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Old 03-28-2005, 08:44 AM
LoopLoop LoopLoop is offline
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Originally Posted by NoVa Sk8r
Haha. Well, my ex-pairs coach told me I should just give up on singles because my basic skating and transitions are so bad. <sigh>
Let me clarify... the exact comment was that you look much better skating with me than by yourself!
Where are those knives when I need them?
I need a detachable left foot!
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Old 03-28-2005, 08:47 AM
LoopLoop LoopLoop is offline
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Originally Posted by NoVa Sk8r
And what was your story today, Loops, about that choreographer saying "Finally, you recognize what an INSIDE edge is!!! "
Friday morning I was skating and there was a fairly high-level choreographer on the ice working with an intermediate lady (OK, she's 10, with all her doubles). He was teaching her a footwork sequence and she was getting her edges mixed up so he was calling out to her as she skated "INSIDE-OUTSIDE-OUTSIDE..." After about 15 minutes he said, for everyone to hear, "Hurray, XXX finally knows where her edges are!"
Where are those knives when I need them?
I need a detachable left foot!
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Old 03-28-2005, 09:09 AM
NoVa Sk8r NoVa Sk8r is offline
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Originally Posted by LoopLoop
Let me clarify... the exact comment was that you look much better skating with me than by yourself!
Hmm, I don't recall that, but in doing our pairs forward cross-overs exercise, I rely way too heavily on you. And I have to remember not to squeeze your hand so tightly! (Why are forward crossovers so hard to master??!!)
Doubt whom you will, but never yourself.
"Do what you love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life."
-Haha, I've *arrived*! I am listed as a reference on Wikipedia.
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Old 03-28-2005, 11:51 AM
kittie067 kittie067 is offline
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Originally Posted by aussieskater
kitty067 - from the Oxford English dictionary your word of the day (now take it to work and impress your friends):

Luddite (noun) : (1) a member of any of the bands of English workers who opposed mechanization and destroyed machinery in the early 19th century. (2) a person opposed to industrialization or new technology.

(No, I'm not a walking dictionary - my interactions with technology have meant that this was *one* word I have to know!!! )
thanx! cool word now i can annoy my friends at school even more than usual

by the way, i noticed you dont like my spelling of "kittie" either that or you chose to ignore it. but it doesnt bother me

~a very interested kittie
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Old 03-29-2005, 05:20 AM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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Originally Posted by slusher
I put my coach into the boards. That's true, there isn't anywhere. I have to remember to hold the LFO for the 3 beats (sometimes it's only 2),
My trouble is that I can't seem to find the place to push on to the LFO, and it often gets very "steppy", as I am having to come round 270 before getting there. Coach & husband are working on flattening his Mohawk, and it is getting easier, but not yet reliably! AT least that part is him-not-me!

as well as my mohawk. It's supposed to be a 3 +3, and I'm doing a 2 + 2+wild armswinging balance thing.
Oh good, I'm glad I'm not the only one! And when I do try to hold the entry edge for 3 beats, I can't get my exit foot down at the right angle, and the result is - not nice!

We worked on it a bit on Sunday morning, as well as on our free dance. Quite a good lesson on the whole, given my hangover..... (we had had a party the night before, and my mother's blackberry brandy is lethal!). Plus our clocks went forward, and although our lesson was put back 15 minutes so we actually only had to get up 45 minutes earlier than usual, not an hour, after not getting to bed until about 1.00 am, so not nearly enough sleep, when we got to the rink, our coach wasn't there yet - nor was anybody, and it was locked! So we had to sit in the car for 20 minutes..... Grrrrr..... oh well, at least it meant we could change in the pros' room as it wasn't crowded!
Mrs Redboots
I love my computer because my friends live in it!
Ice dancers have lovely big curves!

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Old 03-29-2005, 10:44 AM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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Cracked: I hate Spring Break!!! Now I remembered why I do NOT take my lessons on the Monday nights sessions now!!! WAAAAAY too many people on the ice!!! It would take a miracle for me to complete that whole entire pattern w/o crashing into someone. But I had to take my lesson this week b/c of a time conflict with my secondary coach, who switched my usual lesson time for Thursday on me. Oh, well! I think I became my primary coach's "skating advertisement" tonight.

My coach in the last 5 minutes of my lesson (and the public session) wanted to see my 3 WORST freestyle party tricks. Yeap! You guessed it! The backspin, the loop and the camel!!! Landed loops during practice but no dice on the lesson. After 1.5 hours of skating, I was too tired and the ice was too slushy to get a good edge going. No camels either! I tried to redeem myself with a flip at the very end but it was a no-go. (At least he knows I'm working on the flip too!)

Chocolate: The backspin DID make an least a good enough one that my primary coach was cheering about it!!!

But the highlight of my lesson is fixing this really bad habit I had with the forward power 3's where I step on the FI edge and then turn the foot to a FO edge. I'm still figuring out the move but when I concentrate, I'm managing to step straight into a FO edge now. Whew!!!

Must be deja-vu time: Skating coach comes out as he's leaving the rink hold his nose and cringing REALLY badly. A hockey player followed close behind. (AHA!!!) I said "One word: FEBREEZE!!!" His face lit up and he was on the verge of cracking up!!! (This exact moment happened a few years back too. End of Monday night session, hockey skater, my saying "Febreeze.")

If someone can figure out a way of effectively cleaning the sweaty smells off those hockey uniforms, please let me know. I've been told that it's near impossible to do that b/c of the fabric of the uniform. It HOLDS in the smell, in fact!!! And I most certainly don't want to go around with a bottle of Febreeze to spray at unsuspecting hockey skaters either.

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!
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Old 03-29-2005, 11:00 AM
jenlyon60 jenlyon60 is offline
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Have you tried getting around a bit more on the previous edge (i.e. the RBO before the slide chasse)? My recollection from when I skated the dance years ago is that I was supposed to get a reasonable curve on that edge (to get me partially around the corner) then continue the lobe with the LFO and the slide chasse RFI).

Of course my memory could be faulty...

Originally Posted by Mrs Redboots
My trouble is that I can't seem to find the place to push on to the LFO, and it often gets very "steppy", as I am having to come round 270 before getting there. Coach & husband are working on flattening his Mohawk, and it is getting easier, but not yet reliably! AT least that part is him-not-me!

Oh good, I'm glad I'm not the only one! And when I do try to hold the entry edge for 3 beats, I can't get my exit foot down at the right angle, and the result is - not nice!

We worked on it a bit on Sunday morning, as well as on our free dance. Quite a good lesson on the whole, given my hangover..... (we had had a party the night before, and my mother's blackberry brandy is lethal!). Plus our clocks went forward, and although our lesson was put back 15 minutes so we actually only had to get up 45 minutes earlier than usual, not an hour, after not getting to bed until about 1.00 am, so not nearly enough sleep, when we got to the rink, our coach wasn't there yet - nor was anybody, and it was locked! So we had to sit in the car for 20 minutes..... Grrrrr..... oh well, at least it meant we could change in the pros' room as it wasn't crowded!
American Waltz... Once, Twice, ???? ...

Q: How many coaches does it take to fix Jen's Dance Intro-3 Problems
A: 5 and counting...
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