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View Full Version : My day at a new rink

08-26-2003, 03:10 PM
Sunday when I went skating for my birthday, we were at some rink. The ice there was wet in a few spots but overall it was fine. Their rentals were of hard plastic. I got boots that were too big and the blades were kind of bad(I woudln't have realized that until today though). The rink I went to today is closer to me, has leather rental boots and their blades were sharper. I actually felt like I was grabbing the ice which was a different feeling than before. Their ice was different but still pretty good I thought. Possibly better? It's difficult for me to determine what's good or bad but I got used to skating on both. I worked on skating backwards some more and I got a little better! I worked on just plain gliding and I wasn't bad that that either. I already have an inside edge though I can't hold it for very long. My outside edge is very miniscule. They are a bit scary b/c you feel like you have nothing to lean on just in case(well you don't actually b/c your other leg isn't there to keep you from falling just in case). Can anyone give me some pointers on OEs? I ended up spinning a couple times too by accident, hehe. Can someone give e some pointers on those as well in terms of what to do with the body and the blade? Best news of all is that I had NO FALLS!! I mean I wobbled a few time but I didn't fall and this is only like my 5th time skating in my life. I most likely will be going back tomorrow and/or Thursday. It was so nice b/c since school has begun for children in the county, I was on the ice with first 1, then 2, then 3 people all together.

08-26-2003, 04:44 PM
If it's only your 5th time skating, then you are doing quite well. Does either rink have a learn to skate program? Now the time to get into them, and having a coach look at your skating can really help. Good luck and have fun!

08-26-2003, 09:47 PM
Thanks! I've checked skating schedules for both rinks and their schedules conflict with my job at least until october but I'm impatient:( The one I went to today is closer to my house, but the other rink is closer to my university where i'll be throughout the week.

08-27-2003, 07:39 AM
I see that one thing you learned is that decent equipment means everything when it comes to skating ;) It's only a few months until the holiday season, so you might give Santa a heads up that you will be needing new skates for Christmas!

It's pretty hard to give skating tips at this point over the internet, as what you are doing with your arms, shoulders, upper body is just as important as what you are doing with your feet. Maybe you can enlist the help of someone on the ice who looks like they know what they are doing to get you started on pumping and gliding around the hockey circle in both directions? Maybe start you on some two foot turns, and learning to stop correctly. Those are some of the first things I learned as I recall....Good luck!

08-27-2003, 01:42 PM
I understand. Thanks!

08-29-2003, 12:25 AM
One thing I've learned (or am trying to learn) is to stop keeping my weight on my heels. I've had the tendency to lean back/ keep weight on my heels while in backward crossovers, turns, and even while trying to do spins. Yesterday at my lesson my coach told me she's seriously surprised I haven't fallen back on my head, since I have a problem focusing my weight on the balls of my feet. I'm so afraid of falling forward on my knees, but I guess that wouldn't be as bad as hitting my noggin on the ice huh?

So just remember, if you're ever trying to spin and turn, keep the weight off your heels!