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View Full Version : USFSA Adult Training Camp

Debbie S
04-18-2003, 01:34 PM
I didn't see this posted here yet, so I thought I'd add it. It's 6/27 to 6/29.


There was a similar one last year, which I heard many positive things about (it seems Robin Wagner is not teaching this year). I SO wanted to go this year, since last year I really didn't know enough freestyle to get much out of it. But I'm taking a stats class in summer session at a local college (required for me to go to b-school in the fall) and the last class meeting is 6/30, so something tells me that I shouldn't make plans for the preceding weekend. Waaaah!! :cry:

The deadline to register is not until 6/1, and my class starts the last week of May, so I may hang on to the app and see if I could feasibly attend once I know more about what's reuired for the class. But since I have to get at least a "B", I think I have to put some effort into it.