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08-17-2003, 09:53 AM

I'm curious if anyone has had back surgery.........and is not successfully back on the ice?

I'm looking at possible surgery this fall (spinal fusion). We have tried everything else (I have a herniated disc - L4, another disc that is not looking so hot - L5, and a degenerative facet joint). I've been through PT, steroid injections, you name it. Nothing has helped, so surgery is looking like the only solution (other than suffering and very limited skating). I'll be going in for a discography soon to see if the fusion will help in my case. Here's hoping, since all other avenues have failed.


08-17-2003, 07:58 PM
Ooh, Leslie, I'm sorry! :( That sounds awful. I hope that this works for you--being in pain is no good. I hope your skating can survive it too, but I'd take being healthy over skating with pain. :(

Keep us updated, eh?

08-18-2003, 06:43 AM

I'll definitely keep you posted. Lots of decisions to make, that's for sure. I am skating, but it's very limited at the moment. A major improvement over when I could barely walk, let alone skate.........but I'm still not out of the woods by a long stretch.