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06-30-2002, 07:31 AM
This is for yesterday morning:


Loop - getting more confident with trying it, and the takeoff is improving (some felt pretty jumpy! Definitely left the ice. :mrgreen: ) Still landing on wrong foot, but improving slowly! Need to concentrate on keeping all my weight over my left side. (What is it with me and weight on one side?! See below! :roll: )

Tried 1 foot spin from a different way, was ok.

Worked on Swing Dance and Fiesta Tango in dance lesson.

Did dutch waltz, prelim foxtrot, riverside rhumba, canasta tango and rhythm blues on the dance interval.

Tried a RBI spiral - was actually ok.

Double 3s and outside mohawks (haven't actually practiced the latter for ages!)

Toe loop was ok (nothing amazing though) and salchow appeared

[color=blue:83ea9cfe99]Spare Me:[/color:83ea9cfe99]

Salchow took ages to appear! Grr, I hate it when things go on holiday. It turned up eventually though, which I'm grateful for, but I couldn't keep practicing them because my right heel was really hurting! (I'm CW). It's in exactly the same place as it was in my old boots! I've got a bump there on both heels (kind of on the outside corner of my heel, about an inch up from the bottom of my foot), which I suspect might be the problem - the bump is rubbing in the boot. Anyone got any advice? :( I could buy one of those half insoles (an insole for just the heel) that my coach suggested, which would bring my heel a tiny bit higher and thus be more snug in the heel area (that's the theory), or should I see if I can get that area on both boots stretched/punched out? I don't want to do something permament if it will make it worse. :( Anyone got any words of wisdom?

Right forward spiral was pants. I never practice it because I'm stronger on my left foot and there is never a lot of room, but I know I really should. I'm gonna start practicing every single spiral each practice (and not always favour practicing the lefties like I normally do!)

I think I need a passport for my 2 foot spin. It travels so much! 8O No wonder my centre of gravity is so often out! Hey, at least we identified the problem anyway. I really need to concentrate on having all my weight over my right side. I also need half decent blades, but my coach keeps forgetting! He's got all the info but keeps forgetting to check it for me (I only see him once a week). D'oh!

Terri C
06-30-2002, 01:50 PM
This was for yesterday also:

Splendid: I debuted a new Bronze program at our Stae games competition yesterday! Everything seemed to come together at one time. Run throughs during the week were clean. My new dress for the program fit perfectly. When I arrived at the rink yesterday and checked the skating order, I finally got my long desired spot in the skating order- last!

Okay for the final result: I got second!

Spare me: The sitpin at the end of my program!

Taking a week off the ice , then it' s back to work to get a full flip and a more consistent sit!

Mrs Redboots
06-30-2002, 02:35 PM
[color=Blue:a348614f31]Spare me:[/color:a348614f31] Oh dear, our Swing Dance! I do wish we could do it better when we are to compete it next Sunday and, apart from Dance Club, may not have a chance to run through it before the competition. I don't know exactly what goes wrong, but it simply isn't all it should be!

One of our run-throughs of the Golden Skaters' Waltz was so out of time that I insisted on stopping since I simply couldn't even [i:a348614f31]think[/i:a348614f31] where we were meant to be. That was towards the end of the session, though, and I, for one, was getting tired.

Our Rhythm Blues Variation could use at least another week's practice before competing it.....

[color=red:a348614f31]Splendid:[/color:a348614f31] We are really focussing on our extension, and it does make a huge difference to the way we cover the ice. And to our speed. We did several really quite good run-throughs of the Golden Skaters' Waltz and of our Variation, but how they will stand up in competition next weekend, I hate to think.

Oh well, at most there is only one other couple competing, given the timings - I hope there [i:a348614f31]is[/i:a348614f31], as I should hate to be British Adult Elementary champion just by paying the entry fee!

06-30-2002, 11:33 PM
This is for Saturday afternoon:

[b:7570ae0ddc]Splendid:[/b:7570ae0ddc][list:7570ae0ddc][*:7570ae0ddc]Loop jump is still hanging on!!! And I got more witnesses today! (The friend, who I haven't seen since Oct last year, knew how long I've been working on the loop jump. He's tickled [color=pink:7570ae0ddc]pink!!![/color:7570ae0ddc] (So am I!!!) :D [*:7570ae0ddc]Both Scratch and sit spins were okay once I warmed up.[*:7570ae0ddc]Dreaded mohawk not too bad. Now I'm trying to get it right and get it to speed.[*:7570ae0ddc]Flip: Got another one foot landing[*:7570ae0ddc]The [b:7570ae0ddc]BEST[/b:7570ae0ddc] part of all: Being about to watch Jay do his Michelle Kwan routine IN PERSON and seeing the reaction!!! Still WAAAAY too funny!!! :lol: (STILL PRICELESS THOUGH!!!)[/list:u:7570ae0ddc]
[b:7570ae0ddc]Spare me:[/b:7570ae0ddc][list:7570ae0ddc][*:7570ae0ddc]My toe loop is still either a) not kicking through or b) the arm position is sucky!!! But believe it or not, that's progress!!! :P[*:7570ae0ddc]Salchow: I'm working on my 3-turn entrance so that it's not too curvy and my back leg stays in its position after the 3-turn to a BI edge. Most times I do get it, but occasionally I miss it. On the times I do get it, my next problem is the timing in which to bring my free leg around... WHILE keeping the free leg STRAIGHT all the way up to the kick through!!! The challenge is to keep the free leg low while curving in on the BI edge (read: BEND THOSE KNEES)[*:7570ae0ddc]Toe loop: Still no kick through (best) and still a toe waltz (typical case)! :([*:7570ae0ddc]Waltz jump: No kick through. Free leg is still BENT!!! EWWWW!!! :([*:7570ae0ddc]Flip: Said one foot landing was very shaky... it went down on the ROCKER than the toe pick!!! 8O[*:7570ae0ddc]Backspins: Well...at least I got ON the BO edge!!! :roll: [/list:u:7570ae0ddc]

06-30-2002, 11:49 PM
This is for Sunday afternoon:

A "not too good" skating day

[b:cefdfcdf39]Splendid:[/b:cefdfcdf39][list:cefdfcdf39][*:cefdfcdf39]Both Scratch and sit spins were okay once I warmed up.[*:cefdfcdf39]Dreaded mohawk doesn't like going to speed, but I stilll should be thankful that it's finally a REAL mohawk (according to Jay anyway) at slower speeds[*:cefdfcdf39]Flip: Got another one foot landing -- this time ON my toe pick!!! If it stayed glided for a count of 3, I would be happy![*:cefdfcdf39]Well, I'm getting closer to being able to do the prelim move element of the back crossovers/FO3 right. At least now I'm starting to get the choctaw part of it right. Now to get my LFO3 consistently smooth. (I was practicing LFO3 for a good 10-15 minutes too!!!)[/list:u:cefdfcdf39][b:cefdfcdf39]Spare me:[/b:cefdfcdf39][list:cefdfcdf39][*:cefdfcdf39]Salchow: Working on the leg swing... not good so far. *sigh*[*:cefdfcdf39]Waltz jump: No kick through. Free leg is still BENT!!! EWWWW!!! YUCK! YUCK!!! YUCK!!! :cry: [*:cefdfcdf39]Loop jump still hanging, but felt unstable again!!![*:cefdfcdf39]Why can't I get on that BO edge on the backspin today??? I was able to yesterday (didn't STAY on it, but at least I GOT on it!!!) :P[*:cefdfcdf39]Back crossovers SUCKED big time. (Same with forwards too, but not as bad...)[/list:u:cefdfcdf39]Cheers,

07-01-2002, 01:37 AM

* I am actually back on the ice, albiet in my OLD skates (my newer ones were stolen, but the insurance is covering it, so I'm ordering tomorrow). Felt okay considering it seemed that everyone told me not to get my hopes up! My foot felt fine!

* Basic skating was good, speed felt great, overall I felt comfartable.

* Did a few doubles of everything but the lutz (couldn't even do a single) and the axel (didn't try double) which had me smiling and poking my tongue out at those who told me it would be a while!!

* Landed a triple sal (and stopped at the one so as to not get disappointed :))

* Actually did my best sit spin ever and shocked myself!

* Had a general good time being back on the ice, mucked around inventing stuff to go with whatever music was playing.

Spare Me:

* Fell on my triple toe several times before giving up, serves me right for getting too confident and trying to show off

* Hit the boards when trying to dogde a wannabe hockey guy and didn't get any sympathy from anyone, and had the idiot merely laugh.

* Camel spin, yeah right. Maybe tomorrow.

* Couldn't even do a single lutz clean and I have no idea why, working on this tomorrow, was the only single I couldn't do...:(

07-01-2002, 05:50 AM
I finally feel like I have a bit to add to the weekly lesson thread, so here goes:

Splendid - passed USFSA Freeskate 1 last night (our last night of club ice this season) when my beginner scratch spin finally happened! It's all in the toes, I tell you... The substitute instructor just mentioned that the toes of the free foot should be pushing down into the skate, so I tried it that way and Voila! I have a pretty decent scratch spin! :D Also cleaned up the half-flip enough to get that passed too! Boy, will my regular instructor be surprised next Autumn when I'm in Freeskate 2. Just have to get in a few practice skates this summer so that I don't lose my spin!

Not-so-splendid - One of the yong ladies who had been so supportive of my effort to get the blasted scratch spin, after congratulating me, had a very nasty fall. It looked like she might have broken her arm at the elbow! :( She's got a full summer planned with skating camp, and she's one of the best skaters on our youth intro synchro team, so if you've got a chance, please send Jamie some positive vibes and good thoughts for a speedy recovery!

Also not-so-splendid - My 11 yr old daughter didn't get a chance to be tested on her moving 3-turns, so did not get out of Basic 8 in time to be a Learn-to-Skate volunteer next season. She left the ice in tears, which I did not see, since I was a first-aider for Jamie! When she finally caught up to me, I could see how miserable she was, but she insisted she was OK, poor little thing! We're trying to get some ice time for her this summer, to see if we can get her tested again before September. She was a substitute helper this year, and really loved it!


07-01-2002, 11:29 AM
I love the title! :)

Not bad session today. Five of us today. 3 kids, 2 adults.
Nothing spectacular, but the lutzes were better today. :D

[b:0859f1bc6f]Spare me[/b:0859f1bc6f]
Out of shape, out of breath - just doing a parallel-sit-change sit.
(Not that I can actually do it very well at all, but I'm knackered just trying!)

07-02-2002, 09:03 AM
Congratulations, Schmeck!! We knew you would pass!! Good for you! :D Any chance your daughter could get tested separately on those turns so she has her chance to be a volunteer? It sounds like she ran out of time.

SPARE: 90 plus degree weather that saps your strength, KILLS your allergies and sinuses and generally makes you feel like crappola.

SPLENDID: Another good lesson. Learned the half lutz today--WOW, now I see why a lutz is such a BEAR to do. Coach had to explain to me that yes, I will feel like I get stuck for a split second as I glide backward on my LOE before I pick in for the jump. Its weird--one second I feel like I'm turning to the right, and then with the pick in, I jump to the left!! (I'm a CCW). I was able to do it fairly well, though, by her estimate. Man, that is a tricky entrance. At one point she had me giggling--she was showing me how NOT to do it (leaning forward too much, looking like you are going into a back spiral before the pick in) and I hate to say it, but she looked like Sarah Hughes!!! (her awkward flutz entrance). It was a valuable lesson in what to do and NOT to do.

Half flip became better today with work on lengthening the opening three turn edge along with the backward edge and not rotating the shoulders too much. I seem to have the ballet jump--just need to keep my free leg to the side a bit more. Great, every other move my leg is to the side when it should be back. Here it should be more to the side and I have it back too much!!! :lol: I can't win!!! :P Worked more on one foot spin and I seem to be getting the initial "pivot" rotation (free leg out and around) better. Time to work on getting more rotations with that and not trying to bring the leg in too soon. Very slowly, but surely.

As always--millimeter, by millimeter, by millimeter...

Happy skating!!


Mrs Redboots
07-02-2002, 10:27 AM
This from last night's Dance Club:

[b:ec22e29603][color=indigo:ec22e29603]Splendid:[/color:ec22e29603][/b:ec22e29603] There were somehow an awful [i:ec22e29603]lot[/i:ec22e29603] of Blueses to be danced, and most of the high-level dancers weren't there, for some reason, so Robert and I were able to go over our variation several times. I hope we will be able to do this on Wednesday, too, as we can't have our usual early-morning practice on either Wednesday or Friday, due to tests. I shall have to get up on Saturday morning, instead, and I don't normally [i:ec22e29603]do[/i:ec22e29603] Saturdays! Apart from the Variation, we had great fun in most of our dances. But.....

[b:ec22e29603][color=indigo:ec22e29603]Spare me:[/color:ec22e29603][/b:ec22e29603] I still hate the Fiesta Tango, and although managed it all but one pattern, I don't know if I shall ever enjoy dancing it, but it seems to be one of the dances that skaters at my level have to do! One pattern I messed up the change of edge, and ground to a halt. Our Riverside Rhumba needs a coach's attention (which it will get, after Sunday), as how can you possibly extend back for a swing roll while you are changing hold without kicking the gentleman in an [color=blue:ec22e29603]uncomfortable place?[/color:ec22e29603] Our Golden Skaters' Waltz was okay - it'll have to be - and our Swing Dance was as iffy as ever. And on one pattern Robert stopped me from turning to forward as he said there was another skater in the way, which was fair enough, except that in trying to stop me he dug his thumb into my armpit, which hurt!

[b:ec22e29603][color=indigo:ec22e29603]General:[/color:ec22e29603][/b:ec22e29603] On the public session afterwards there was a skater visiting from Altrincham ice rink, who I got chatting to - her sister is learning to skate with us, and she is learning at Altrincham. But, sadly, she learns on a Wednesday so doesn't know our Icenut84 (I asked!).

07-02-2002, 10:40 AM
[quote:022c629cd0="Mrs Redboots"]On the public session afterwards there was a skater visiting from Altrincham ice rink, who I got chatting to - her sister is learning to skate with us, and she is learning at Altrincham. But, sadly, she learns on a Wednesday so doesn't know our Icenut84 (I asked!).[/quote:022c629cd0]

Aw, you called me "our Icenut84"!! :mrgreen: What did you ask her about me? I mean, did you mention my screen name or describe me, or what? :) What does she look like? What's her name/age/level? You never know :)

07-02-2002, 12:26 PM

Madam coach loved my waltz jumps today in the lesson...She also came out with another classic saying in describing my accomplishments...

"You now look like a figure skater, rather than some terrified toad jumping out the way of an automobile"

Spare me......

That victory was short-lived as she did not like my half flip....I have to have more control over my arms rather than "bring them along for the ride" as she describes it" Also next week we are going to tackle the toeloop...that should be good for a hoot!!

Skating was soooo great today. It is suppose to go to 96 this afternoon and that rink felt so good. I wore my slacks and a just a T-shirt to lesson. Madam coach thought I was going to freeze but I told her I was saving up "cold" for the rest of the day when I am outside painting the garage.

07-02-2002, 12:29 PM
I see looking at Yazmeen's efforts that she uses a 3-turn going into a half flip. Madam coach has me using a mohawk entrance...

What is the merit of one over another or is just preference on the part of the coach??

07-02-2002, 01:39 PM
[b:23da44e89b]Splendid: [/b:23da44e89b]
[*:23da44e89b][i:23da44e89b]Forward Power 3's:[/i:23da44e89b] My forward power 3's were better. I had very little problem on the left side (LFO3) getting only 3 repeats down the side of the rink. On the right side, the 3 repeats cover a bit less ice, but it's getting better. Today's focus was on finishing each move (good extension after the underpush on the back crossover, and consistency [same number] on the back crossovers after the end pattern.

[*:23da44e89b][i:23da44e89b]Alternating Back Crossovers to Back Outside Edge:[/i:23da44e89b] Coach wants me to open out more on the back outside edge, and neaten up my feet just before the push onto the back outside edge. But he was pleased with the power. And again, I need to work on the fine finishing aspects.

[b:23da44e89b]Spare Me: [/b:23da44e89b]
CW progressives... My right hip was sticking into the circle, so then I was compensating with my upper body, which then meant that my extension was pathetic. So I tried actively setting my right up more under me, which helped. But it still has a long way to go. I think I'm going to start adding the Intermediate Power Crossover Circles or whatever it's called to my training, forward and backward, CW & CCW.

07-02-2002, 02:14 PM
fiureskates: I think it is the skater's preference. Paula showed me both the 3 turn and mohawk entrance. Oddly, enough, even though I like mohawks better than 3 turns, I seem to do better with the 3 turn entrance to the half flip, so she suggested I stick with that. Of course, I've never really practiced the mohawk entrance either!! I would like to eventually do both.


07-02-2002, 02:36 PM
[quote:feeb809a31="Figureskates"]I see looking at Yazmeen's efforts that she uses a 3-turn going into a half flip. Madam coach has me using a mohawk entrance...

What is the merit of one over another or is just preference on the part of the coach??[/quote:feeb809a31]

I would keep practicing it both ways... because eventually that mohawk-half flip will grow up to be a split jump! (At least an attempted split jump in my case.)


Mrs Redboots
07-03-2002, 06:29 AM
[quote:81002e3df1="icenut84"]Aw, you called me "our Icenut84"!! :mrgreen: What did you ask her about me? I mean, did you mention my screen name or describe me, or what? :) What does she look like? What's her name/age/level? You never know :)[/quote:81002e3df1]
I asked if she knew a young woman called [your first name] who skates on Saturday mornings. I didn't catch her name, but she was young - your sort of age, I think - and had been skating for 3 months. But she learns on a Wednesday. Dark hair, slim....

Anyway, enough of that. This for today:

[b:81002e3df1][color=darkred:81002e3df1]Splendid:[/color:81002e3df1][/b:81002e3df1] All those who took tests this morning passed; much to my coach's surprise in some cases! ("Even you might have passed those changes of edge, given what they were passing. Well, perhaps not!")

Had a good run-through of my basics (with no solo competition to worry about now until September, it's time to get back to Summer Basic Skating!). Forward stroking, backward stroking, crossovers/runs, waltz 3s, forward cross-rolls, back cross-rolls. And also I asked about my problem with the Riverside, and discovered that this is caused by the gentleman being too early with the change of hold! Then I asked if I could dance the Canasta Tango and see what was wrong with it.

[b:81002e3df1][color=olive:81002e3df1]Spare me:[/color:81002e3df1][/b:81002e3df1] Well, my free leg apparently sticks out too much to the side on forward stroking, and when I corrected this, I toe-pushed. Then my waltz 3s were [i:81002e3df1]really[/i:81002e3df1] out of practice - I haven't done them for ages - and I kept braking when I ought not. My crossovers didn't cross enough in one direction. As for my Canasta, I could have done without the champion dancers stopping what they were doing to watch! I don't know what it is with this dance, but I can't do it at all well solo! I was out of time, apparently, and not enough knee-bend. Then when I tried for more knee-bend, I went soggy in the middle on the slide chasses! [i:81002e3df1][color=yellow:81002e3df1][b:81002e3df1]I hate tangos![/b:81002e3df1][/i:81002e3df1][/color:81002e3df1]. My Canasta is never what it should be, the Fiesta scares me silly, and I can't yet do the Silver Tango or the Arge! Oh well.....

No solo lesson next week, and no lesson at all for ten days. We should be able to practice on Saturday, though, and of course it is the inaugural British Adult Championships on Sunday. Actually, I don't know when I'll next get a solo lesson, as I can't do the next two Wednesdays, and my coach is away on the third! I hope to fit at least one lesson in during the next three weeks, though, and lots of practices.

07-03-2002, 08:08 AM
Lovely ice. :)
Only 3 of us. :lol:
We even had music! :lol:
I did my programme several times.
I did a good first lutz which always makes me happy.
The field moves weren't too bad either, except the back cross roll things....spare me! :twisted:

Spare me
Here we go again.
Need I say it?
[b:fd35989213]THE BACKSPIN[/b:fd35989213]
Back to horrid horrid horrid.

07-03-2002, 10:06 AM
Splendid: ran through the pairs program a few times. The footwork is going much better, and we have pretty good synchrony for our short time together. My coach has not taught adult pairs before and is having a good time, and beginning to get adult skating.
Spare me: Still injured and having a hart time with camel spin and outside eagles.

07-04-2002, 07:42 AM
The backspin......[b:2128bba97a]spare me[/b:2128bba97a]......it showed a weak attendance of 10 out of 40.
All the problems were with the 3 turn entry.
If I changed the entry it'd be worse, ie from a change foot spin or back pivot (ha ha, I find this [i:2128bba97a]impossible[/i:2128bba97a] to do!) :cry:
In fact most of the spins were not great today.

No skating till Monday, then I'm having a full week off. :?

07-04-2002, 04:28 PM
[quote:69ae1c7fca="melanieuk"]The backspin......[b:69ae1c7fca]spare me[/b:69ae1c7fca]......it showed a weak attendance of 10 out of 40.
All the problems were with the 3 turn entry.
If I changed the entry it'd be worse, ie from a change foot spin or back pivot (ha ha, I find this [i:69ae1c7fca]impossible[/i:69ae1c7fca] to do!) :cry:
In fact most of the spins were not great today.

No skating till Monday, then I'm having a full week off. :?[/quote:69ae1c7fca]

Will post my lessons tomorrow when I've not been out of the house for 17 hours and when I don't need to sleep ...... and eat ...... in any order! ;)

Can't jump till next week :( Went to Osteopath yesterday and was told that my right leg has shortened because of the contraction/spasm in various bits of it following my tumble down the stairs :( They did some work on my foot and knee but there's a while to go yet! They're HAPPY for me to carry on skating but not to the same intensity as before ....... YEAH!

What I really came here to post (typical :roll: ) was:

MEL!!! Try the change foot spin. I've been working on the FI3 entry (as per the 'inter-bronze' test) and someone said to me the other day to try the change foot ..... "no ******* way, I can't do it AT ALL that way" ..... anyway, I was persuaded to have a go and DO YOU KNOW it had improved beyond all recognition!!!! :D All the coaches agree that it is MORE difficult to do the backspin from a FI3 entry than from a change foot. I didn't believe them but am now convinced ;)

L x

07-04-2002, 07:42 PM
I tried to post this this morning, but my machine crashed, so I will try again :-(.

I haven't been posting much because I seem to be at the stage where I am just grinding out my practices. I haven't had anything spectacular nor particular hideous. Nor have I tried any "scary" jumps since I sprained my ankle doing a flip off-ice about 7 weeks ago.

Last week, I learned a half-loop during my lesson and have been trying it. Discussions on this included an attempted coach-email and I hope the coach survived ;-) Seriously, TashaKat gave me some great advice which I was able to use at a practice last night. During this practice, after working on my half-loops, I decided to try my loop! I was able to almost immediately land all the way around even though I was very two footed. But, unlike my two-footed flip attempts, I was really just landing on my right foot and tapping my left foot. This gave me great hope and I kept trying.

I landed several loops!! I can't wait until my lesson tomorrow morning! Also, thanks to more advice from TashaKat, my half flips were huge! I am hoping the feeling of landing my loop will help my flip.

I just had to share my experiences! ;-)


07-04-2002, 09:10 PM
[b:eb93501e4f]Splendid:[/b:eb93501e4f][list:eb93501e4f][*:eb93501e4f]Back on the ice again after resting my (left) knee and my (right) achilles heel for a couple of days of working out. My body is saying that I am in desperate need of a vacation from doing ANYTHING!!![*:eb93501e4f]Also nice that I'm skating at the coffee club in SF instead of Dublin for a change. I haven't seen that crowd in a LOOONG time!!! Of course, I didn't get to see my primary coach get tortured by HIS coach!!! :( (Neither coach was in town...)[*:eb93501e4f]Flips are still two footed on landings, but coming along. Must work on the 3-turn entry though, so it's straighter!!! (i.e. stay on the blue line.)[*:eb93501e4f]Sit spins are okay. [*:eb93501e4f]Scratch spin okay once I warmed up.[*:eb93501e4f]Salchow: A friend who hasn't seen me skate in quite a while noticed I was setting up for a good salchow and said "Up!" and "Up" I went! Good height (for me anyway) too! He then came up afterwards to tell me "Somebody's been improving her salchow!" :D[*:eb93501e4f]Don't have to go to work today!!! :D (But I have to tomorrow, since my company doesn't seem to recognize the Friday after a National holiday to be a holiday!!! BOOO HISSS!!!! Bad company! Bad company!!) :([/list:u:eb93501e4f][b:eb93501e4f]Spare me:[/b:eb93501e4f][list:eb93501e4f][*:eb93501e4f]BACKSPIN again! Almost all of them started on the inside edge and STAY on it, but thanks to a fellow skater, I managed to stay on the spin longer and I did have a couple of close calls where I start off on the inside edge, but didn't stay on the BO edge because I wasn't stable enough to stay on. *sigh* So close!!! SO VERY CLOSE!!! :([*:eb93501e4f]I had one funky one foot landing loop. The rest decided to become two footed landings! :( *sigh* (But...the jumps are getting some height now!!!)[*:eb93501e4f]Had one scary toe loop episode and decided not to pursue it today![*:eb93501e4f]Not kicking out on the waltz jump still.[/list:u:eb93501e4f]Note to TaskaKat: I've tried the change foot spin...didn't work out for me! :( Ironically, all the coaches are trying to get me to do them through the "change foot" method though (i.e. ISI 3 FS tests requires a "change foot spin" as one of the required element.) So...*sigh* I have to learn them that way too!!! :(

Mel: I'm concentrating on two things and that has help me get better results. One is to always think of the FI3 entry as just that...a FI3 turn. (Meaning you practice the FI3 first...and I do mean that you STAY on the BO edge once you do the FI3!!!) and 2) keep your arms and shoulders squared. If you let one arm/shoulder drop on one side, it's "Game over, man!!!" (I end up doing a double 3 turn in my case!)

Maybe I should start a "Backspin Support Group" for July, huh? :P


07-05-2002, 11:19 PM

[list:23182d1734][*:23182d1734]I need a backspin group! Now! Actually, today I had a good one after watching another skater do spins - sometimes you just need that unconscious reminder to stand up straight and keep things square. :)

[*:23182d1734]Lately, I've been frustrated with my skating, since my spins had gone downhill since my sharpening two weeks ago. It's been two weeks, so I figure I can't use that as an excuse anymore. :lol: I had some private lessons, and most of them were focused on my crappy spins. Today, they really started to improve again, after my coach had told me to take the FO curve all around, tracing the number 6 and swinging the free leg around like a counterweight. Before, I had thought about it as a 3-turn, and then I'd go up on the toe or a really deep BI edge. But after focusing on the "6" shape, I started to stay more upright on the entrance and keeping off of the toe. Yay!

[*:23182d1734]Loop was pretty good today, and even had some good runout. Still have checking problems, but hey..

[*:23182d1734]Been concentrating on straightening out that 3-turn for the flip, and I think it's getting somewhere...Just need to hold the edges out and slow things down.

[*:23182d1734]Salchow is getting better, although sometimes I still get up on my toe too early and slip off the entrance...yikes..

[*:23182d1734]Edges! Forward edges felt really nice today - luuuurve those forward cross-strokes! Backward cross-strokes are also coming along. (Those are funky lil things!)

[*:23182d1734]Praise skater's butt! I fell on my tailbone three times today, and all of them were nicely cushioned by my bubble butt! :lol: :wink: Now if only my left knee were so nicely padded...(see below)

[b:23182d1734]Spare me:[/b:23182d1734]
[list:23182d1734][*:23182d1734]Still can't get a real decent sit spin. I tried to do one and twisted my free hip funny. Hmm..

[*:23182d1734]Toe loop's been weird, and by looking at my tracings, the toe is straight behind the tracing. From what I understand, it's supposed to be a little to the side so I can take the BO edge around. Hmmm....

[*:23182d1734]I wish my backspin were more consistent! Arghghghghg...

[*:23182d1734]Near the end of the session, I tripped and fell on my left knee. (It always has to be my left knee...) Owwwwwww.......[/list:u:23182d1734]


07-06-2002, 12:18 AM
This is probably for the last 2 weeks!

[b:01d3312c1d]DANCE - with coach and solo[/b:01d3312c1d]

Usual 22-step, European and Rocker. I feel as though I'm going backwards at the moment, I feel worse than I did a month ago ..... the European is DEFINITELY worse! I guess that I could blame my knee but I'm not sure that it's ALL the problem :(

I'd got the EW 'not too bad' solo but now the pattern is out, the edges are shallower, the 3turns are worse ....... HELP!!!!! It's not even that wonderful with coach :(

22-step is ok, I suppose. Still as crappy as ever! I still do the last bit on straight legs :roll: because I'm a bit frightened of it after my 14 step accident ..... when I said this to Madame she pointed out that they weren't the same mohawks !!!

Rocker overall is improving nanometre by nanometre but the mohawk has gone to pot! I used to be able to 'get' the mohawk no matter what I was doing ...... maybe I was doing it incorrectly before? I got ONE 'decent' rocker in the other dance so I suppose that there IS hope ;)


Managed to do 'ok' camels and backspins in programme but step sequence is still ploddy and unreliable (all those piggin 3turns - it's a straight line step sequence but you HAVE to include all forms of 3turns!). Jumps are ok, I'm knackered by the time I get to the flip at the end but Madame actually says that the Flip is ok (which was a BIG suprise).

Not jumping right now due to knee! Can start again next week depending how I feel.

[b:01d3312c1d]FIELD MOVES[/b:01d3312c1d]

All together now ..... "Lynne hates Field Moves" LOL. I just can't get 'excited' about these damn things! I KNOW that they help your skating but they're horrid. Back 3's have shrunk, I can't fill half the rink with them anymore. Progressive FO3's are ok but still not good. Progressive FI3's are BETTER (or were the other day), the lunge has gone :D Everything else is much of a muchness.

[b:01d3312c1d]OTHER STUFF[/b:01d3312c1d]

Would like to do an interpretive programme but am having difficulty getting a copy of the rules (our association doesn't have the rules!). Would like to use the 'Childhood' theme from Free Willy .... will have to see what Madame says!

Thursday was 'twizzle' day ..... FI's, double FI's, FO's, BO's ..... yuk! Then double FI3's which I've 'lost' (I didn't used to be TOO bad at these!) I'm sure we did other stuff but I can't remember what! Madame says that I can only do interpretive if I make a huge effort to practise all my 3's including doubles and all of the twizzles! Urgh, she knows how to push my buttons that one ;)

Wish my knee was better, I really feel like I'm not progressing right now :(

Good luck to everyone doing the ADULT BRITISH!!

L xxxx

Mrs Redboots
07-06-2002, 06:21 AM
[quote:f0bb3b87f3="TashaKat"]Good luck to everyone doing the ADULT BRITISH!![/quote:f0bb3b87f3]

Thank you! We leave for Swindon after lunch. It is symptomatic of my state of mind that I have just done the Church newsletter (a week overdue, but Bracknell was a very good excuse - ahem!) and carefully headed it "August 2002". Oh well.....

So because we had no training ice during the week, I had to get up this morning to train! I don't normally [i:f0bb3b87f3]do[/i:f0bb3b87f3] Saturdays, it being the one day of the week I get to lie in!

[b:f0bb3b87f3][color=darkred:f0bb3b87f3]Splendid:[/color:f0bb3b87f3][/b:f0bb3b87f3] My kind coach decided to teach one of his pupils the Rocker Foxtrot, which I know he hates, and I am quite sure it was so we could use the music (in the UK, the same music is used for the Rocker Foxtrot as for the Swing Dance - and if you are thinking that it makes the Swing Dance incredibly fast, well, all I can say is that [i:f0bb3b87f3]we[/i:f0bb3b87f3] find the American music incredibly slow!). He also put a Blues on for us.

[b:f0bb3b87f3][color=violet:f0bb3b87f3]Spare me:[/color:f0bb3b87f3][/b:f0bb3b87f3] We worked and worked and worked and worked on our chasses in Waltz hold...... but they don't improve! Actually, that's not quite true - if we remember to extend on [i:f0bb3b87f3]both[/i:f0bb3b87f3] outside edges and to lift our chasseing foot (well, you know what I mean!) higher, they are much better. But our Swing Dance is still awful, oh when will it ever improve? Actually, I suppose it is better than the first time we competed it, but that would not be difficult.....

At least our Golden Skaters' Waltz and our Rhythm Blues variation are okay, but they are neither Waltzy nor Bluesy. [size=18:f0bb3b87f3]Why[/size:f0bb3b87f3] did we think entering this competition was going to be a good idea? Actually, I know why - it was to make sure it carries on..... although if it were more like the American Adult Nationals, it would be better.

07-07-2002, 01:14 AM
Major Spare me... :cry:

I think I sprained my achilles tendon. It's a very mild sprain though. Today I'm walking almost as if I didn't have the injury now. I've had mild discomfort... it was nothing though compared to Thursday, where after the ice session I was limping to lunch... and was walking very slowly after lunch. I've suspect that I overdid my calf raises at the gym and it was gradual become worse over a period of time. I'll probably start doing Level 3 rehab exercises tomorrow. (I've been doing Level 2 today and had no problem with it.)

Luckily this seems like a very mild sprain...and if tomorrow (Sunday) I walk okay then I will probably skate at the skating seminar... but until then... no skating!!! :cry:

Wish me luck!!!
