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05-07-2003, 08:02 AM
I'm curious as to what other clubs do to recognize skaters who pass their senior tests. Does your club buy the gold medals for these skaters? Also, does your club recognize passing Senior moves as an equal achievement to passing other senior tests? (FS, Dance, Pairs)...

Up until now, our club has generally not given passing Senior moves the same recognition as passing the other Senior tests. They sort of linked the moves to the FS test, and only recognized when both are achieved.

05-07-2003, 01:11 PM
Our club recognizes all Gold tests (Dance, MIF, Free, Adult, Canadian) equally. We purchase the medals and present them at our club's awards banquet. Skaters get their names engraved on a special plaque for each gold test that they pass. These honors are only done for skaters who are home-club members.

I don't think your club's policy is fair, because what about dancers or synchro skaters who pass their Senior MIF? Just because they don't freestyle doesn't mean that their accomplishment isn't worth as much.


05-07-2003, 06:20 PM
our club recognizes the Senior tests (and standard track Gold dance), and pays for the medals for them. But does not pay for Adult Gold medals, even for Adult Gold dance.

05-07-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by vesperholly
Our club recognizes all Gold tests (Dance, MIF, Free, Adult, Canadian) equally. We purchase the medals and present them at our club's awards banquet. Skaters get their names engraved on a special plaque for each gold test that they pass. These honors are only done for skaters who are home-club members.

My club does the exact same thing, except for the fact that I skate for a Canadian club. My club recognizes Freeskate, Dance, Skills and Interpretive Tests the same, which is nice, since my club is more of a recreational club rather than a competitive club.

05-07-2003, 09:02 PM
My club has a Gold Test Trophy. Any skater completing a Gold test has their name, year, and test name engraved on a small plaque that is attached to it. Fortunately the club is small, so the trophy hasn't gotten TOO big, yet ;)

05-08-2003, 05:20 AM
My daughters club does nothing aside from the 1 or 2 people that were present when she passed the test, offering their congrats. She has passed all her gold tests except for artistic which she is not persuing. She is the only one ever in the club to get all those gold tests and also the only one to pass the senior competitive in our club.

05-08-2003, 04:46 PM
My club buys medals for everyone............adults included for the adult tests. Here I thought my club was bad for saying Adult Nationals was not a "real" competition, and therefore not worthy of the kind of recognition the kids get for regionals (qualifying and non-qualifying). I guess I'm lucky I've collected a few test medals.