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View Full Version : Slipped off an edge

06-09-2003, 11:24 PM
I was doing the pre-juv F power crossovers (aka Russian stroking) today and when I stroked onto the LFO prior to crossover, my blade just slipped out from under me. I caught it right away and didn't fall, but my husband happened to see it and commented that it looked scary. I don't think my blades are ready for sharpening yet, so what else could have caused this? Maybe not enough knee bend?

06-10-2003, 06:19 AM
Debris on the ice? A small rut?

The rink I skate at has been rather...challenging as of late.
The ice is sloped markedly in spots. I try to use it to advantage,
starting my power pulls at the top, to generate speed:P It's
been working, they looked really great yesterday.

Of course, I'm not really fond of generating speed on the
threes in the field!

06-10-2003, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by dbny
my blade just slipped out from under me.

Oh yes!!!! I've had it happen to me, too. It is scary!!! 8O

I usually find it happening after the ice is chewed up a little, so have always thought that the ruts were the main culprit.

I start and end each ice session with forward stroking, then crossovers around the ends. I've never slipped at the beginning of a session when the ice is fresh, but definitely slip on the crossovers at the end of the session. Even with recently sharpened blades.

06-10-2003, 11:37 AM
The rink where this happened has terrible ice, even after a cut. It routinely grows stalagmites, and the first thing I do is scout them out and have someone shave them down with a blade. I never considered the ruts causing me to slip, but I bet you are both right about that. Thanks!