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View Full Version : Skate Canada STAR Skate Survey

04-23-2003, 01:33 PM

Interesting questions, many of which have been discussed here in one form or another, would like to know how they're going to use the information.

04-23-2003, 02:14 PM
I filled it out just the othe day. My guess is they want to get the opinions of people who participated in the triathlon and biathlon events, especially those who were at Nationals, to get a better idea of what the feeling overall at the event was, how it could be better, the potential problems (the bus schedule to and from the hotel for example), and to see if there could be events added or just changes to the current system.

The criticism that all 3 portions of the triathlon being worth the same amount was loud and clear at nats. I can see why the criticism is there, but at the same time, the point of the triathlon is to find the most versatile skater who is equally as strong in each portion. The problem with that idea is that the judges are all over the place and one out of whack ordinal could screw up a skater's chances overall.

But there were some positives like the open marking system and the general treatment towards the competitors, it definitely made the athletes feel like stars and that their hard work is finally being recognized.

04-23-2003, 10:00 PM
I didn't compete in the Triathalon or anything, but I feel that the 3 portions should not be worth the same. I think the creative skills exercise should be worth 20%, the interpretive should be worth 30% and the freeskate should be worth 50%. My logic behind this being that most skaters work on the skills portion the least and the freeskate portion the most. I am totally for getting skaters that wouldn't make it as competitive skaters out on the National scene, but I think that some things need to be altered slightly.