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View Full Version : Proper stretching for the spiral challenged

05-18-2003, 03:50 PM
I want to share what I just learned, which helped me a lot with spirals.

From my coach:

First warm up on the ice for about 10-15 minutes
At the boards, lift one leg onto wall
Face leg and stretch, lowering skating hip - count to 10
Rotate away from leg into spiral position, hold wall with one arm, skating foot away from wall as if doing spiral - count to 10
Back to first position - count to 10
Same thing with other foot

This got my spiral significantly higher than it had ever been before. I say "proper stretching" because I had known about the stretches, but not about warming up first and not about getting into the actual spiral position with only one arm on the boards. I was doing the stretches at home....not the same thing.

Not a stretch, but something I noticed on a tape that also really helped. I have trouble lifting my free leg fast enough. Then I saw Katarina Witt bend her skating knee just a tad right before the lift, and that did it for me. My free leg goes right up and the skating leg straightend with the lift.

Anyone else have something to help with spirals? I suddenly want mine to be great, and I have to start working on the prelim, which are fearsome for an old fogy like me.

05-18-2003, 10:35 PM
At home, hold on to a desk or a table or something with one hand (lightly, don't really grab onto the edge or something) and then stretch your leg in a spiral position for about 30 seconds. :)

05-19-2003, 05:28 AM
I think I do the same stretches you do because the sound similar but a little different ... i havent noticed a significant difference yet but it does help a lot :D

05-19-2003, 05:32 AM
Sometimes the difference between home and on-ice is the weight of a skating boot. So if you have an old pair of skates, you might try using them at home (with skate guards on, please.) I don't think I would recommend ankle weights....

05-19-2003, 01:10 PM
My coach instructed me to lift the free leg with it already in a tight straight position. She instructed me not lift it with it partially bent and then straighten it all the way. Make sure your weight is solid on the skating leg and then straighten the free leg tight first and then lift. This has helped me with polishing the look of my spiral.


05-19-2003, 03:13 PM
Trying spiral positions at home with my skates on helps me raise my leg higher than I would if I were just trying it in tennis shoes or in sock feet. The skates do indeed act as sort of a natural resistance, which I think is good.

I'll have to try some of the stretches mentioned. I am still looking for some fairly safe stretches to try that won't aggrevate that damn hamstring on my right leg. :evil: (Once it's torn, it's hurt for good. :evil: ) Maybe I should keep practicing back camels...that helps that leg in a strange way.

05-19-2003, 05:34 PM
I just learned this stretch as I was warming up for my competition on Saturday (leave it to my coach to stretch me out differently right before I compete). 1) It's a partner stretch and 2) It's a resistance stretch, which uses the same principle as pushing your arms against a doorjamb then they feel like they rise up on their own. I was holding onto an outcropping in a wall, but you can hold on to anything. Get into a sprial position (including turnout) and your partner holds your leg. Press as hard as you can on your partners hands, for about 10-30 seconds, depending on how long you can hold it. Then stop pressing down and have your partner push your leg up as high as you can manage. Do it for both legs. I felt so loose after my coach did this and I got my spiral about 2 inches higher just from the stretch.

05-19-2003, 09:27 PM
My coaches advise me that it's really not a good idea to do stretches in the rink cuz its cold, which makes it easier to pull muscles. Although I guess if you're warmed up, there is less of a danger....but better safe than sorry!

05-19-2003, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by wa_skater
My coach instructed me to lift the free leg with it already in a tight straight position. She instructed me not lift it with it partially bent and then straighten it all the way. Make sure your weight is solid on the skating leg and then straighten the free leg tight first and then lift. This has helped me with polishing the look of my spiral.

I said to slightly bend the skating knee, not the free leg. Of course you want your free leg straight from the start.

05-20-2003, 12:27 PM
DBNY - I wasn't disagreeing with you. Just providing a different piece of advice from my coach about the free leg.


05-20-2003, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by wa_skater
DBNY - I wasn't disagreeing with you. Just providing a different piece of advice from my coach about the free leg.


Oops! Sorry for being a bit touchy. Good advice it is, too.