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Old 11-01-2008, 03:16 PM
celticprincess celticprincess is offline
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Really sore today

Overall not too bad of a practice today! Yesterday while bored at work I made a list of things to work on and basicly ran my practice that way. It certainly worked and the time management was great. I feel a got alot done...okay so.

Extra Hour:

-Practice started out with moves and warmup. I created a sequence of brackets, step, triple three, 2 back powerpulls, step, twizzle into aerial barriels which like I said are little jumpy things. For the most part the sequence worked yay for that!

-Triumphant fanfare: The oh so fabulous jump of the day goes to.....(bet the suspicion is killing you...hehe) FLIP!!! WHOOHOO! I swear once that jump starts behaving, it's unstopable. The air and height I get on it is amazing. I literally feel like Im rotating more than once. it took so long for it to cooperate, yet with alittle patience and did! So HOORAY FOR FLIP JUMP!!!!

-Loop was alright and I landed several of them however it was a tad inconsistant, yet nothing to whine about.

-Sit spins were going really nice today too!! I had a few of them where I kept my leg straight the entire time. Now thats a big thing for me, so Im nodding in approval to that. Sit change sits are getting there as well, however I more or less hop out of the back sit.

-Layback was pretty good today, I did get alittle dizzy however during my programme it was nice and controlled for me to come out of it and back into my final scratch spin.

-My 'Music Box' artistic went absolutely spectacular. Best runthrough, so far!!!! The timing, musicality, grace elements, spins...everything was wonderful!! I added alittle elements to fill in some of the gaps and it worked out perfectly. Im dead on with the music and ahhh I just love that programme. Its the only self choreographed piece in which I feel this way about. Perhaps its the combo of the music, the 'music box' theme, the ballet elements, the fact that there are only two small jumps...I just love it

-My 'Le Jazz Hot' showcase is going pretty well too. My on ice runthrough went pretty well, only the newly choreographed part tripped me up alittle, yet I quickly remembered and picked up. I didn't have time to run it with music, however coach and I made great progress on it off ice.

Those were the good things and now....for the bad!

Out of Time:

-Camels started off fine, yet turned awful after the third one attempted. I still hate hate hate that spin with all my soul! It's evil!! Seriously, no matter what I do I keep going on my toe and falling off balance..even though off ice my coach explained to me what I was doing wrong. Ughhh, that spin is the death of me.

-I had two axel attempts...the first I did my usual touch down with my left foot. The second I started off all warpy and had a terrible fall and decided that was it for axels. I dont give up easily, but I could just tell that it wasn't an axel day. So that was one of my oh so lovely falls, in which I will have a nice bruise on my knee tonight.

-Scratch spins once again just weren't centered like Im used to. Perhaps I need my blades sharpened. They were just off today and Im not sure why.

-My other horrific fall involved me doing my artistic runthrough and just after a twizzle, Im supposed to do almost like a backwards twizzle/loop thing. Hard to explain, but anywho somehow my legs got all tangled, heard a click of death, and BAM!!! I had the wind knocked out of me and everything. I landed square on my gluteous maximus..(butt) and sitting has not been pleasant ever since. That fall must have shocked the h*ll out of me because I even felt a strange sore in my chest. I didn't fall on it, but it was like a faint needle point almost..probably due to the shock of falling so abruptly. The morale of this story kids.....when doing a backwards twizzle/loop thing, don't whip the free leg around...just take your time until you're comfortable with it. Now my butt really really does my knee. But nonetheless, i pried myself off the ice and kept going with the runthrough, though after I had to stop and take a five minites nestea break. Stupid back twizzle/loop thingy .

-I had a couple other minor falls due to back sit spins mostly. None of them were pretty or painful...just sort of there.

That was about it in regards to practice highlights. Definately I am most proud of the artistic which is coming along so wonderfully. Probably thursday night I'll try my luck and go to the club session. I tend to like the harder ice and it always seems to work to my advantage. So maybe that will be an axel day.... Stay tuned
[i]Beauty May Be in the Eye of the Beholder
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Old 11-01-2008, 06:03 PM
sk8pics sk8pics is offline
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celticprincess -- OUCH! That last fall sounded really painful! I hope you make a speedy recovery. And at least you didn't break anything!

I have been skating some, but not a lot because I am moving on Friday! So much to do, so little time, and I'm only moving about 5 miles. Anyway, my last two skates (and lessons) have been just fabulous and remind me so much of the joy of skating. My coach and I are just all smiles after and I'm just beaming all the way through. And I remembered that yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of the first surgery I had after my broken ankle! It was nice to commemorate it my skating!
August 22, back on the ice!
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Old 11-01-2008, 06:45 PM
CoachPA CoachPA is offline
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Extra hour: Two of my students competed today and skated wonderfully. Between the two of them, they brought home one gold, two silvers, and a bronze medal. With Wednesday's test session and today's competition results, it's been a great week for me as a coach!
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Old 11-01-2008, 09:27 PM
Debbie S Debbie S is offline
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Originally Posted by sk8pics View Post
I have been skating some, but not a lot because I am moving on Friday!
Good luck with the move, sk8pics! Glad to hear you're still able to fit some skating in!

I passed Pre-Prelim MIF today. I'd passed most of the moves before on the adult track (currently working on Gold) but decided to start testing the lower levels of the standard track, since it will be a while before I'm ready to test Gold (maybe never, the way I'm going, lol) and I decided testing more will help me get used to it. Plus, it's a good way to relearn the basics. This was the first time I'd tested in a double-paneled setup - they had us start at opposite ends. What was kind of funny is that the girl (looked about 11 or 12) who was testing with me started her CW forward stroking before I did and just as I moved into starting position, I saw her halfway down the ice headed for me. So I took off - nothing like someone coming straight at you to put you in power mode, lol!

The BI edges and the waltz 8 were the moves I was nervous about - I took the older Pre-Bronze MIF test w/o the waltz 8 so had never done it before and just learned it a couple of weeks ago, and I was a little scratchy, but hey, I passed.

My club's next test session is Feb, so I may try for Prelim then. But for now, it's back to Gold and trying to get back on track after 5 weeks off the ice to recover from a tendon inflammation in my foot (that I'm still recovering from - been back for 3 weeks).
Terri C is a Bronze lady!
Gold Moves, here I come!
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Old 11-02-2008, 04:04 AM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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I probably ought to start a new thread, but Summer Time ended on the West side of the Atlantic today, so it's still apt.

Extra Hour: Husband got totally confused between Foxtrot and Waltz music, which paradoxically made me feel better - if he can't tell the difference between a Foxtrot and a Waltz, how are we supposed to keep in time??? Anyway, Coach2 said that as far as she was aware, it definitely wasn't our skating skills that failed us. So I felt more cheerful. And we did quite a good Fiesta Tango which I was pleased with.

Out of Time: Not that I really wanted to skate, but once I was on the ice I felt better.
Mrs Redboots
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Old 11-02-2008, 05:54 PM
AgnesNitt AgnesNitt is offline
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Extra hour I did an hour of step followed by a half hour of yoga, then an hour on the ice before my lesson. When my muscles are this warm, I totally own forward outside 3 turns.

Out of time I could theoretically do 3 turns all around the rink, but after about 6 I get dizzy and have to just stand there tilting my head back and fourth or do a couple of pivot turns in the opposite direction. I look at the ice, don't look at the ice, whatever, it still happens.
Great forum quotes:
On Falling: ' doesn't matter, it's what you do AFTER you fall that's more important' ISK8NYC
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