fast and one after another. I hope I have enough wind to get through the test. It takes me 5-7 minutes to do the 5 moves, so that's kinda like a long program, no? Hopefully the judges will write a lot between moves so I have some time to breathe.

Newbie: My dd taught me 8-step mohawk sequence on Monday. I can do it, but not really sure I'm on an outside edge as I step down in the mohawk - more like an inside edge to a quick outside. I imagine I'll have to clean that up. I'll have plenty of time, as the back 3s are going to take a while to perfect. Can't do the inside ones at all yet.

Spins are still messed up - maybe my blade placement isn't quite right yet.
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:39 PM
Skittl1321 Skittl1321 is offline
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Well the skates did need a sharpening- so I gave them to my sharpener last night. But I've never fallen off the edge, just skidded and wobbled (like I did last Saturday).

I don't have balance problems off ice- but I really think that fall was just leaning too far back, a one time deal- however the blades are old, and very worn down- and I'm like the 4th owner, they might just be too far gone and it compounded the issue.
What I need is a montage...
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:45 PM
Terri C Terri C is offline
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Took my Bronze freestyle test today for the seventh time (4 retries before Adult Moves and IJS and 3 retries after)

Adult Nationals, 2009 "The Time of My Life"
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:50 PM
Skittl1321 Skittl1321 is offline
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Congratulations Terri! That's fantastic! Your perseverance is inspiring.
What I need is a montage...
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:51 PM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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Originally Posted by Clare View Post
-Mrs Redboots' skirt stayed on
Hmph. I will not tell you what I said when I read that. Suffice it to say, Husband is now roaring with laughter again....

And it's true - it did stay on!
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Old 05-14-2008, 01:16 PM
jcookie1982 jcookie1982 is offline
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Congrats Terri!
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Old 05-14-2008, 01:20 PM
singerskates singerskates is offline
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Originally Posted by Terri C View Post
Old timer:
Took my Bronze freestyle test today for the seventh time (4 retries before Adult Moves and IJS and 3 retries after)

Congratulations! Now tear up that PreBronze (PrePrelim in Canada but no test for it.) Card and fill out the Temporary Adult Bronze Card as you'll soon move up to Adult Silver.
"It's not age that determines but the heart." "Skating is not just a sport for the young but it's a passion for the soul of the young at heart." Brigitte Laskowski

I am a nomadic adult skater who is a member of Windsor FSC (Skate Windsor) WOS SC again since Sept. 1st, 2008.

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Old 05-14-2008, 11:01 PM
ibreakhearts66 ibreakhearts66 is offline
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Getting to the rink was a disaster. My friend was supposed to drop me off at the bus at around 1.30 or 1.45. Didn't happen til 3. I finally got on the bus at 3.15, and it was PACKED. It took another 20 minutes or so to get to the rink, and then I had to change and get on my skates. Oy. Finally got on the ice at about 3.45, so it was filled with beginning, skating school skaters. Hectic.

The first part of the session was so irritating! I would be double gorgeous jumps, even some good 2loop2loop combos. The second my coach looked over, even if I didn't know she was looking, I would be splattered across the ice.

Frustrations aside, I skated pretty well. My 2loops were HUGE. They felt like they were the biggest they've ever been. I even landed 2loop2loops with a fair amount of consistency.

Spins were nice today too. I got several compliments on my camel-change-camel and camel-jump-camel.

I also did some really nice 2sal2loop combos. I'm usually better at 2sal2toe, but decided to go for some 2s2loops. My coach even saw one! I was at the other end of the rink (which was a victory in of itself, as I am a neurotic jumper who always jumps in the same spots), landed a good combo, and heard "good job!"

I landed the BEST double double combo I've ever done toward the end of the session. It was a 2sal2loop, the timing felt perfect, just up-down-up-land. The 2loop took no effort to land. It was really cute, actually. One of the younger skaters (I've known her since she was 2 and she's basically my little sister), looked at me land it, stuck her lip out at me, looking all sad, and skated away. When I asked her what that face was for, she said that she always falls on the second one. Her face was just so cute. Then I proceeded to do another combo and caught my heel on the landing of the 2loop.

2flips are still hanging on. When I control my arms, they're perfect. Granted, most of the time I DON'T control my arms and they turn into totally wacky jumps. But still.

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Old 05-15-2008, 02:59 AM
Thin-Ice Thin-Ice is offline
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Originally Posted by momsk8er View Post
Bronze moves feeling mostly good. Endurance is an issue while skating them fast and one after another. I hope I have enough wind to get through the test. It takes me 5-7 minutes to do the 5 moves, so that's kinda like a long program, no? Hopefully the judges will write a lot between moves so I have some time to breathe.
When I judge this test it usually takes about 7-8 minutes. And the guidelines for test chairs say to allot 12 minutes for the Bronze MIF test. So don't worry about racing through the moves. Remember, you paid for this private ice to test on. Use your alloted time to show off what you've been working on and skate to the best of your ability when it's your turn to test. That doesn't mean take a long time between the moves.. but if it makes you more comfortable, you CAN go back to the boards, talk to your coach for a couple of key words on your next move, have a drink of water or get a tissue and wipe your nose between each of the moves. I certainly wish a lot of testers would slow down just a little bit between moves so I CAN write down everything I want to say about their individual elements.

When are you thinking of testing? Good luck!

Last edited by Thin-Ice; 05-15-2008 at 07:20 AM.
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Old 05-15-2008, 07:13 AM
Thin-Ice Thin-Ice is offline
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Not sure how I should categorize this.. so I may have it backwards...

Newbie: My knee has been bothering me since returning home from AN. Doctor says I have a small tear in the cartilage next to my knee cap. Soooo... I have to cut down my practice time, just two days a week and they can't be consecutive, and no more than an hour on the ice at a time.. although he'd prefer it to be just 30-minutes. Also, no jumping, turning or spinning at least until my appointment next week. I also have exercises to do 3 times a day, must wear a wrap on my knee, take pain medication everyday (I don't like to take drugs) and he sent a physical therapist with me to the athletic shoe store around the corner to get "very supportive shoes, not that junk you're wearing right now". He says if I religiously follow his instructions, I could be as good as new in about a month. If I don't, I could further injure it and would probably need surgery and have to take a minimum of three months off. I don't know if that's a scare tactic or not, but it's working! And it sure feels weird to have all this "extra time" this week, since I'm not driving to the rink everyday. (My lesson rink is 2 hours away from home, my "closest"/practice rink is only an hour away.) On the other hand, I'll still be going to the rink a lot starting this weekend, I just won't be skating: announcing a local (90-minute drive) competition Saturday, judging at my club's home ice on Wednesday, judging at my lesson rink on Friday, judging seminar on Saturday, then judging a four-hour test session at my practice rink the following Tuesday.

Oldtimer: At least I can still skate some! My coach and I are doing choreography on a new Interp. program now.. so mostly I'm standing on the ice watching her play to the music, and telling her "I don't do bunny hops" and "Sure, I'll work on that spin... when I'm allowed to spin again". My head now knows what parts of the program go with parts of the music... I just can't do it (yet) -- especially the footwork!
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Old 05-15-2008, 07:49 AM
BatikatII BatikatII is offline
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Had a lovely skate day today and am finally feeling happy again after being the subject of some extremely nasty, illogical and unreasonable behaviour and comments by a former friend. I realised that if some people are so sad they can only get their kicks by hurting others, then that is their problem and not mine. They will have to find someone else to do that to now, as I am no longer going to give them the pleasure of being upset about it.

The day was made even better by the fact that an 'old timer' friend of mine from way back turned up at the rink unexpectedly with exciting news of her new baby and with the intention of returning to regular lessons which will be the same time as one of mine so will get to see much more of her I hope.

My programme went really well too so all in all a really enjoyable skate session.
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Old 05-15-2008, 01:03 PM
Helen88 Helen88 is offline
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Not much

Old Timer:
There was something about today that felt good. So I got on the ice promising myself that I wasn't going to stress about stuff...if I wanted to jump, I'd jump - and if I didn't, I wouldn't force it. And it worked.

3-jumps felt amazing...higher, more secure...I guess I was just thinking about them too much! And I got comments on how my posture looked good too.

And I finally remembered why I skate. Because when I get on the ice, I have to put everything else out of my mind. I have to focus - there's no time for my mind to wander into bad stuff. It's a totally positive, relaxed mental state. And when I got into the car I hit a low and everything came rushing back but for an hour, I was really happy. It was great
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Old 05-15-2008, 02:08 PM
Isk8NYC Isk8NYC is offline
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Newbie: Everything hurt today - every joint, every muscle. But I dragged myself to the rink and skated anyway.

Spins are getting better, but my layback isn't staying centered. Really need a sharpening as well as another adjustment on my right blade.

Jumps were junky, probably because my joints are so stiff.

Five Step Mohawk sequence is a blast! I know I'm stepping wide, but I'm enjoying the flow.

Spiral sequences, even change-edge, were very good. My arms still get sore and tired after doing the inside spiral sequence. Have to go back to double patterns of those.

Skated a few partnered drills and dances with a friend; Dutch Waltz was very good, but I'm spazzing out on the Canasta Tango. Something about that first progressive/chasse' is driving me zany. I keep doing too many steps followed by a slide chasse' which leaves me on the wrong foot. Grrr. Have to try again later.
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Old 05-15-2008, 04:01 PM
patatty patatty is offline
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Newbie: My body is feeling pretty beat-up lately, and my axel keeps coming and going. This always happens right before a competition.

Old Timer: I passed Gold Moves today!!! I can't believe how nervous I was though. I couldn't breathe and my legs were shaking the whole time. Somehow I made it through, but my coach told me it was just about the worst she has seen me skate. Oh well, it was good enough for the judges, so it's good enough for me!! All three judges passed me too - one of them had me .3 above and one was .4 above, so maybe my nervousness didn't show as much as I thought it did.
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Old 05-15-2008, 04:48 PM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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Congrats, patatty on your GOLD MOVES!!! Can't wait to get that Gold Pin on 'ya huh?

My laugh of the week...

Originally Posted by Mrs Redboots View Post
Newbie: My bloody skirt fell off!!!!
Then the next day...
Originally Posted by Clare View Post
-Mrs Redboots' skirt stayed on

Too, TOO FUNNY!!! (Now you know why I wear JAZZPANTS!!! Of course, I've had my share of "wardrobe malfunction" too... )

Today is... WALTZ JUMP DAY with primary coach!!! Geez!!! It's like I've never done a bloody waltz jump today!!! I have no lift on the jump. I probably will eventually need a lesson with secondary coach to get back my waltz jump again. (He wants nice HIGH waltz jump and kick thru...)

We did a bit of technique fixing on the salchow and toe loop. Needless to say, I need to spend SOME time on the toe loop. Same with the sal and the flip too!!!

Loop jump seems to now be my best jump... Go figure, given my history with the loop jump.

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!
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Old 05-15-2008, 04:53 PM
doubletoe doubletoe is offline
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Originally Posted by patatty View Post
Newbie: My body is feeling pretty beat-up lately, and my axel keeps coming and going. This always happens right before a competition.

Old Timer: I passed Gold Moves today!!! I can't believe how nervous I was though. I couldn't breathe and my legs were shaking the whole time. Somehow I made it through, but my coach told me it was just about the worst she has seen me skate. Oh well, it was good enough for the judges, so it's good enough for me!! All three judges passed me too - one of them had me .3 above and one was .4 above, so maybe my nervousness didn't show as much as I thought it did.
Wow, that's fantastic!! Now that that's checked off the list, you can focus on your axel (it's probably just been jealous and wanting attention)!

This morning was the most cherished 20 minutes of my week: my lesson with my secondary coach! I skated my program for her and she gave me some big compliments on my axels and also my overall skating (in the past month I've had a 90% success rate landing the two axels in my program, but I haven't done many run-throughs in our lessons). The real music to my ears was when she said I completed the change of edge on my spiral within 1 meter, so I should still be fine under the new 2009 rules (it was borderline when we were working on it last week). One other thing I'm happy about is that I seem to have had a breakthrough on the reverse sitspin entry in the past week. The pancake variation is pretty easy for me as long as I can get into the back sitspin, so there's a big payoff for fixing it!


The flying camel is getting better, but it's still not where it needs to be. I also messed up both my flip combination and my lutz in my program run-through this morning because my right boot suddenly got loose in the ankle right after my first flip. Aarrgh.
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Last edited by doubletoe; 05-15-2008 at 05:14 PM.
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Old 05-15-2008, 06:45 PM
Terri C Terri C is offline
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Originally Posted by jazzpants View Post
Today is... WALTZ JUMP DAY with primary coach!!! Geez!!! It's like I've never done a bloody waltz jump today!!! I have no lift on the jump. I probably will eventually need a lesson with secondary coach to get back my waltz jump again. (He wants nice HIGH waltz jump and kick through)
Hey is this a West Coast to East Coast thing- my primary coach had WALTZ JUMP DAY with me too. This was after greeting me with "Get out here Bronze Lady" and asking me the one question the coaches at the rink wanted to know- did I drink all three bottles of beer. For the record no I didn't.

There's also more too. I did get my sitspin lower now that Primary Coach is going to really really push for it. My free leg position in the camel is pathetically atrocious. I also now have to train my waltz jump from a standstill position in order to get more of the height.

Needless to say, the transition from Pre Bronze to Bronze is going to be a interesting one.
Oh and my right ankle has been cranky since yesterday afternoon- I think I twinged it on my test.
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Old 05-15-2008, 06:52 PM
NoVa Sk8r NoVa Sk8r is offline
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Originally Posted by patatty View Post
Old Timer: I passed Gold Moves today!!! I can't believe how nervous I was though. I couldn't breathe and my legs were shaking the whole time. Somehow I made it through, but my coach told me it was just about the worst she has seen me skate. Oh well, it was good enough for the judges, so it's good enough for me!! All three judges passed me too - one of them had me .3 above and one was .4 above, so maybe my nervousness didn't show as much as I thought it did.
Wasn't it you I saw at Cantiague this afternoon working on gold moves? If so, they looked great! (Especially since that ice surface is on the small side).
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Old 05-15-2008, 07:12 PM
Rusty Blades Rusty Blades is offline
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Old Timer: A friend of mine from out of town was in for a couple of days to partner the young girls for Dance tests. We went out for dinner and had a WONDERFUL time!

Newbie: I didn't get home until WAY late - on the go from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. yesterday and was DEAD on the 7 a.m. session this morning.

Old Timer: Took the day off work to volunteer at Test Day.

Newbie: There was 4 hours between morning practice and the start of Test Day. Tried to nap in my truck .... semi successful.

Old Timer: Played Ice Captain all afternoon. It's fun taking it easy and watching others work their tail off and battle nerves (I know, I am MEAN!)
(A.O.S.S.? Got it BAD! )
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Old 05-16-2008, 12:34 AM
kander kander is offline
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Newbie: The ice on tuesday was super brittle. I must have left more than a dozen holes in the ice all the way down to the cement. Although I'm landing them, my axel take offs have been getting crappier. I had a major wipe out on a salchow in lesson today. I crashed and rolled over like a car wreck. Coach thought I killed myself.

Old Timer: Landed a really good toe loop in lesson today. Spins have been inconsistent, but I've managed to do at least one or two great spins of each type each session over the last week.
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Old 05-16-2008, 12:37 AM
kander kander is offline
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Originally Posted by jazzpants View Post
Today is... WALTZ JUMP DAY with primary coach!!! Geez!!! It's like I've never done a bloody waltz jump today!!! I have no lift on the jump. I probably will eventually need a lesson with secondary coach to get back my waltz jump again. (He wants nice HIGH waltz jump and kick thru...)
I assume you know why he has you working on the waltz jump I'll give you a clue. It has 4 letters, starts with an A, and ends with an L I work on the waltz jump more than any other jump by a factor of 3 or 4 to 1.

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Old 05-16-2008, 01:30 AM
singerskates singerskates is offline
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Oldtimer: Got my Creative Dance "Tango Flamenco" going twice even the part where I speed up double the speed with the same steps I did the first 2 and half times around. Just need to get the end to have more punch but then I haven't really worked on the ending with my coach. I've just been faking the ending.

Waltz jump was alright but not as high as I've done in the past.

Salchow was solid today.

Toe loop only had one time that I slipped picking in with my free toe.

Loop jump was oh so close. Just have to get my freeleg to stay up until I've rocked from the toe pick on the landing to my back edge.

Spiral Sequence has improved. I now can start my sequence earlier so that I can cover more ice. I'm always counting during each position in my spiral sequence. First position is the 1st part of my change edge spiral done as a RFI catchfoot (Beillman type). The second part of the change edge is a normal RFO (need to somehow keep up the speed). Then I'm doing a couple of BX to a LBI catchfoot spiral into my Salchow/Toe combo. I don't know if this will translate to my new freeskate. I'm going to use the soundtrack "Ever After A Cinderella Story" writen by George Fenton.

Newbie: Finally doing up my skates all the way up but I've lost some of my knee bend. Because of this I didn't get a nice low sitspin like I had last week when I was still skating with the top hook not done up. I'm wearing toe spacers in between my big toe and the toe next to them on both feet. I'm finding that I'm getting a little too much outside edge and I haven't adjusted yet for it. Makes spinning feel weird for now. I've downloaded so many songs on my hard drive in my laptop that I'm running out of room just looking for freeskate and interpretive music for my programs.
"It's not age that determines but the heart." "Skating is not just a sport for the young but it's a passion for the soul of the young at heart." Brigitte Laskowski

I am a nomadic adult skater who is a member of Windsor FSC (Skate Windsor) WOS SC again since Sept. 1st, 2008.

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Old 05-16-2008, 05:02 AM
patatty patatty is offline
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Originally Posted by NoVa Sk8r View Post
Wasn't it you I saw at Cantiague this afternoon working on gold moves? If so, they looked great! (Especially since that ice surface is on the small side).
Hi NoVa, yes, that was me. I felt good during practice, but I was a mess during the test. If I ever want to take Intermediate moves, I have to learn to control my nerves. It was nice to meet you there. See you Saturday!
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