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Old 02-03-2006, 03:35 PM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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For Thursday afternoon...

Interesting you guys are talking about videotaping your skating. Read below...

Rough Fall:
  • My power 3's were, as Annabel phrases it, PANTS!!! He wanted a lot more speed. Decided b/c of lack of time to "leave those alone for now..."
  • My first set of 5 step mohawks were too slow for him!!!
  • Got a couple of bad camel tries.
  • Looks like primary coach has found a way to get me to "behave" on my forward perimeter crossovers... Primary coach says that I've been doing a slight two footing on my RFI glide into crossovers on the pattern and he wanted to film me to prove his point.
Smooth Landing:
  • Sure enough, out comes his video camera and I did the move again. But I DIDN'T do the two footing when he was filming me!!! (Hey, I gotta torture my coaches somehow!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!)
  • My second and third set of 5 step mohawks were much better speed-wise...
  • Spins are fine, even the backspin (except towards the end when I do cross my leg, then it falls to the inside edge...) I got ONE good camel-sit try right at the end of the lesson too!!! (2 camel - 2 sit) WHOO HOO!!!

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!

Last edited by jazzpants; 02-03-2006 at 03:40 PM.
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Old 02-04-2006, 07:01 AM
Skate@Delaware Skate@Delaware is offline
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Jazzpants-my idea of torturing my coach is to do something right once, then to never do it right again AAAAAGGGGHHHH! She's left standing there saying, "What happened?"

Rough Fall: Last night had lessons, but I also attend the public skate beforehand to 'warmup' and work on stuff. Didn't feel like working on stuff because I was still WAY SORE from my massage, and it was really crowded! It was hard to get anything done.

Smooth Landing: So, hubby and I went around in waltz position a few times, just doing some rolls, when I hear a lady say to her man, "Why don't we do that-you never want to do stuff like that with me!" We got the evil look from him and they left right after that. Hubby started feeling sick and he went home so I was left alone for lessons (with just the "girls" in my class).

So in class we worked on BRACKETS and CHANGE OF EDGES both inside and outside on both! Coach drew our marks on the ice with a marker and off we went! Coach did mention maybe having a figures class!!! We all said YES!! Anyway, they were interesting, and the hardest part to remember was to keep the free foot in front going forward, then put it behind going was fun and no one fell. And, she gave us an extra hour of practice time down on the lesson end of the ice! Yay! It was like a girl's night out!
Ah, show skating!!! I do it for the glitter!
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Old 02-04-2006, 12:37 PM
sunshinepointe sunshinepointe is offline
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Smooth Landing

Waltz jumps are feeling better. Mohawks are very consistent and CLEAN. Getting a much better check on the rotation.

Other jumps were great too - the ISU jumps video has REALLY gotten my loop up to snuff

Learned the new 3 turn pattern for the pre-bronze test.

Rough Fall

Learned the new 3 turn pattern for the pre-bronze test. LOL

The pattern isn't hard, but making the lobes even and keeping the 3 turns checked that hard was difficult. I was trying it on a crowded public session after the group lesson so it was difficult to REALLY practice it, but I can tell it'll need some work.

Spins were terrible, terrible, terrible. I don't understand how they could be so awesome yesterday and so terrible today. My scratch spin is atrocious. Seriously - some days its excellent quality, other days it's like I'm learning it all over again. Today was a "not so good" day at all. Also, today was the first public session I've skated on in a while. I think I'm getting spoiled by my weekday afternoon sessions where I'm one of MAYBE 5 people on the ice. It was so frustrating trying to negotiate around kids and lessons and the like. And since spins weren't working well I had little to work on.

I think I just had an off day today, unlike yesterdays practice which was incredible - even on back crossovers my coach (who is also my private coach) was like, what on earth is wrong with you? I told her that ever since she suggested I needed new boots that I've been super conscious about the way they feel and she rolled her eyes and said she should have never even mentioned it lol. The crease on the right side is getting pretty serious though and my feet have been cramping a lot lately...I'm just too poor/lazy to invest in new boots. Is it wrong that I'm waiting for a sale
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Old 02-04-2006, 03:23 PM
aussieskater aussieskater is offline
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Smooth landing - DH and I had our first joint practice in 2 months ( ), and we managed to (a) not fall over, and (b) remember the steps to most of the baby dances, and (c) - the best one as far as I was concerned - fill the rink with the babiest dance, the Dutch Waltz. We've now learned to cover so much ground that we *really* need to haul the horses in approaching and around the short ends...

Rough fall - it's about those dance edges. I gather they're supposed to curve and not just be directed straight lines??
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Old 02-04-2006, 03:33 PM
e-skater e-skater is offline
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[QUOTE=Skate@Delaware]Jazzpants-my idea of torturing my coach is to do something right once, then to never do it right again AAAAAGGGGHHHH! She's left standing there saying, "What happened?"

Skate@Del --- LOL!!!!!!!

This is my gold standard. Finally do a backspin --- NEVER get it again in front of coach! As well as other stuff. Loved this....and it does drive my coach crazy, too!
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Old 02-04-2006, 04:44 PM
dbny dbny is offline
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Went to an uncrowded public session with DH, but did not feel up to doing anything but skating around chatting with a friend. While doing this, DH zoomed by doing B crossovers and scratching his toe pick on every under push. I very quietly said to my friend "scritch, scritch, scritch", which DH actually heard over the scritching and over the music! He circled round and told me "I heard that!" When friend and I got to the other end of the rink, there was DH doing the smoothest, quietest B crossovers ever! No lesson had ever fixed them, but one little comment on a public session did .
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus - and non-believers." Barak Obama, 44th President of the United States of America
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Old 02-04-2006, 11:33 PM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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dbny: Re: DH back crossovers... PRICELESS!!!

Rough Fall:
  • Crowded, crowded, CROWDED public session when I first got one. Still crowded towards the end too!!! GRRRR!! (Can't they just keep those kids who can't skate AWAY from the middle!!! The announcer even said at the beginning "Middle is for figure skaters only!!! But you wanna know the only thing paid attention to? Someone's BIRTHDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS afterwards!!! But b/c of the crowds, I was pretty limited on practicing my moves. (Of course, what little speed I had scared a few of those brats away from the middle of the rink. They want to stay away from the scary SCARY lady skater in the middle with the purple boots!!! )
  • No loops! All two footed landing. Tried to do mini loops near the wall (which was okay) and gone back out again. It still didn't work! GRRRR!!! Where are those beautiful loops that I had at Skate SF?
Smooth Landing:
  • Thankfully this time... the FLIP did not run off on vacation with the loop this time!!! I landed about 3 of them! "Funky" landings, but definitely clean!!! Hope it stays long enough for my hubby to film me and for me to show to my primary coach!!! (It actually worked better practicing the entrance that I had in my program. I did it from a LFO Chinese spiral (well, more my version of one, which itself isn't that great!!!)
  • All other jumps I had are stable. Should be okay.
  • All spins are present and accounted for. Camel spin did make an appearance, as did a couple of camel-sits!!!
  • My footwork from a sit spins seems to be stable. I couldn't practice the long footwork sequence b/c of the crowds, but the 5 step mohawk part of the footwork is stable enough.

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!

Last edited by jazzpants; 02-06-2006 at 02:18 PM. Reason: Punctuations
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Old 02-05-2006, 06:41 AM
Mrs Redboots Mrs Redboots is offline
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Smooth landing: Tee-heee (Evil, wicked giggle!). We have settled, finally, on our music for our free dance, with advice from Coach2. And everybody is going to seriously hate us - we are skating to Amarillo!

Coach2's reasoning, which I agree with, is that if we skate to something like that, people will remember it, like they remembered our Scottish programme. We aren't good enough to get away with dancing to some random music.

So we spent a lot of time trying to choreograph the beginning - we can do some wonderful intro steps (Sha-la-la la-la la-la-la), but we like to have the spin near the beginning and get it over and done with, and getting into the spin from different steps was making us seriously dizzy!

Rough Fall: Husband, working on his free programme.... he can do the steps but I didn't think it was possible to do them with as little style or grace as that. No scritch-scritch, it's worse than that - bum stuck out, hands dangling like bunches of bananas, head down.... yet he does most of what he's trying to do! Sheesh, let's hope his posture improves between now and the end of May!

Cross-cuts still random.
Mrs Redboots
I love my computer because my friends live in it!
Ice dancers have lovely big curves!

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Old 02-06-2006, 07:25 AM
Skate@Delaware Skate@Delaware is offline
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This is for yesterday's show rehearsal (Wizard of Oz on Ice):
Smooth landing: our "yellow brick road" is going well....we skate around holding onto 10 yards of's fun (of course, I'm not in that number, I'm just filling in).

And, I'm happy to say, after my massage, my back is more upright when I land my jumps, and I actually managed to check my arms correctly!!! I had problems before because of my shoulder (it hurt!) Also managed to work on turning out my toe on my landing free foot (I keep forgetting...)

Rough Fall: Hubby got his "routine" for the show....He doesn't really care for it and he skates so stiff! There is nothing in it above his level but he still freaked out how "hard" it was.

I tried a Bielman spiral (not that I can get my leg up all the way) and it was interesting until I leaned too far forward and almost did the "toepick" tumble. If I get more back flexibility and strength, I might be able to get on in about 10 years...
Ah, show skating!!! I do it for the glitter!
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Old 02-06-2006, 02:21 PM
aussieskater aussieskater is offline
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Smooth landing: I finally am able to remember all the steps to the Rhythm Blues (well, until the next practice anyway), and got it to time and on pattern...

Rough fall: ...with Coach by my side. Solo? Nuh-uh.

PS - gotta love that dance. I'm gradually suspecting that the slow edgy ones are better for me than the quick steppy ones.
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Old 02-06-2006, 03:11 PM
jazzpants jazzpants is offline
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Rough Falls:
  • No clean flip landings! GRRRRR!!! I think the ice is a bit hard this morning. Gotta learn to get my foot to pick harder!!!
  • Only one clean loop landing and it was a bit shaky. I need to bend those knees a bit more, keep my back straight and hold that BO edge longer before I jump...
  • I'm pushing for a nicer spiral. My secondary coach is on my case to "make it so." It's better -- but still looks crappy!!!
  • Power 3's still sucks on my weaker LFO side, but I wasn't really aiming for speed now as much as I'm working on a good underpush on the back crossover part of the crossover and a good push onto the FO glide. (Which means I got to practice those LFO3's at even HIGHER speeds!!!)
  • Was also working on good under pushes on all Bronze moves that requires a back crossovers. Will continue that tonight too!!!
Smooth landing:
  • Footwork is great.
  • Got a couple of good camels (amidst a bunch of bad ones though ) and a couple of good camel-sit tries!!!
  • Other spins and jumps are fine. Sit spins are pretty good.
  • 5 step mohawks should be better now... we'll see next Thursday what the primary coach thinks.

11-04-2006: Shredded "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club Membership card!!!
Silver Moves is the next "Mission Impossible"
(Dare I try for Championship Adult Gold someday???)

Thank you for the support, you guys!!!
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