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Mrs Redboots
08-05-2003, 11:43 AM
Okay, my question is:

What is your on-ice warm-up routine?

08-05-2003, 01:28 PM
I usually do 1-2 laps of russian stroking fwds then bkwds. Then back spins, single jumps, lunges and spirals sometimes.

I think they may have been asked already but

Do you do a warm down and if so what is it?

08-05-2003, 01:34 PM
Usually just drinking hot chocolate with my skating friends :lol:
and then cycling a few miles home (I've been told I'm too flexible some places to stretch out immediately after being active)

What do you work on the most: Elements you do good or elements you're really terrible at? (Honestly! :) )

(What's Russian stroking btw?)

08-05-2003, 02:09 PM
I tend to try to work on elements I can't do that well (e.g. spins), and once I get fed up or de-spirited, I start doing things I'm better at (e.g. footwork), occasionally doing the bad stuff too but not as much.

What's a good way to gently improve turnout, without damaging your knees or anything?

08-05-2003, 02:28 PM
I can't answer the prior question, so please let it stand.

Russian Stroking is also known as Perimeter Crossover stroking. That is the stroking where you skate a left outside edge, crossover (I do progressives), then hit a left inside edge. Repeat for that direction.

At least *my* coach calls that Russian stroking ;-)


08-05-2003, 04:20 PM
I'll answer the question about turnout with one word: ballet. If you can't take classes, there's a book by Peter Martins called "The NYC Ballet Workout", or something like that, that's supposed to be good. I would think you could find it on Amazon.

Do you take any kind of off-ice classes? I take ballet once a week during school and three days a week during the summer, and I also took ballroom for awhile last year.

08-05-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by dani
I can't answer the prior question, so please let it stand.

Russian Stroking is also known as Perimeter Crossover stroking. That is the stroking where you skate a left outside edge, crossover (I do progressives), then hit a left inside edge. Repeat for that direction.

At least *my* coach calls that Russian stroking ;-)


Yup that's it! :)

Well in the summer the session i take comes with an off ice class.. but this winter/fall I will be taking pilates and ballet.

I don't have a question so anyone can just ask one for me.

08-05-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by CanAmSk8ter
Do you take any kind of off-ice classes? I take ballet once a week during school and three days a week during the summer, and I also took ballroom for awhile last year.

OK, let's work off of CanAm's question.

I don't currently do any off ice, but I would like to. My club doesn't have any adult-focused off ice (and I don't want to be with the kids), but another club nearby does. The problem is that it hasn't fit into my schedule so far.

Are you planning to test anything any time soon? (For me, Intermediate MIF next month, I hope.)

08-05-2003, 07:40 PM
Well, since I turn 25 later this month, I want to take Pre-Bronze, Bronze & Silver Moves and Free ASAP. Plus Intermediate Moves before the end of the year.

What was the last thing you tested? Mine was Juvenile moves last March. Third time was the charm for me! :)

08-05-2003, 07:41 PM
Heck no! I was smart enough to eek out a Silver freeskating test before MITF became mandatory for adults. :P I may never test again! Ha!

Have you ever seen a video of your first test/competition? I still laugh my butt off when I watch mine. Deer in headlights!

08-05-2003, 07:42 PM
Oops! POsted at the same time. I'll answer again.

Obviously, last thing tested was Silver freeskate.

Have you ever seen a video of your first test/competition?

08-05-2003, 08:11 PM
Not my first, but I recently went back and watched some of my videos from 1998-1999, and then my Paso Doble from my first Novice competition in 2001. Painful.

How many dances have you learned?

08-05-2003, 09:30 PM
Out of the 23 in the regular Canadian dance tests, I have been taught 19.5 of them at one point in my life. I know Sr. Bronze (Ten-Fox, 14 step, European) up to Quickstep and Westminister and a bit of the Argentine from the Gold test, and I have to relearn Preliminary (Dutch Waltz, Canasta, Baby Blues)and Jr. Bronze (Swing, Fiesta, Willow) dances for the coaching course I'm taking. Lots of dancing for me!

What's the most amount of times you've had to retry a test, and what test was it?

08-05-2003, 09:48 PM
The second figure test. I have no idea how many times I tested and failed the darn thing -- probaby three. I hated figures! (Which makes me wonder -- how far could I have gone if they had had MIF's in the 70's instead of figures since my freestlye was so far in advance of my figures....oh well -- doesn't matter now :?? )

Have you had a "WHOOPEE!!!" moment in your skating lately?

08-05-2003, 10:00 PM
Yes, recently I was practicing spirals and my instructor and another instructor were screaming (yes, yes, I bragged about this in the lessons thread, it's just rare that I get such a reaction from my skating). :D

If there's anything you could take from one MIF (or FS or dance) test and put it in another test level, what would it be? (I'd swap the power 3s in Bronze MIF for the alternating 3s in Pre-Bronze--I think the power 3s are easier than the %*&$ alternating 3s!)

08-05-2003, 10:14 PM
I would take the power pulls from pre juv MITF and swap them with the prelim alternating forward 3s. I've been doing power pulls for nearly as long as I've been skating.

Are there any moves that you simply cannot do your "normal" skating direction? (for me, twizzles come more easily CW than my usual CCW)

08-05-2003, 10:24 PM
I cannot hydroblade in my normal direction. I can only go clockwise, not counter clockwise. I'm working on CCW, but it's not going to well.

What's your first skating memory?

08-06-2003, 02:19 AM
Feeling like a right prat doing that backward walk thing to start learning going backwards ..... for some reason I could go forwards fairly 'ok' so don't really have memories about that!

What's the funniest thing that your coach has said to you?

Mrs Redboots
08-06-2003, 07:07 AM
It wasn't actually repeatable on a public forum, but the funniest thing I heard a coach - not actually mine - say that is repeatable was when he got out his wallet while his skater was doing her programme, and we went, "Huh?", so he went, "I think she must have dropped a five pound note on the ice, as she keeps looking for it!"

What can you now do that you despaired of ever being able to? For me, it is turning at speed, which I still can't do without a partner, but can quite well with one.

08-06-2003, 03:45 PM
Honestly, I don't think there's anything I've learned that I didn't think I'd get eventually. But I have a funny story that's kind of related to this question. In December 2001, I finally passed my Foxtrot on my third try. I struggled with that dance for months, and my coach kept telling me, "One day, this dance will be absolutely nothing to you. You won't be able to believe you had so much trouble with it." I said no way, I was never going to be able to do it easily, etc. Well last week, I had to take the ISI dances that I hadn't taken yet to qualify for ISI Nationals. (Because I've passed Pre-Silver in USFSA, I had to pass through level 5 to compete; I actually took through level 6 since those are the same dances I'm working on in USFSA except the European, whcih I've passed). Anyway, my coach and I are on a very crowded Juvenile-Intermediate session waiting for the judge to arrive, and we start going through the dances we hadn't done in awhile- the Fourteenstep, Foxtrot, and European. We've been doing the Rocker and American to death lately anyway. We went through the Foxtrot, which I quite literally haven't done in the year-and-a-half since I passed it, and my coach just stopped and looked at me. I was expecting a lecture about something I had forgotten, but instead he asked me if I remembered when he told me I would one day do this with no trouble. I knew exactly what was coming, and he looked at me and said, "I'm going to enjoy this. I-TOLD-YOU-SO!"

Has your coach ever lost his/her temper with you?

08-06-2003, 03:53 PM
Yes. I had one coach who was quite hot-tempered and would yell at me quite a bit for jumping too close to the boards and for being afraid to try things.

What's your most embarassing costume moment?

08-06-2003, 04:19 PM
This wasn't really embarassing - mostly just painful. When I was sixteen I fell in warmup for competition on a double loop. In the fall, I basically ended up siting on the end of the blade. Cut open the bottom of the dress (and my bottom too). Mom sewed it up (the dress, not my bottom) and I still competed, but the dress was ruined.

Do you like doing moves in the field? (I hated figures, but don't mind MIF's).

08-06-2003, 05:50 PM
I wasn't crazy about figures, but I preferred them to MIF by a long shot.

What MIF are you working on right now? I'm on Novice- probably part of why I say I preferred figures!

08-06-2003, 06:10 PM
I like Ina Bauers!! ;)

How do you get your balance on a layback spin?

08-06-2003, 08:37 PM
I am starting to work on my Gold MIF and am competing the 8 step and slide chasse at the Peach.

How many people from here have you met? (I have met a lot of people, and have even competed against Flutzilla, Skaternum, Ice T, JLyon, LWalsh, and Taz (of the top of my head) and have met lots of others!


08-06-2003, 08:38 PM
Oops somehow I must have had an old copy!!

Anway, I can't answer the layback, so maybe the next person can answer both! ;-)

08-07-2003, 02:21 AM
I've met MelanieUK, Mrs Redboots and Batikat, NickiT ..... don't think I've met anyone else ... mmmmmm

Layback spin - not exactly my forte but when I was learning it I was told to think about pushing my hips forward to counterbalance bringing my shoulders/head back. At the end of the day it's PRACTISE and trial and error.

Most embarrassing thing that your coach has said/done?

(Mine was when my coach tripped over whilst we were doing the PRELIM FOXTROT and ripped my skirt off ..... I HATE showing my butt! Actually that wasn't the MOST embarrassing but I can't recount that one as it's too rude. Oh, there was the time that I skated up behind him whilst he was talking to some parents who'd interrupted my lesson, went to pinch his butt, fell over and got tangled in his feet .... oh and the time ..... sorry not my question ;) )

Mrs Redboots
08-07-2003, 08:06 AM
My coach and two ten-year-olds were playing after the latters' lesson one day and he instigated a competition to see who could slide furthest on their bottoms over the ice.... and a tea-tray got involved somewhere, and..... well, I did wonder for a while how old he was.....

Does your rink get speed bumps/stalactites/"poached eggs" - those condensation bumps - when it's hot, or have you a sensible dehumidifier?

08-07-2003, 09:10 AM
Oh yes ..... and Queen's was even worse! Plus we have a 'ramp' at the end corner of the rink where the Zamboni goes in and out!

What's your favourite MOVE?

Here's one of mine (named by Madame as the 'Old Man's Death Spiral' (http://www.villagephotos.com/viewpubimage.asp?id_=4138400) :


08-07-2003, 10:27 AM
My favourite movie is my colletion of tapes of Jamie Salé and David Pelletier!!

If you could succeed in any aspect of skating (like, a gold medal @ the Olympics) what would it be?


08-07-2003, 11:44 AM
I've already done it. As a young girl, I wanted to win a National Championship. In March of 1999, I succeeded as a part of the winning Novice Synchronized Skating team. We had ordinals of 1 from each of the 9 judges. It was absolutely amazing!

What do your non-skating friends think of you for skating?

08-07-2003, 12:27 PM
My friends think its the koolest thing! They are so supportive of my skating and love to come watch me practice and go to my competitions. Sometimes I get really nervous if I know they are watching cause I want to impress them, lol, but I love their enthusiasm and support for me being a skater. Before a competition, they are so encouraging and say positive stuff to me. They know how to support me without getting me over stressed,etc. One of my friends, she is the greatest, cuase i am kinda shy sometimes and dont usually talk about skating except to my closer friends. Well in dance class, she will tell everyone when I have a show/comp coming up(something i would never tell everyone lol), and it is really nice of her. Gosh, i cant begin to describe how supportive my friends are about my skating. I owe so much to them! They are the best!!

What jump took you the longest to master?

08-07-2003, 02:44 PM
I've only learnt up to the flip so far (and haven't *mastered* all them yet) but the loop took the longest to land and feels least natural.

Do you think you have good technique? (I think I have good technique on some things, like stroking and turns and some jumps, but not so good on jumps like the salchow and toe loop because I was taught them wrong - I was taught to basically toe-waltz - and I've corrected that but it takes more repetitions to get the corrections to be instinctive, if that makes any sense).

08-07-2003, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by jamie_rae352
How do you get your balance on a layback spin? [/B]

I enter the spin from a LFO 3, get my center, then go back. I usually stick my hands behind my back during the spin, because when I put them over me, I end up leaning to the right too much and lose my balance.

What is your favorite competition of all time? Mine would have to be the Homewood-Flossmoor ISI Team Open in Homewood, IL. I always skated well at that one, and have many fond memories :)

08-07-2003, 04:00 PM
Since one was posted quite later than the question, I'll answer both.

I think I have decent technique on all of the skills I've been working on for quite awhile, but new things,like brackets, aren't as great simply because they're new. I'm always finding a new way to mess up my technique!

My favorite competition was the Desert Breeze simply because it was a team competition (4 person) and it was a ton of fun!

What combonation of elements is your favorite in a footwork sequence?

08-07-2003, 10:08 PM
I dont do footwork but I like to watch w/e u call what sasha does...lol

Do you prefer watching or doing?

08-08-2003, 02:07 AM
Definitely DOING ..... I get bored watching even the elite except for a very select few!

Waltzes or Tangos?

08-08-2003, 08:45 AM
Tangos without a doubt! They are so easy to express! We have a young girl doing a program to Hernandos Hideaway and even my moves are better to a tango!

Broadway or Classical? (I love both, but would prefer Broadway)

08-08-2003, 08:52 AM
For me, classical all the way. I think West Side Story is about the only Broadway choice that works for me. Personally, I cannot stand, absolutely detest, abhor, Fosse numbers. I don't like them on the stage and I like them even less on the ice.

I don't think this question has been asked yet - regular tights or over the boot? (Regular for me - I think over the boot make feet look too big and ruin the leg line.)

Mrs Redboots
08-08-2003, 09:06 AM
I'm the other way round - I far prefer the look of over-boot tights! Plus my coach won't let me wear boot covers at a competition.

What colour is your "best" competition dress?

08-08-2003, 11:00 AM
Navy blue, soon to be lavender....

Who have you admired your whole life?

Mrs Redboots
08-08-2003, 12:53 PM
If you mean "which skater", that's a difficult one to answer, as I'm much, much older than you are, and figure skating was very different when I was young. Not that I was aware of it, as there wasn't a rink near where we lived. But what mattered was compulsory figures, not free skating - if you can get hold of a book called either White Boots or Skating Shoes by Noel Streatfield (it's published under both titles; the former was her original), you will see what it was like for skaters in the 1950s.

But Jayne Torvill & Christopher Dean are my ice-dancing heroes!

Did you start skating in the days when compulsory figures mattered? And if so, do you miss them or are you glad they've gone?

08-08-2003, 04:36 PM
unfortunatly i hadnt but i do wish that i had because they teach very good co-ordination and timing ( according to my coach) and i think that hey would be extremly helpful.

what is your favorite theme of music to skate to (example: jazz, swing, tango)??

08-09-2003, 01:55 AM
pop. one of my firends calls my music "sugar pop"

What is yr least favorite music to skate to?
I hate rock so thats what Im gonna say. Its hard to skate to music u abhore.

Mrs Redboots
08-09-2003, 10:15 AM
I don't like to skate to music that has no discernible beat - one of the tunes to the Canadian Cha-Cha is just awful until you get to know it.

Which is your least favourite day for practicing? I think mine is Saturday, as the early session can be very crowded.

08-09-2003, 11:14 AM
I would have to say Monday. On Monday mornings my legs are just more tired - I usually don't get to skate on the weekends.

Have you ever had ice that was "the best" you have ever skated on? Last year at the Peach, they built the ice and I was one of the first on it. They didn't an extra good zam and I felt on one stroke I could skate for ever. For "normal" ice it is the Dr. Pepper StarCenter in Duncanville, TX

08-09-2003, 04:38 PM
I loved the ice at the Brampton Center for last year's Festival Nationals (the competition ice, definitely NOT the practice ice!), and I always love the ice at the Max Bell Arena in Calgary.

What's the WORST ice you've ever skated on?

08-10-2003, 04:17 PM
Has to be a toss up between a rink in Dracut, MA (also the COLDEST rink in the world) and the ice at the Colonial Open a few years back. No offense to anyone who skates at either rink! :)

Where did you have your best competition?

08-10-2003, 04:27 PM
my best competion was the first one of last season, when i got firdt and my best friends got second..we cleaned up :D

im not sure if this qeustion has been asked but, what is the element that you have had the most trouble with? mine would have to b single axle but after i got that most of my double jump came together

08-10-2003, 04:47 PM
My hardest jump to get was my single axel, I had to anticipate a clean landing, not a fall before I got it...

Have you ever designed your own skating dress and worn it at practice/competition?

I have, it's for my first year of Harry Potter, now I'm desiging one for my second year....

08-10-2003, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by jamie_rae352
Have you ever designed your own skating dress and worn it at practice/competition?

As a teenager, I designed most of my roller dance dresses for competition and practice. My dad made custom slipcovers, and fitted the dresses on me as if I were a chair :lol: Some of them were even made from leftover slipcover fabric. We didn't have stretchy stuff in those days, so it didn't matter much. Unfortunatley, my mom gave them all away after I left home, but I still have a few pix.

Did you ever have to change your costume at a competition because someone disapproved of it or because of a flaw found at the last minute? At roller skating Nationals in about 1965 some moralistic idiot made my parents go home and get another dress because they said the skirt was too short on the one I was wearing (one I designed, and was made from leftovers). That poor fool is probably spinning in his/her grave now :lol:

08-10-2003, 08:42 PM
I haven't done a competition yet, but if and when I finally do one, I'm not going to change just because someone doesn't like it. If they don't like it, tough, I'm expressing me, not their opinion.

Which boot do you tighten first, left or right?


08-10-2003, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by SDFanatic
I haven't done a competition yet, but if and when I finally do one, I'm not going to change just because someone doesn't like it. If they don't like it, tough, I'm expressing me, not their opinion.

Which boot do you tighten first, left or right?


er - you might change your costume if you were told you could not compete otherwise :evil:

I always put my right skate on first and tighten it first. I do the right completely, then the left.

No new question here, just wanted to clarify the situation to Steven.

08-10-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by dbny
er - you might change your costume if you were told you could not compete otherwise :evil:

Actually, the way I read the rules, one would get a .1 point reduction for inappropiate attire, course what I wear at times is a whole thread onto itself.


08-10-2003, 11:08 PM
Actually, that's an interesting question. I know there's a .1 deduction for a costume that's not "dignified, modest, and appropriate for athletic competition" or however it's worded, but does the same deduction apply to the "men must wear trousers" rule? I've never heard of an infraction of that rule, and of course I can't find the answer in the rulebook at the moment. (Is there a reason that the rulebook doesn'thave an index?)

My personal feeling is that the costume is/should be an extension of the presentation mark. I wouldn't deduct for a costume just because I personally didn't like it, but it does factor into my overall feeling about a skater's performance. An gaudy, level- and/or age-inappropriate dress, or one that has a "theme" but doesn't match the music (skating to a strong tango in a feminine, light pink dress, for example) is going to leave me with the same kind of impression as a sloppy ponytail or, less so, dirty unpolished skates. But I honestly don't know what I'd do as a judge, referee, test chair, etc. if a male skater showed up in a dress. I don't know what I'd even be allowed to do. My first thought was disqualification, but I'm not sure that would be allowed. Anyone know for sure?

Anyhow, we're a little off track here. Not that I mind, but I'll add a question anyway.

Do you usually buy your competition outfits off-the-rack, or do you have them made for you?

08-10-2003, 11:19 PM
I have all of my costumes custoum made..by my MOM!!:D

does anyone have any tips on how to hydroblade?:?:

08-11-2003, 05:38 AM
If you PM me your e-mail address I'll send you through some 'tips' from a magazine that I have.

My ex-dance partner is brilliant at hydroblading but his sit spin isn't as sitting as you would expect! When we did a 'couples' one (you can see it on MY WEBSITE (http://www.geocities.com/lynne_99_uk) I found it more about the 'head' than anything else!! Having the bottle to go for it achieved MUCH more than thinking about it!!


08-11-2003, 05:44 AM
You forgot to add a question, TashaKat!

08-11-2003, 05:44 AM
Do you always sit in the same spot when you get your boots on or off?

08-11-2003, 09:04 AM
I never thought about it before, but yeah - I guess I do ;)

Do you belong to a figure skating club or are you an independant?

08-11-2003, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by icenut84
You forgot to add a question, TashaKat!

Oh heck, sorry :oops: Am at work so have to keep shutting down ..... it's hot, I'm tired (had my first show jumping lesson this morning) and there aren't many patients (I'm bored) ......

Erm, what was it now?

Oh, I'll answer the question first .....

No, I skated independently. Our club was either geared to beginner kids or 'recreational' dance adults ie not my scene. I was once told that I shouldn't be doing free skating at my age!!!

Which do you get more nervous for competitions or tests? (I always got more nervous for tests but quite enjoyed competitions :roll: )

08-11-2003, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by CanAmSk8ter
But I honestly don't know what I'd do as a judge, referee, test chair, etc. if a male skater showed up in a dress. I don't know what I'd even be allowed to do. My first thought was disqualification, but I'm not sure that would be allowed. Anyone know for sure?

Jay Kobayashi dressed as Michelle Kwan in a replica of her 2002 LP dress (red) for Adult Nationals Interp. He wasn't disqualified or even penalized - he won! But "extravagant" costuming is allowed in Interps, is it not?

Honestly I don't think any male skater in their right mind would show up for a "real" competition in a dress. Skating tends to be rather conformist about those kinds of things. Not many men even wear unitards.


08-11-2003, 09:40 AM
I think I get more nervous in tests or compeitions where there is no music involved. (like a moves or compulsory competition)

Do you have a routine before competitions or tests to calm your nerves?

08-11-2003, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by vesperholly
Jay Kobayashi dressed as Michelle Kwan in a replica of her 2002 LP dress (red) for Adult Nationals Interp. He wasn't disqualified or even penalized - he won! But "extravagant" costuming is allowed in Interps, is it not?

Honestly I don't think any male skater in their right mind would show up for a "real" competition in a dress. Skating tends to be rather conformist about those kinds of things. Not many men even wear unitards.


Never seen that about Jay Kobayashi.

And no doubt about conforming, I know many people who don't move on because of it. You say it's a dress, I say it's a kilt, keeps most people happy, black pants are so boring! (I think unitards are even worse! Course their banned from copititions anyways)


Mrs Redboots
08-11-2003, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by LWalsh
Do you have a routine before competitions or tests to calm your nerves? Not really; I try to listen to my music on headphones and mentally plan which step comes where. I make sure I am thoroughly warmed-up and ready to go, and then, in an ideal world, I find someone to chat to to take my mind off things! Otherwise I get rather cross, and, trust me, you don't want to be around when I'm feeling like that.....

When is your next lesson booked for?

08-11-2003, 05:30 PM
My next lesson is supposed to be Wednesday, if I decide to take it... I'm so off right now I'm thinking no, so it will be Friday.

Hmm... How many lessons do you take a week?

08-11-2003, 05:34 PM
Usually 1-2 freeskate lessons and 1 dance lesson.

Have you invented any new "moves", if so, describe. If not, have you ever tried or wanted to invent any new "moves"?

08-11-2003, 06:33 PM
Oh, yes. I've created several new, signature moves. My fav is the Flying T-Stop. It's most effective if you do it right in front of the judges, at the end of a program. I've also been working on the Singles Death Spiral. It's sort of a hydroblade, but you put your left arm on the ice and scootch around it. It works best if you wear a costume with a white long glove on the left side, so your arm & hand blend into the ice. ;)

Seriously, I have created a silly spin, which I named after a friend. You know that game you played as a kid, where you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time? You do that while doing a scratch spin! It's a hoot!

On your competition outfit, do you like it "sparkly" or plain?

08-11-2003, 06:43 PM
For my competition outfit, it depends on the event I'm enetering and the type of music I'm skating to.

How far of a drive is your nearest skating boutique???

(Mine is about 2 hours)

08-11-2003, 06:47 PM
an hour

what do u think of the new judging system, that had been created after the controversy in the pairs event at the olympics? is it better or worse the n the previous system?

08-11-2003, 09:30 PM
I haven't studied it quite as indepthly as some others have. But just from browsing over some of the dance marking the other day, I have a hard time seeing how the judges are supposed to agree on whether the stroking was "strong," "robust," or "powerful." Doesn't seem to be any less subjective than what we have now, IMO.

How close is your relationship with your coach?

08-11-2003, 10:52 PM
Well, i have 3 coaches, and an ex-coach. lol. My ex coach was a single lady, mid-30's, and we were really good friends. when i sprained my ankle and was off the ice for a month, she would call me just to cheer me up. we would email, talk about our lasted guys we liked, lol. when we were in a lesson, it was all bussiness, but off the ice, we were quite funny, always having fun. it was kinda a sarah hughes/robyn wagner type relationship. i miss her as a coach, but im glad i am with my new coach, cause she will help me go farther. My primary coach now, she is much older, and although we have fun and get along well, it is much different. She is more like a mother figure than a friend figure. I respect her a lot tho. And my other coaches arent my primary coaches, but i have known them for 3 years and work with them in the summer. Both are guys in their late 20's early 30's. We all get along well, and have fun on the ice, etc, but it is much more disciplined and they are very professional with their coaching. But considering i am a teen-age girl, that is the best relationship to have(a professional one i mean). We still laugh and all, and one of them is funnier than the other, lol, but yeah, it is more disciplined. I really luv all my coaches cause they are all so great and each have their own personality and coaching method, so it is interesting to be caoched by 3 different people; each caoch has a unquie(sp?)/different relationship.

How many coaches have you had?(including ones now, and ones fired in the past)

08-11-2003, 11:54 PM
the same freekate coach all of my life..but 4 diffrent dance coaches..i currently have 2 dance caoches


thinking back to the dance portion 2003 worlds in washington, the team that shae-lynn bourne adn victor kraatz beat, stated that the main reason that B& K won was becasue they have been in this sport for so long and are retireing after this performance- there for it was all political. Do you think that that was the case, the the dance event was judjed on politics or was B& K better skaters? (personally i thin B&K were had overall better programs)

08-12-2003, 12:05 AM
In my personal opinion, L/A's free program didn't hold a candle to B/K's. I don't think BK won based on politics, because it was a 5-4 split. Who knows if it would have been different if different judges marks had been selected. If anything, I think L/A got their votes based on politics.

What do you think about skate covers and over-the-boot tights?

08-12-2003, 12:16 AM
i dont persoanlly like either


what made you want to get into skating ( i started beacuse my older sister took leasons and beacuse " i wanted to skate like the peoelple on t.v):D

08-12-2003, 12:18 AM
I don't like over-the-boot tights at all. I think they make your foot look clunky and contrary to popular belief, do not make your leg look longer or like you have better extension than you do.

Give me regular tights with white boots any day (or footless tights over the top part of your boot is fine).

Boot covers are okay, but I prefer to see the skates. I have some leather bootcovers that are warm, but tend to stick together a little bit as I pass my feet -- gets a little scarey sometimes!

What exactly is a twizzle?

08-12-2003, 12:21 AM
I think skate covers are ok, I think I'll buy a few more to match my outfits and such and keep the scuffs down on my new boots. As for over the boot tights, I dunno, I personaly think they make my feet look bigger, but others say it looks good.

Is your rink more oreinted toward hockey? Or do they actually have pictures of figure skaters on the wall instead of jerseys?


Mrs Redboots
08-12-2003, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by icedancer2
What exactly is a twizzle? A sort-of double 3-turn with no check in the middle. A bit scary.....

(And to answer the previous question, I wouldn't skate with naked boots! No way, absolutely not!).

If you could choose any colour boots you wanted - even rainbow stripes or leopard-skin print (and I've seen the latter!), what would they be?

08-12-2003, 07:57 AM

They're gorgeous .... I nearly bought them instead of my purple beasties but they are actually 'hairy' and I thought that I'd probably ruin them too quickly. They're VERY tactile .... I sat throughout my fitting stroking the sample :roll:

Which discipline do you prefer to WATCH?


08-12-2003, 10:43 AM
I LOVE watching pairs!

Ummmm............. How do you feel about Elvis Stojko coming back to amateur?

08-12-2003, 12:14 PM
I don't like it at all. I haven't been a fan of his since 1998, and I was happy when he left, so that Canada's other skaters could have a chance to compete on the world stage. Now that he's back, I feel that he's denying others spaces competing internationally.

Which skater do you really want to retire, and who made you really sad when they retired?

08-12-2003, 12:16 PM
I don't think anyone should *have* to retire, including Elvis. If he still has the desire to skate and to compete, more power to him. But it does make the tribute to him at the 02 Canadian Nationals look a bit pointless now. :)

Which element do you enjoy most - jumps, spins or footwork? (I'd say footwork).

08-12-2003, 12:18 PM
Oops - answered at the same time! I'll answer StarshineXavier's question: I don't want *anyone* to retire! I didn't want anyone to retire after the Olympics either. Those that made me sad when they retired were Berezhnaya & Sikharulidze, Abitbol & Bernadis, and all the top dance teams.

I'll keep my question the same - jumps, spins or fotowork?

08-12-2003, 12:25 PM
Edges, death spirals, lifts, throws, then jumps, spins and footwork.

Do you like or dislike skating at a new rink?
I enjoy the change.

08-12-2003, 01:10 PM
I normally skate at such a dump of a rink that I am thrilled to go ANYWHERE else. If I told how horrible it is there you's all think I was exaggerating.

Do your non-skating friends come to your compeitions to watch you skate? A couple of my friends have offered and I think it will make me more nervous. After all...It isn't exactly like on tv.

08-12-2003, 01:47 PM
I haven't done competitions yet, but I think I'd be nervous no matter what! At least for a while anyways, too much pressure lol.

I'm going to repeat my skipped question,

Is your rink more oreinted toward hockey? Or do they actually have pictures of figure skaters on the wall instead of jerseys?


08-12-2003, 01:59 PM
Hockey ruled at my old rink, FS sessions were constantly cancelled for hockey. My current rink is much more figure skater friendly, if fact I haven't had a session cancelled for hockey since I started skating there a year ago.

What is more nerve-racking to test, MITF or Freestyle? I've only tested FS so I don't know what it's like to test moves. I think the lack of music will make it tougher.


08-12-2003, 03:42 PM
I think MITF tests are worse, because they're so quiet and the judges are so picky! Plus, without the music, there's nothing to keep me moving through it except my own will. 8O

Are the adult skaters at your club/rink supportive of each other? Ours are always very supportive of each other, even when we're competing against each other.

08-12-2003, 03:51 PM
We have one adult skater at my rink who is head and shoulders above the rest. (She should be, she won her Gold event at nationals!) She is very supportive and knows what it is like.

The rest of us range from just doing 3 turns etc. to a little better than me. We are all very supportive of each other. I have been told I am an inspiration and in turn there are others who inspire me!

What is your favorite game on the public sessions? I like red/green light because of the fast stops

08-12-2003, 04:34 PM

Favorite Dance?

08-12-2003, 04:59 PM
Paso Doble and Argentine Tango, which I will probably never be able to do on ice, but love from my roller dance days.

Which dance do you like the least?

08-12-2003, 05:46 PM
The Blues. That has the worst choctaw ever! Took me 2 tries, but I got it, and I never have to do it again!

What's your favourite jump?

08-12-2003, 06:03 PM
double salcow by FAR!!


what made you want to start skating lessons when you where younger?

08-12-2003, 06:51 PM
I didn't start untill I was 33, is that young?

Basicly, more then one person asked me if I knew how to skate since I found it fascinating. So being bored one day in the winter I said what the heck, went skating, and have enjoyed it pretty well ever since.

Does your rink have the full lights on, or just a few?


08-13-2003, 02:13 AM
Depends how they're feeling! Some days full lights, some days none, some days heating, some days (more than most) none, some days ok ice, some days awful!! Typical rink really ;)

Have you ever skated with an injury?

(Stupid, stupid me skated with a suspected skull fracture ... the day after I did it ... not only did I skate I also was attempting axels! I've also skated with a damaged ligament which helped it no end!!! :roll: )

08-13-2003, 04:13 AM
i broke my ankle and only did one rehab session with it because the dude was quite unreasonable being that I was back to where I was pre-injury and he wouldnt let me skate because I couldnt walk on my heals (which Ive never been able to do, I dont UNDERSTAND how to do, and i still cant do. besides, u dont need that skill to skate.) I returned the second my mom let me (only forward stroking, this was before I ever had a lesson, so I counnt my starting skating as march 2003 because that was when I learned proper stroking and backwards and all that) and Im FINE, allbeit unable to walk on my heals :roll:

Has anyone ever had to deal with anyone as STUPID as that rehad dude?

08-13-2003, 06:55 AM
Yes frequently, every day!!

What are your favourite blades?

Mrs Redboots
08-13-2003, 07:25 AM
I've nothing to compare them with, having only ever had Coronation Ace, followed by the equivalent of Coronation Dance.

Have you ever done your programme on a rink that hasn't any hockey circles, and if so, did you find it hard to work out where on earth to start?

08-13-2003, 09:09 AM
I've done a dance pattern on a rink that doesn't have any hockey circles. It was a bit confusing where to start, but I just tried to judge it by the distance to the boards in front of me and to the side of me.

What's your favourite spiral to do? (Mine's LFO, straight leg).

08-13-2003, 03:56 PM
LFO spiral as well, followed by RBO.

Do you dream about skating?

08-13-2003, 05:02 PM
All the time!! lol Actually, once i had this dream where i was in the middle of my coaches wedding, like he and his wife were cutting the cake, and the whole skating club was there for the reception. heres the weird part- at the time, i didnt know my coach even had a girlfriend, then i found out 2 weeks later, literally, that he had proposed to his girlfriend and now he was engaged. haha! is that de-ja-vue or what!? lol.

Have you ever had a skating nightmare? if so, what was it about?

08-13-2003, 05:33 PM
I had a dream the night before I took my Foxtrot that I had taken the test and the test chair disappeared with my papers. My coach and I waited and waited and she didn't show up, and my coach had to leave to work at his other job so he said to keep waiting and call him to tell him whether I passed. So I sat there and kept waiting for hours! I woke up before she ever came back with my papers. (I did pass, BTW)

What level did you skate at your last competition? Or, if you don't compete yet, what was the last test you took?

08-13-2003, 10:27 PM
in freeskate im in level junior bronze
and in dance im in junior silver


what flying spin do u like better flying sit or flying camel?

Mrs Redboots
08-14-2003, 08:31 AM
I don't do either spin, but prefer to see a flying camel than a flying sit.

Do you warm up off-ice as a matter of routine, and if so, how?

08-14-2003, 09:03 AM
Yeah, I always try and warm up before taking to the ice. Starting w/ jumping rope for a few minutes, then simulating my jumps off ice, starting w/ 1/2 rotation going to double rotations. then if im still cold, i jog from one end of the rink to the other, then i stretch for about 10 minutes. the whole thing takes about 20 minutes, but its worth it.

When school starts, do you cut back on your skate hours, or do you just cut back on 'regular' school hours so you can still skate lots?

08-14-2003, 01:55 PM
I skate about 11 hours a week in the actaul season and miss at least 3 hours of school a week. In the summer I skate 10, so its basically the same.

Can you spin both ways ie- like MK do one spin step out and do the szme spin the other way.

...cuz I can't ;)

08-14-2003, 02:27 PM
Only in a very lame two foot spin. I also can't jump in the opposite direction.

Do you know anyone who jumps in a different direction from the way that they spin? (I know several, and it's very weird.)

08-14-2003, 02:38 PM
I have better pushes off my right foot then I do with my left, but it's slowly coming around and I've spun in both directions its felt about the same. Jumping of rourse is a bit interesting in the other direction also, problem being finding someone who jumps the other way since most people I've come across are both CCW jumpers and spinners.

Does your rink have a pro shop? And does it cary anything else besides hockey stuf?

08-14-2003, 07:27 PM
Yes, and it carries some figure skating stuff, but not much. They have a few lower level Riedell boots and boot/blade combos. They have about a dozen dresses (that never sell) and a couple of styles / sizes of tights. Not a big selection.

Have you ever had posed pictures done of you in your skating attire? My club recently did this as a fundraiser, and it turned out nicely.

08-14-2003, 08:38 PM
I actually had a few done in skating clothes when I had my high school senior portraits done. They came out pretty good.

What are you testing next? Or if you don't test, what move are you trying to master right now?

08-14-2003, 09:09 PM
I'm taking my Rocker and my American next week, and someday I'll take my Novice Moves. Note that I didn't say someday soon.

Have you ever failed a test?

08-14-2003, 09:53 PM
yes, i think almost everyone has, but i failed my european 2 i got it on my 3rd try:D


who is your favorite ice dance team and y?

08-14-2003, 09:59 PM
I'm going to answer BittyBug's question since it got missed,

Do you know anyone who jumps in a different direction from the way that they spin? (I know several, and it's very weird.)

I know a lady on another message board and she was having a heck of a time going the same direction as her jumps, switched directions, and she's doing much better!

I have pictures also, put since the power is out, I cant put them up!


08-14-2003, 10:10 PM
Definitely Shae-Lynn and Victor. They've been my favorite skaters since 1995, and I actually don't remember why I decided they were my favorites at first, LOL, but they're my favorite skaters and role models now because they never gave up even when they were dealing with injuries and coaching changes and all kinds of judging "issues", and they proved to me that if you work hard enough you can accomplish what you set out to. They also just happen to be two of the most down-to-earth people I've met in this sport.

Have you ever thought seriously about quitting?

08-14-2003, 10:14 PM
Yes, but it only lasted a day.

How many surfaces do you have at your rink, and what size are they?

08-14-2003, 11:22 PM
We have two surfaces, both NHL sized (somewhere around 190' by 80' or so, though I'm not exactly sure on the dimensions)

Does your ice surface ever get condensation bumps? (on our freestyle rink right now, water is dripping down creating fun little mounds on the ice, and little dots everywhere else)

Mrs Redboots
08-15-2003, 07:36 AM
Frequently! But oddly, they haven't been just so bad lately, even with the very hot weather. Although I think it was one that brought me down yesterday, yet yesterday the weather was cooler, and the ice wasn't anywhere near as foggy as it was on Tuesday.

Why do dances/programmes/whatevers always get worse before they get better?

08-15-2003, 01:05 PM
To encourage you to keep working on them and practicing them. Maybe.

Have you ever done a flexi-move like a Biellmann, a Charlotte or a Y-spin?

08-15-2003, 04:07 PM
hehe...verrrrrry funny.

I there any omre that you have consistant that you just cant stand?

(I like everything, even the stuff i dont have consistant, but I do have things I like better than ther things. ic-I like to jumps better than edge jumps. much more fun...)

08-15-2003, 10:15 PM
not really


who is your favorite pairs team and y?

08-16-2003, 01:01 AM
G&G they were just perfect.

do you do ice dance?

Mrs Redboots
08-16-2003, 08:06 AM
Yes, it's almost the only discipline I do do, these days. All sorts of reasons to recommend it!

Do you compete?

08-16-2003, 08:33 AM
Yes I used to. This year I don't know if I will...
I'm changing disciplines so.. it depends.

Do you get more nervous or excited before tests/competitions?

08-16-2003, 08:08 PM
I get nervous when I arrive at the rink for a competition and before I actually skate, but once I step onto the ice, my nervousness goes away and excitement takes over. Its like I have this whole sheet of ice to myself and somehow I need to fill it all up with just me, so my excitement helps me feel bigger and more powerful. lol

What is the highest you have placed at a competition?

08-17-2003, 06:17 AM
The only "competition" (using the word loosely) I've been in is during a group lesson ages ago, during a camp-thing. We got into pairs, and had to do a little sequence of moves (we did forward crossovers, bunny hop, spiral, dip, and drag/lunge). You had to try to do it in unison too. We won :) I've never been in a proper competition.

Did you have your own skates when you had your first lesson? If not, how long did you wait before you bought some?

Mrs Redboots
08-17-2003, 06:43 AM
Yes, I did; the family didn't, but bought their own during our first course of six group lessons.

If you had known, when you started, what you were letting yourself in for, would you have ever strapped on that first pair of hired skates?

08-17-2003, 11:51 AM
yes i would! even though skating is alot of hard work and alot of sore muscles its all worth it when u land that jump that youve been trying 2 get for the longest time, or when you get first at a competetion!


If you could switch plaecs with ant skater for the day just 2 see what it would b like ) practice, competion fans)
who would it be??/

08-17-2003, 01:09 PM
Jamie Sale!

Do you own a copy of your National Governing Body's rulebook?

08-17-2003, 02:26 PM
Absolutely. Everyone should have a Rulebook. :)

(If you aren't one already) would you want to be a pairs skater? I would...looks like fun!

08-17-2003, 03:25 PM
Yes, I think it would be great to skate with someone who enjoys it as much as I do, anyone interested?

Are there ice monitors at your rink?


08-17-2003, 05:38 PM
Yes but sometimes they aren't on the ice during the public session or even in the same room as the ice (sometimes they're out in the hallway). I tend to avoid the more crowded sessions because of this. Another rink I skate at has very good rink monitors who keep kids from doing things that will hurt themselves or others.


What routines/techniques do you have for combating nervousness before a test or a competition?

08-17-2003, 09:40 PM
I always stick my tongue out at my mom/dad before going on the ice for warm up and for the actual test/competition. I've only had to retry 2 tests out of about 10 since I started doing this.

What move would you love to be able to do, but can't yet do?

08-17-2003, 11:00 PM
i would love 2 be able to do a beilman spin, but im not very flexible so i doubt that will ever happen


how long have u been figure skating ( i have been skating for 10 years)

08-17-2003, 11:14 PM
It's hard to quantify my ice time to days, weeks and or years, I started two years ago (age 33, now 34) taking an eight week learn to skate class. Was off all summer of 2002 due to work, started again in the fall of 2002 in learn to skate classes again, I also upped my ice time in January 2003 to an average of 10 hours a week. My summer job has me working seven days a week however so my average is between 3 and 4 hours a week this summer. A rough estimate to this date puts me at about 420 hours, as to what this would equate to for an average person who skates, I don't know.

I'm running out of questions, hmm, lets see, how about your favorite colors, what are they? (I like blue, I have a neat blue print outfit that I love, as well a nice royal blue outfit thats a bit fancier)


08-18-2003, 02:14 AM
light blue. pink. light purple.

pants or a dress?

Mrs Redboots
08-18-2003, 08:10 AM
Either; it depends on my mood and on the weather. My husband, however, always wears trousers....

What is a Charlotte spiral (referring to another thread. I probably know it, but not by that name, as some of our terminology is different in the UK)?

08-18-2003, 09:00 AM
Could be wrong so PLEASE correct me if I am but isn't a Charlotte Spiral one where you do a spiral but with the head down towards the ice, the free leg stretched up 'towards' a split and opposite arm to free leg reaching towards the ice? I've only ever seen them backwards and tried them backwards myself. They're a nice move though I'm not sure that mine was particularly well executed!

Ok, we all know that we're going to fall sometime (I fell off a horse this morning while jumping! WHY do both my sports involve the risk of falling?) BUT if you 'have' to fall would you rather fall on a jump, spin, footwork or basics? (I'd rather fall on a jump)

08-18-2003, 09:37 AM
Definitely a jump, since usually you land on your bum and it doesn't hurt that much. Plus, the momentum of jumping seems to help dissipate the impact once you hit the ice.

My worst fall ever was doing forward crossovers (ended up needing stitches), but I've taken some pretty serious bruises trying to learn a flying camel - kept falling on my hip. Also, if you've ever fallen on figures, you know how much that hurts.

Question: When you watch other skaters, what skill do you admire the most?

08-18-2003, 11:09 AM
When I watch other skaters, the skills I most admire/enjoy watching are spins. For more than one reason - because I know how difficult they are although they look easy, and because they look so amazing. Spins are unique to skating. Even in ballet, which has pirouettes, you can't get the same speed, or length of time spinning, or use the range of positions as in skating. A well executed spin always looks amazing live. IMO. :)

(Mrs Redboots - this is a Charlotte spiral:


Sasha Cohen and Michelle Kwan both do them, not sure if anyone else on the World level does. They are almost always done skating backwards. I think they'd be terrifying to try forwards! lol)

What was your favourite routine from each event at Worlds?
ladies SP = Sasha Cohen's "Malaguena"
ladies LP = Elena Sokolova's
mens SP = Brian Joubert's "Time"
mens LP = Evgeny Plushenko's "St. Petersburg 300"
dance OD = Bourne & Kraatz's
dance FD = Belbin & Agosto's "Elvis Presley medley"
pairs SP = Totmianina & Marinin's "Peer Gynt"
pairs LP = Shen & Zhao's "Turandot"
exhibition = Bourne & Kraatz's "Sadeness"

08-18-2003, 01:03 PM
the only events i watched of the worlds were ladies and dance
in dance all of B&k's programs
sasha coehns - short program
michelle kwans- long program


which skater(s) have influenced u the most to try your hardest, and never give up(ect.)both on and off the ice?
( bourne and kraatz have influenced me the most beacuse they never gave up through all of the judging scandals and policity in there sport, also when they lost and obviosly new they should have placed better they accpeted what they recived gracfully)

Mrs Redboots
08-19-2003, 08:25 AM
Thanks for those who answered about a Charlotte spiral.

To answer dancing_queen, you wouldn't have heard of the skater who has/does influence me most to keep on going; she is by no means an elite skater but a woman a little older than I am, who seems to have a terrific gift of encouragement.

If you could train on the same ice as an elite skater or dancer on a regular basis, who would it be? Or would you prefer not to, on the grounds that they would take up more than their fair share of the ice?

08-19-2003, 11:17 AM
I'd prefer not to, because I'd spend all my time standing watching! And even if I did practice, I'd feel sooooo inferior. It'd be interesting to watch an elite skater practice though.

What's the best ever "A-ha!" moment you've had? (Mine was landing a loop for the first time. It was my last ever lesson with my coach, who was leaving. He'd been trying to teach the jump to me but I couldn't stop 2-footing it or landing on the wrong foot. I really wanted to land it in that last lesson, and after a few misses, I did it! I was soo happy, and my coach did a crazy happy dance, gave me a big hug and said I'd made his day! lol :D )

08-19-2003, 07:58 PM
When I landed my axel. It was like 'finally!' lol.

I have my primary(head)coach, and then a subsitute coach. And then at my other rink, i have my 2 summer coaches.
Sorry if this has already been asked. How many coaches do you have?

08-19-2003, 08:02 PM
I only have one. One is enough! :)

How many coaches have you had? Let me think...my current one is my 7th or 8th. I've switched rinks a few times and sometimes a coach just wasn't right, or our schedules changed. My current one by far teaches the best technique of them all.

08-19-2003, 09:58 PM
My current coaches (one group and one private) are the only ones Ive ever had.

have you ever had any weird boot problems?

Mrs Redboots
08-20-2003, 06:35 AM
Yeah, I got tendonitis quite badly from my left boot (lace bite), and my coach said he thought the boots were dead. So I went to our fitter, who said no, they just needed to be punched out a bit more, which cured the problem instantly. Still don't know why, as they'd been fine until about two weeks earlier....

Do you take your watch off before you go on the ice?

Black Sheep
08-20-2003, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Mrs Redboots
Do you take your watch off before you go on the ice?

Actually, I do, but sometimes my coach likes to use it to time my programs. (It's one of those cheap drugstore stopwatches--best 8 bucks I've ever spent!)

Have you ever had to scratch a competition event? If so, why?

08-20-2003, 09:48 AM
I haven't had a watch for years! Since i lost mine :oops: It only cost 12 quid though, and I'd had it for ages. lol. If I had one, I'd probably leave it on, as long as it wasn't too big and clunky.

Have you ever choreographed your own routine? Or co-choreographed one? If so, did you enjoy it and what was the outcome?

08-20-2003, 09:49 AM
Oops, me and Black Sheep posted at the same time - but I don't understand what BS means by the question! :oops: Anyone want to answer both?

Black Sheep
08-20-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by icenut84
Oops, me and Black Sheep posted at the same time - but I don't understand what BS means by the question! :oops: Anyone want to answer both?

"Scratch" means to drop out of a competition due to injury, death in the family, or whatever....

08-20-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by icenut84
Have you ever choreographed your own routine? Or co-choreographed one? If so, did you enjoy it and what was the outcome?

I do all my own choreography. now. I started helping out my coach when I was about 13, and when I was 17, she turned all the choreography over to me. Since I started, I've come first in a competition, and I've passed a freeskate test with it. I also cut my own music too. Right now, I'm working on adding more time onto my current program, and am in the midst of choreographing my creative skills exercise.

Since I didn't answer Black Sheep's q, here it is again......

Have you ever had to scratch a competition event? If so, why?

Mrs Redboots
08-20-2003, 12:12 PM
Thankfully, not - although I've come close to withdrawing a time or two....

Which is worse: to skate as well as you are able and still place last, or to skate badly and place higher?

08-20-2003, 04:30 PM
To skate as well as you can and still place last. To me, competitions are really against yourself, and if you do the best you can, that's all you can ask. You cannot control the judges or other skaters.

Have you ever had an on-ice collision?

08-20-2003, 06:09 PM
yes, it was in group lesson when a kid who doesnt pay much attention was in the way of my doubel salcow,- neeless 2 say he never gets in my way anymore


do u pick the music that u skate 2 or does your coach pick it?

08-20-2003, 08:41 PM
The coach recommends a couple and I pick out of the bunch which one I prefer.

What music did you skate to this year or what peices of music did you skate to this year.

08-20-2003, 11:10 PM
My freeskate was an arrangement of songs from the 'Quigley Down Under' soundtrack that the music editor guy put together for me. Actually, one afternoon, my mom and me went over to his studio and sat for a few hours and listened to different arrangments and then kinda roughly edited together, then he did all the fine tuning stuff. I might do an artistic/exhibition piece this year, and if I do so, I will use the song 'Walking in Memphis'.

My freeskate dress is burgundy with clusters of crystals all around it, with a scoop type neck and a funny looking skirt, lol. What does your competition costume look like?

08-21-2003, 12:21 AM
For singles? Well, I don't plan on competing in singles again, but I did once, a few months ago. My dress was a dark red sleeveless velvet with a turtleneck and a flat sitting skirt, rhinestones dotted evenly around the neck part. Then there's my synchro dresses but I won't go into that.


What are some of your best and worst experiences with coaches? Either your current one or an ex.

08-21-2003, 08:46 AM
My worst experience wasn't from a coach who I've actually been taught by but a girl who was attempting to poach skaters (including me) at a rink that I used to skate at. When I said that I was happy with my coach but thank you for the offer (trying to be polite) she turned on me and said "I wouldn't want to teach you anyway, you're far too fat to skate". As I was very conscious of my weight at the time (I WAS overweight but not grossly so) I found this to be devastating. I did report her and she repeated the same thing to the person who spoke to her (ie that I was far too fat to skate and why would she want to teach me anyway!). She ended up being banned from the rink.

In a Free Skating programme would you prefer to see 'jump, jump, jump, spin, jump ... with a few steps in between' or artistry plus the elements? (Give me Dorothy Hamill, Robin Cousins, John Curry etc anyday!)

Mrs Redboots
08-21-2003, 08:59 AM
Definitely, absolutely, positively copper-bottomed artistry first and foremost! And please skate *with* your music, not *in spite* of it - all too many skaters (adults as well as elite) could be skating to simply anything; the music just seems to be background noise. Those skaters who use their music, place their elements to coincide with certain chords or phrases (fiendishly difficult to do, I know, but dancers manage, so why can't free skaters?), are so much better to watch.

Have you skated today, or are you going to?

08-21-2003, 09:03 AM
Artistry plus the elements, any day! I much prefer seeing routines filled with artistry than robotic, jump-orientated, artistry-free zones. I also much prefer seeing a variety of steps/turns/moves/unique bits, rather than crossovers all the time.

What colour are your guards? (Mine are bright pink and sparkly!)

08-21-2003, 09:05 AM
Oops, again. In answer to Anabelle's question - no i haven't skated today, and I probably won't skate till this time next week at the earliest, due to my head/neck injury. I wish I could though. :(

I'll keep my question the same.

08-21-2003, 09:22 AM
White :( but im probably getting new ones soon when I get new soakers!

What color are your soakers?

08-21-2003, 12:25 PM
I love my soakers. They are neon blue tiger striped fuzzy. I could never bring myself to pay for "nice" soakers, and then I saw these. I have never seen anyone else with them, and the shop where I got them doesn't have them anymore.

Did you have a harder time learning mohawks or three turns?

08-21-2003, 12:55 PM
Hmm ... probably 3 turns because my coach wanted them perfect so she kept nit picking so i would have it then i wouldnt then i would until i got them the way she liked them.

How often do you get your blades sharpened?

08-21-2003, 04:57 PM
every 30hrs on ice plus before every competition.

What is your skating dream?

08-21-2003, 07:10 PM
To be competiting in Nationals or an international competition, and have the perfect freeskate program, get a standing ovatation, and just have the best time of my life. I want it to be extra special, and if the program and everything is 'on', then i dont care what place i would finish, although winning a title wouldnt be too bad. lol. Oh, and I want this to happen as a pairs skater. Like, i want to have the perfect pairs program, cause it is my dream to be a competitive pairs skater.

Do you lace all the way to the top of the boot or do you lace only 2 or 3 hooks up? I always leave the top hook not laced. its too annoying otherwise.

Mrs Redboots
08-22-2003, 01:40 AM
All the way up, and half-way back down again! Except on a very hot day when my feet are swollen!

You know "those days" when you cannot, for love nor money, get your skates to settle down and fit comfortably? How often do you have them: frequently, sometimes, rarely, never?

08-22-2003, 02:05 AM
Since I bought customs I would say more 'never' than rarely but when I had 'off the peg' it was all the time. I would spend more time lacing and unlacing and twiddling and fiddling than actually skating!

Erm .... can't remember my question .... oh, duh!

Oh .... have you ever skated on the same ice as an elite/pro skater?
(I've skated on the same ice as Robin Cousins a couple of times .... once when there was only me and him. He was a complete gentleman, even though I barely had the loop at the time he gave way to my very scratchy attempts at an entry ... he was an absolute darling. Skate brats PLEASE take note, just because you're good doesn't mean that you have to be, erm, mean ;))


08-22-2003, 09:30 AM
Yeah, Ryan Jahnke. Ann Patrice too. Oh, and Brandi Sandavol and Larry Ibarro(senior pairs team). And Todd Elderedge too. That was really kool.

Have you ever created/invented a spin that you use in competitions/shows?

Moto Guzzi
08-22-2003, 10:50 AM
In a show I did my now-famous 'dead cockroach spin' where I spin lying flat on my back with my legs up in the air, but it certainly wasn't intentional. :lol:

What move/jump/spin are you having the most trouble getting?

08-22-2003, 11:11 AM
They jump that I had to work the hardest on was the double axel, it took me like over a year to get it combined with some amazingly hard falls. But over all its worth it cuz I finally have it...lol
As for a spin I would have to say layback, I can do one that sorta resembles one but I'm my toughest enemy so I dont think its all that great yet. Still need alot of work.
As for a move Spread eagles, I have a really bad knee and I have a hard time doing it. I really love this move so I wish I could be able to do it!!

What jump,spin,move do you practice the most?

08-22-2003, 01:47 PM
I think it had to be backspins - for all the good it did me!

What boots and blades would you have if money was unlimited?

08-22-2003, 01:49 PM


If you could o an element like a famous figure skater who would it be and what element ( ex. sprial like michhelle kwan, split jumps like sasha coehen, edges like bourne and kraatz)??

i would love 2 do sprials like micchelle kwan and her footwork is awesome 2!

08-23-2003, 04:10 AM
Split jumps like Sasha. Heck, to be that naturally flexible would be great. It took a lot of work to get my spiral foot over my head, and it still takes work to maintain that sort of flexibility.

For female skaters: What sort of tights do you prefer the look of? Do you like full over the boot tights, the tights that only cover the ankle of the boot, or plain footed tights with exposed boots?

08-23-2003, 08:22 AM
I tend to link footed the best, but with some programs and dresses over-the-boot looks good.

If you could land one jump you dont currently have, what would it be?

08-23-2003, 10:13 AM
An axel. I've never tried/learnt one yet, but it's one of my goals. When I first started skating, I told myself I wanted to have landed it by the time I'm 20. I'm 20 in just under 5 months. I haven't learnt the lutz yet, and my loop and flip aren't consistent! Do I have any chance at all, do you think? (On the plus side - next month I go to Uni so I'm planning to skate a lot more often and start up lessons again. Here's hoping...)

Can you do spread eagles? (I can do inside ones - kind of - but I'm not flexi enough for outside ones.)

08-23-2003, 10:17 AM
No, I havent learnt them yet but I want to!

Can you do a Russian Split jump?

08-23-2003, 08:55 PM
I was learning them as a kid, but I doubt that I'll ever be able to do one as an adult. (BTW, icenut84 - keep those axel dreams alive! You are nowhere near to being too old to get one 8-))

Have you ever done a power stroking session? (I did my first today, and wow! Is is exhausting!).

08-23-2003, 10:45 PM
i havent but i heard they are very tiering!!


have u ever borken any bones skating ( i have broken my hand:oops: :D )

08-24-2003, 01:34 AM

Do you have foot problems from skating?

08-24-2003, 08:33 AM
Keep working at it. I landed my first axel at 40 and i'm still working at it!!! You can do it.

Mrs Redboots
08-25-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by skatepixie
Do you have foot problems from skating? Occasional tendonitis in my left foot. I'm more inclined to have back problems.

Do you do any other sports? I don't.

08-25-2003, 01:26 PM
(Thanks for the axel encouragement! I hope I'll be able to do it one day. Even if I haven't learnt it before January, it's still definitely a goal :) )

I don't do any other sports any more, no. I'd like to take up gymnastics again though, recreationally. I'll have to see if I can or not. I also want to start taking proper dance classes when I go to Uni.

Have you ever performed a flawless competitive routine? If so, how did it feel?

08-25-2003, 10:12 PM
Never, but I've been close. The best I skated this season, was for my Jr.Silver FS test. I landed my 3 major jumps (2 sal in sequence, loop/2 loop combo, and 2 loop), and did some pretty good spins, field moves and my footwork sequence was awesome. I fell once (on the 2 sal in the last 20 seconds of my program) and I popped my axel (never landed it once in the program this season while being judged). Needless to say, I passed and got good comments about the program from the judge. I was very happy about passing, and about my skate.

When's your favourite time of day to skate, and why?

08-25-2003, 11:20 PM
As much as I hate getting up early, (I work a 2-3 shift so I sleep till late) I like doing the noon public sessions, most of the time there is only a couple people on the ice and it's cheaper then club ice.

How close is your nearest pro shop? (I have two and they are both about 45min away)


08-26-2003, 01:03 AM
its at my rink, which is 30 min from home, but it is between my house and my school...

How far is your rink?

08-26-2003, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by skatepixie
How far is your rink?

35 miles away

If you could have any colour BLADES what colour would you choose?

08-26-2003, 02:14 AM
To be quite honest, chrome. There's something kind of pretentious about gold blades and the like. I don't want people thinking I'm a little rich kid with a bigger head than my skating qualifies me for.

What's approximately the longest spin you've ever done? In revs or seconds, whichever you remember.

Mrs Redboots
08-26-2003, 08:47 AM
Blushes scarlet About 2.5 revolutions. I hate spinning!

What is the first thing you do when you get on the ice? I always intend to skate round hard, but usually end up taking a sip of coffee or water, and doing a couple of 3-turns by the boards.

08-26-2003, 10:13 AM
I usually skate a few times around the rink warming up with my stroking pattern with crossovers on the ends.

How long do you spend stretching before you skate?

08-26-2003, 11:55 AM
About 10 minutes before (after a 10 minute warmup), then 20 minutes after. Sometimes I skip the before if I am running late, but never the after.

Are you planning to test soon? If so, what test?

08-26-2003, 12:06 PM
Well, im planning to test Basic 7 on Thursday ... lol :lol: but umm I hope to test Pre-preliminary moves sometime soon since i know them all!

What was the last test you passed?

08-26-2003, 12:23 PM
Here are my last tests passed in each of the disciplines that I do:
Freeskate: Jr.Silver, passed February 2003
Skills: Class 1/Gold, passed May 2001
Dance: Blues(completed Sr.Silver Test), passed January 2003
Interpretive: Gold, passed June 2003

What kind of music do you like doing your stroking sessions to? (I love stroking to classic rock or 80's pop.)

08-26-2003, 02:07 PM
Its Techno, gets ya allll pumped! lol!

What was your most memorable comepetition, and why?

08-26-2003, 03:35 PM
Adult Nationals 2000. It was great! It was my first time in Lake Placid, which I've always considered to be a winter sports mecca! About an hour's drive outside of LP, it started snowing big, fluffy, beautiful snowflakes. (I was born in the South, and still marvel at snow even though I lived in Germany with it for 3 years!) The town was blanketed in snow when I pulled in and looked gorgeous. I had a good skate and finished 3rd in my qualifying round, so I made it to the final round! My pictures came out nicely, I made lots of new friends,and I had a beautiful costume. It was magic! <sigh>

Are you going to Adult Nationals 2004 in Lake Placid? (I'm going to try. It's my new goal.)

08-26-2003, 04:42 PM
I'm certainly going to try :D!

What's the best tip you could give a beginning skater? (Today I gave a little girl working on her stroking the advice about think of a string attached to the ceiling holding up her head so that she'd stop looking at her feet. Seemed to work :).)

08-26-2003, 05:17 PM
Never give up and keep trying! (i have been skating for less then a year but have improved so much because im very determined!)

How many coaches do you have?

08-26-2003, 07:34 PM
5. One primary(head) coach, a subsitute coach for when she is away, and then at my other rink i skate at, i have 2 freestyle coaches, one of whom also serves as my chereographer, and then a pairs coach. But i only see 3 of these coaches in the summer at the training camp i go to. My head coach is my main coach throughout the majority of the year.

Are you testing for a new level anytime soon? I have pre-juv moves and freeskate coming up- yikes!!

08-26-2003, 07:45 PM
Good luck with your tests, Sk8bunny! I have Intermediate MIF's on September 20th. Sometimes I am very confident, and sometimes I am shaking in my boots 8O.

Does your club require volunteer hours?

08-26-2003, 07:49 PM
They didn't used to, but they started requiring at least five this year. I always did at least that much anyway.

About how many members does your club have?

08-26-2003, 08:07 PM
About 150, I think. It's not a huge club.

How many clubs have you belonged to? I've belonged to three.

Mrs Redboots
08-27-2003, 08:22 AM
Four - three ice-dance clubs and one figure club. I've let the membership in two of the ice-dance clubs lapse, though.

When did you last skate? (This morning).

08-27-2003, 09:44 AM
I last skated on the 12th of August - just over 2 weeks ago. I miss it :(

How much do you spend on skating in a week? Including ice time, lessons, etc.

08-27-2003, 11:43 AM
Lets see -- it depends on whether I can skate cheaper open skates or have to do more expensive freestyle sessions, but here's an average:

Ice time (6.5 sessions a week): $54
Lessons (1 hour a week): $38
Water (a must have): $8

Grand total: $100

Forgot to add a question :?? .

Is/are your coach(s) guys or girls? (Mine's a guy).

08-27-2003, 01:05 PM
I have a female and male as my primary coaches, then my secondary is a female as well.

Do you prefer going to your clubs freestyle ice or going to public ice?

08-27-2003, 01:51 PM
I prefer public ice, #1, it's cheaper! ($5 for two hours compared to $10.50 for one hour) #2, it's usually less crowded during the noon sessions I attend, the most I've ever counted was 30 or so, and that was a holiday. But most session have fewer then ten people out there and only about 5 that are doing major stuff.

Question question, lets see, does your rink have boards? (all the rinks I've seen around here have them except for one I hear that they can take them down for shows)


08-27-2003, 02:09 PM
My home club rinks have boards, but my off season club rink doesn't have boards. I prefer the arena without the boards better, since it feels like you have more freedom and you're not confined.

What are your skating superstitions?

08-28-2003, 07:42 PM
for a competition you mean? well, when 2 years i had this competition, and i went on a walk before i competited, just a small, leisure walk, and listened to this one song that was playing on the radio. it was some jazz piece. later, i had the best performance of my life, so, from now on, whenever i compete, i must take a small walk and listen to that song a few hrs before i take to the ice. and, ok, this is part is kinda gross, lol, but if im competiting in more than one event, and i do good in my 1st event, than i wear the same tights/socks(i used to wear thin socks, i dont anymore) for the next event without washing them first. my mom thinks this is absolutely disgusting tho. haha.

What is your favorite pre-competition snack/meal? I luv mac and cheese or a turkey sandwich. hehe.

08-28-2003, 08:12 PM
Usually I compete in the morning, so I like to have a bagel or powerbar. Nothing large or greasy, no soda! Lots of water.

How many skating dresses do you have? Including competition ones, I have 5. Don'r really like to wear dresses! :)

08-28-2003, 09:14 PM
I have about twenty practice style ones that I like, I only have a couple that I would consider "fancy", but I have another thirty or so that are "theme" styles that I wear on occasion.

Can you listen to your music at your rink?


08-28-2003, 09:45 PM
yupperz, we sure can!


whats your favorite thing about skating?

08-28-2003, 11:22 PM
I have two, but they're related. One is my friends. When I changed rinks I was sure I wouldn't make friends at my new rink but I was wrong. I have the best group of friends ever! My second one is getting to meet skaters from all over the world. I've met skaters from 21 different countries. Right now there are skaters from five countries, three provinces, and I think five states training and/or coaching at my rink. I've always been fascinated by other cultures, so it's really been a dream come true for me.

Have you ever competed against skaters from other countries? I've competed against skaters from the U.S. (obviously) and Canada, but that's it.

Mrs Redboots
08-29-2003, 09:16 AM
Yes, at the Mountain Cup, the Dune of Flanders Cup and the World Ice challenge.

I tell you what else - I do a lot better in an international field!!!!

Have you got your programmes for the forthcoming season sorted out yet?

08-29-2003, 12:00 PM
Yes! I have started my interpretive, and I'm looking forward to performing it at nationals.

How far ahead do you pick your program concept or music? I plan mine about a year ahead.

08-29-2003, 12:18 PM
I dont compete so I cant really answer that question.

What was the last injury you got while skating? (mine was last night, 7 stitches in my chin)

08-29-2003, 03:17 PM
I injured my right hip flexor last February, just in time for Sectionals and Nationals :roll:. I was finally declared healed in July (and boy does jumping feel good now).

I'm going to repeat flo's question:

How far ahead do you pick your program concept or music?

08-29-2003, 06:03 PM
usually a year


do u skate year round or just in winter??

08-29-2003, 07:07 PM
Year round. My rink dosen't close in the Summer.

How long have you been with your coach? I've been with mine for 1 year. She's a keeper!! :)

08-29-2003, 07:20 PM
About two and a half years. I've had occasional lessons with visiting coaches in the meantime, as well as clinics with several coaches at skating camp, and I had another coach for moves until about a year ago.

What's the longest you've been with any one coach? Mine was three years and eleven months, and I'd probably still be with her if her husband hadn't gotten transferred.

08-29-2003, 07:32 PM
I have been with my coach for over four years. She has been the only coach I have had and I don't know what I would do without her.

Who was influencial in your getting started in figure skating?

08-29-2003, 09:24 PM
My mom. I told her that I wanted to skate, and when she enrolled me in Canskate, I suddenly didn't want to skate anymore. She told me that each week, I had to go to skating, but what I did on the ice was my choice. I didn't participate for the first few weeks, but after that, I joined in with the rest of the group. If it wasn't for my mom telling me that I HAD to go, I wouldn't be where I am now.

When is/was your first competition of the season, and what did you compete in?

Mrs Redboots
08-30-2003, 06:47 AM
The Streatham Open; I competed in the Adult Interpretive Over 40 class - and came last! Luckily other judges liked that particular programme better....

When is your next competition, and what? Mine is the British Adult Championships at the end of September.

08-30-2003, 07:58 PM
The Plymouth Octoberfest (and if any adults anywhere near the Deroit area want to join us, the application is on www.skatestuff.com (http://www.skatestuff.com) . Of course, I've run my program twice, w/out most of the jumps, and the last minute's choreography is up in the air and I test MIF in a month and won't be working on the program and.........hey - it's going to be fun, right?? :lol: :lol:

Do you ever give unsolicited advice? I'm on a new session, and there's a skater having problems with a jump. It is obvious to me what the problem is (and the skater is getting VERY frustrated with the jump). Do I say anything? -- my rule is that if a skater has a coach, the coach is the first and only word. But sheesh - this poor kid is suffering and the problem is so obvious!

08-30-2003, 08:32 PM
If they don't have a coach (or even if they do, but not at that time), and they accept you for giving them advice, I don't see why not, you just may comment on something they are missing, or ask if they want pointers. I taught three other people how to do three turns before I could even do them myself!

How cold is your rink? (My two regular rinks are pretty good, my third on however can be downright frigid!)


08-31-2003, 08:40 AM
Out of my 2 main rinks, one is pretty good, and one is pretty col but not unbearable. My summer rink is usually pretty good except for a few days when it is so cold its not funny.

Do you skate at the same rink year round or do you skate at different rinks in the summer?

Mrs Redboots
08-31-2003, 10:30 AM
Same rink year round. Unless I go on a camp somewhere, of course, but regularly....

Did you make any goals for this summer, and if so, did you achieve them?

08-31-2003, 12:55 PM
I passed the goals I set for myself this summer, pass two levels (basic 6 and basic 7), learn something new (I learned half flip, toe loop, all of basic 8, and a few things I didnt know on basic 7)

What made your first competition most memorable?

08-31-2003, 02:07 PM
I won both of my events! (Basic 3 and 4, 1993).

Do you get nervous about skating in front of people? I get nervous when I'm testing, not so much when I'm competing, but I don't get nervous about shows at all.

08-31-2003, 04:04 PM
I get nervous at practices skating in front of my mom, lol. But crowds at shows dont bother me. :)

How old were you when you did your first show and or competition?

08-31-2003, 04:29 PM
33!!! And it was also my first competition too! (It was at Skate SF 2001!)

What do you do to stay calm for a competition/test/show? (I'm asking, since there is a remote (and I mean remote but it depends on my primary coach and how fast he can get a program together...) that I may do Skate SF 2003 after all (despite my comments on the Skate SF thread saying that I probably won't...) But... I'm already scared about performing in front of a crowd already! EEEEK!!! I'm aiming for my rink's Christmas show this year, though...

08-31-2003, 10:12 PM
I was going to let someone else answer this, but it's been up for a few hours and I'm supremely bored, so I'll answer it.

Show: n/a; I really don't get nervous about shows. If I have a solo, I'm not worried because no one else is depending on me. If I'm in a group, I'm a little nervous because it'll affect other people if I mess up, but I usually end up having so much fun backstage with my friends that I forget about being nervous long before I even get my costume on.

Competition: I remind myself that I've trained for this for x amount of time and I should go out and take advantage of my moment to show it off. I usually tell myself "there's nothing in this dance you can't do; no one expects anything of you that you're not 100% capable of delivering".

Test: I'm still working on it. We have one local judge who's really cool; sometimes when I glance up he'll be rolling his eyes in time to the music or something to make me laugh. Luckily for me he comes to almost every test session at my club. I definitely get most nervous for tests.

WHat I've found is most important for me to stay calm is to trick myself into thinking I'm not nervous. The more I think about it and admit to myself that I'm feeling nervous, the worse it gets. As a rule, when someone asks me if I'm nervous I shrug and say "Not really". At test sessions, this is an out-and-out lie, but I found that at competitions I really can trick myself into not being nervous. I'm going to have to try it next time I test.

Are you planning to test anytime soon? I'm probably going to be testing in six weeks.

09-01-2003, 05:16 AM
October 5th. Hopefully I'll have SOME skills back by then.

What is the next level you have to test?

Mrs Redboots
09-01-2003, 05:41 AM
Next level "up" is Level 4 Compulsory Dance, but as that's the last one I shall test, I think (most classes in competition here are Level 4 and Under), I'm in no rush. I should take Level 3 Dance Moves before they change them all round, but I'm not ready yet, so that leaves Rhythm Blues Variation (which I haven't even done for a year or so) and/or Level 1 Free Dance. We'll see.... I'm in no rush, and don't really care if I never test again.

If you wear over-boot tights, what do you wear under them?

09-02-2003, 02:18 AM
Danskin footed tights

which leads naturally to the next question ......

undies, g-string or commando?

09-02-2003, 03:59 AM
if u mean under tights, i dont wear anything. I just wear my tights. Normal I prefer the feeling of a thong (call me weird).

do u wear protection while u skate? (ie pads, helmut....)

09-02-2003, 07:21 AM
No I never wear anything like that (crash pads or helmet or anything). I rarely fall and I'm not working on multi-rotation jumps yet, so I don't really need to.

Have you ever received a standing ovation (or partial one)?

Mrs Redboots
09-02-2003, 09:15 AM
Yes, but for being funny on the ice, not for skating well! Still, I won the class, so I must have done something right!

Do you ever get totally disheartened in this sport?

09-02-2003, 10:43 AM
Absolutely! But I have an amazing group of friends and role models at my rink. I saw something unexpected happen this year to two people I admire completely- something positive, I should add- that just served to remind me that things in this sport have a way of working out how they're supposed to in the end. I've learned that when negative things happen, you have to learn from it, set it aside, move forward with class, and keep pushing yourself for more. That's what being an athlete is about.

What is the saddest thing you've ever seen in skating?

09-02-2003, 05:27 PM
when sale and pelltier didnt ( at first) win a gold medal. The whol judged scandal made that day of the piars long program a very dark day for figure skating. Even though sale and pelltier did end up recieveing a gold medal, the whole moment of standing on the podium hearing the candaian anthem being played, decrictly after youve skated to program of your life was taken away from them


who is yor favorite
dance team?
ladies sakter?
mens skater?
pairs team?

09-03-2003, 08:47 AM
My favourites (I have more than one):

Dance teams: Torvill & Dean, Bourne & Kraatz, Anissina & Peizerat, Lobacheva & Averbukh, Rahkamo & Kokko

Ladies skater: Irina Slutskaya, Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen, Elena Sokolova, Kristi Yamaguchi, Oksana Baiul

Mens skater: Evgeny Plushenko, Stephane Lambiel, Alexander Abt, Alexei Yagudin, Kurt Browning

Pairs team: Berezhnaya & Sikharulidze, Abitbol & Bernadis, Shen & Zhao, Gordeeva & Grinkov, Mishkutenok & Dmitriev

... and lots more :)

What was your favourite moment from the 03 Worlds?

09-03-2003, 06:07 PM
when bourne and kraatz won gold !!finally:D


at skating practices do u usually wear; skirt,pants, dress ect.?

09-03-2003, 06:14 PM
Usually stretch or yoga pants and a 3/4 sleeve top and a sweatshirt. I'm NOT a dress girl and I like to keep warm.

Gloves or mittens??

09-03-2003, 08:04 PM

have you ever wrecked a pair of tights with yr toe picks? I did it just yesterday. I landed the 5th waltz in a sequence (ie waltz/step forward/waltz/step forward/waltz...) on a huge lutz hole and down I went...

09-03-2003, 08:15 PM
Yes I have, I forget what I was doing, but I fell down and I ran my left blade across the back of my right thigh. Fortunitly I only put a hole in my top layer of tights (Mondors), my Danskins came through unskaved! Looked goofy as I was wearing my black tights over my suntan tights that day, and I had a hole and a run all the way down my leg, LOL!

Are you, or have you been, in learn to skate classes?


09-03-2003, 08:18 PM
Yes I managed to ruin on right below my knee and another one like on my upper thigh! But it wasn't my toe pick it was the back of my skate, wierd falls, I cant even explain how it happened. Its one of those things that you dont notice until someone points it out.

What is the worst fall you have taking skating, did you break any bones, sprain or have to get stitchs?

I think my worst one was when I tripped over my toe pick playing soccer ont he ice with a tennis ball.. (dont ask) and I fell on my chin and had to get like 6 stitchs in my chin. To make matters worst it was the day before my first day of high school... So I went to school the lil kid with a puffy chin and a big bandage on it...lol!

09-04-2003, 12:42 AM
I am now. I at the higher level thogh.

I broke my ankle in nov my second time out. I returned in March and thats when I cout as the time I started.

How long did it take you from the time you started til yr first single? For me, 6 months, landed first try though.

09-04-2003, 01:31 AM
I believe it was right about three months. I don't count salchow as a full single, so it was about three-4 months for my toe loop (learned in 5 minutes).

Ahh! I'm running out of questions.... If you're having an "I don't want to skate" day, what does your coach do to encourage you?

09-04-2003, 02:22 AM
me? A dont want to skate day? How is this possible? The only time this might be possible is if im sick and then i shouldnt be spinning or jumping or w/e if u know what I mean,

Do you have dont want to skate days?

Mrs Redboots
09-04-2003, 12:22 PM
Occasionally. Right now this minute I'm having a "don't want to skate evening", but that's because I'm very tired (I'm attending a conference and am skiving off this evening's session). I expect I'll skate tomorrow morning before the conference starts, though.

Have you ever skated against your better judgement (when you were tired, unwell, or something) and regretted it?

09-04-2003, 12:57 PM
No - I've skated when I was feeling really tired, or when I was ill/had a cold etc, but I always felt better afterwards. Invigorated, energised, you know. :)

How many pairs of boots have you had so far? I've had 2.