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Old 08-18-2003, 05:20 AM
melanieuk melanieuk is offline
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Well, I was looking for inspiration and half-expected the ice to jump out at me and plead with me to skate again, lol but it didn't. Nothing happened.
I had a small urge to try a backspin which would've probably been a bit foolish since 3 turns are not for the under-confidenced!
I did nothing and tried nothing - the ice was too busy really, and I had small daughter to hold on to.
Nice to get my skates on. I still love the old place, but not sure if I want to return.
mel x
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Old 08-18-2003, 08:15 AM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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Originally posted by melanieuk
Nice to get my skates on. I still love the old place, but not sure if I want to return.
mel x
Then don't. If you've got to the stage where you can walk away quite happily, it's probably time to do so. I couldn't, not yet, but I dare say that day will come - hopefully not for another 30 years!

Mind you, I know one skating mother who skates a little herself; she isn't very confident, although she could be quite good if she were, and she keeps saying she's going to stop skating, she really means it this time. And for about two weeks she sits off the ice with a book while her elder and younger daughter (the middle one does skate, but she is not addicted as her sisters are) prepare their programmes and have their lessons and generally have fun. And the next thing you know, Mum is back on the ice again, too. "I thought you were going to give up," said I, cheerfully, to which she said, "Oh well....."
Mrs Redboots
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Old 08-18-2003, 05:03 PM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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I'm saying this as someone w/a bad case of AOSS...

If you feel you could happily not skate for a while, then it's probably time to hang up the skates. No sense in going back to the rink and spending more money on ice time if you're NOT gonna enjoy it. No sense pushing it for now.

Don't sell the skates though. If you feel the inspiration to come back on the ice, you'll at least HAVE those skates with you. And you're always welcome here to visit!

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!
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Old 08-18-2003, 10:26 PM
dooobedooo dooobedooo is offline
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How's your foot injury, Melanie? Has it recovered fully, yet?

I think if you aren't skating, you do need to do something else for fitness; otherwise you may sink into flabdom very quickly! (voice of experience, here)
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Old 08-22-2003, 02:12 AM
TashaKat TashaKat is offline
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Too late here for flabdom ... skate or no skate LOL

Melanie .... foot injury? Missed that one, sorry, hope you're ok

Just a thought here ..... when I broke my wrist a lot of people thought I was a wuss for not carrying on skating (it was the thought of falling and doing more damage which would equal no work which meant no money which was the driving factor to stay away!) BUT I've just managed to crack my ribs in a show jumping lesson (I went to jump, horse stopped, horse then decided to go and 'stag' jumped which catapulted (?sp ... it looks wrong) me over her head and onto the ground ... quite dramatic apparently ). I dosed up on painkillers and went to the stables last night to ride BUT I wasn't allowed to ride, even at my own risk, because of Health and Safety Directives. Apparently if I rode and fell off again and, say, punctured a lung the stables would be liable because they knew of my injury!! I wonder how this applies to ice rinks? How many of us have skated with injuries, I know that I have!

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Old 08-22-2003, 04:26 AM
skateflo skateflo is offline
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I think the 'why' you stopped skating is important as to when and why you start skating again. Injuries are at one end of the spectrum.

I stopped for 9 months as I found I was skating for the wrong reasons. It took 7 months before I even felt like going into a rink.

As some have noted, some previous problem skating moves suddenly were easier and that was a high. I started back slowly (twice a week) and with coach we reviewed basics only briefly then went onto new untried things for motivation and to avoid boredom. It took about 3 weeks to feel like my skating legs were back with me and I actually felt like I was skating better than ever.

I didn't think I would ever return and then one day I just 'felt' like going to the rink by myself and just cruise around. The first time I was really shaky and it took the whole session to begin to feel more relaxed. But when I left that session, I felt good about the experience and glad I went. It was a month before I went again but the next time the shakiness lasted only 20 minutes.

Within a month of starting to skate regularly, my thunder thighs widdled back down again and physically I felt better for the exercise. My change in attitude (and new requirements of my coach) made the biggest difference.

I think some of us just get too hard on ourselves mentally and lose some of the joy of skating over the years. We get frustrated as the skills become harder and harder to master. A break can be a very good thing. Adults face many outside obligations that can hinder our mental and physical progress - worries about family, job, etc. Think of going to the rink as an appointment with yourself to pamper your mind and body - make no 'I must' statements.
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Old 08-22-2003, 12:45 PM
Messalina Messalina is offline
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i miss it

I haven't been on the ice since a year ago last May and I miss it like crazy. Sometimes I've thought about it for days on end.

First I was travelling, then I moved across the country - to a small town outside a bigger town without a rink. The closest is 1 hour away.

Then I got pregnant. My baby is now 4 weeks old and I am already wondering when/how I can get back to a rink.

I was only barely Beta when I stopped and chomping at the bit to improve. I was skating 4-5 times a week and loving it.

I can't wait to lace up my skates again. I think I will have forgotten everything.
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Old 08-22-2003, 01:57 PM
melanieuk melanieuk is offline
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Tasha re the foot
The foot injury was just a skating hazard. I had an inflammed bone, felt like it was growing, where my toe joins my foot underneath, just from landing on it. I had to wear bunga pad every time I skated. It was a long term thing, but a pain in the neck!
It's still there but much less irritable and I dont need to wear the bunga in my shoes anymore so it's greatly improved.

Re skating:
I'm not ready to go back. I might have the odd notion to get that backspin, but it'll just be curiosity. I cant ever see myself taking it so seriously as I did before.
I had a life changing event which caused my priorities to change and suddenly skating wasn't that important anymore. I would never have believed I could just quit going. The longer I didnt go, the easier it felt to stay away.
I do miss the people and watching them, so I'm going in next week - without skates - to watch and catch up.

Mel x
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Old 08-25-2003, 11:22 AM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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Originally posted by melanieuk

I do miss the people and watching them, so I'm going in next week - without skates - to watch and catch up.
Do give my love to my various friends there.....
Mrs Redboots
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Old 08-26-2003, 02:10 AM
TashaKat TashaKat is offline
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Originally posted by melanieuk
Tasha re the foot
The foot injury was just a skating hazard. I had an inflammed bone, felt like it was growing, where my toe joins my foot underneath, just from landing on it. I had to wear bunga pad every time I skated. It was a long term thing, but a pain in the neck!
It's still there but much less irritable and I dont need to wear the bunga in my shoes anymore so it's greatly improved.

I had a life changing event which caused my priorities to change and suddenly skating wasn't that important anymore. I would never have believed I could just quit going. The longer I didnt go, the easier it felt to stay away.
I do miss the people and watching them, so I'm going in next week - without skates - to watch and catch up.

Mel x
Mel, I thought that had cleared up! Sorry to hear that it's still bothering you I know what you mean about the 'life changing event' ..... as you know I had one too so maybe THAT'S the problem .....

Hope you're ok


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Old 08-28-2003, 02:42 PM
NickiT NickiT is offline
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The longest for me was about six months twice - each time I became pregnant. At that time though I was pretty much a beginner and so I didn't have too many difficult things to get back into. However when I broke my ankle I had 3 months off, though it was supposed to be six (I couldn't keep away) and that was probably the hardest to get back into to. Not only did I have to get used to skating with screws in my ankle but I was obviously afraid of damaging it again. I didn't jump for the first two to three months but after that I was well and truly back into it.

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Old 08-28-2003, 02:49 PM
melanieuk melanieuk is offline
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Annabel, I saw Irene yesterday. She told me she's doing the Adult British, and Maureen would be there too (I'm not so familiar with Maureen - I rarely see her but I do know who she is), also Lorna, the coach.
She is so brave.
Good luck to you all. Let me know a full report, PLEASE, as I might not see Irene again for a while!
Mel x
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Old 08-29-2003, 09:09 AM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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Oh good; I'm looking forward to seeing them both (and Lorelle, too); Of course I'm going to post a long report about the British - I'm not posting almost daily reports about our trials and tribulations with our Tango... at least we are still in the intermediate age group so won't have to compete against Jack and Irene if they are doing dance!
Mrs Redboots
I love my computer because my friends live in it!
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