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View Full Version : PNF Stretching

04-15-2003, 05:52 AM
I was wondering whether any of you can recommend any books on PNF stretching, I'm doing PNF with a personal trainer and am interested in finding out more of the science and methods!

I have some good websites, but was looking to buy a book.

*good skating vibes to all*

04-15-2003, 09:24 PM
If the PNF is the same thing I'm thinking of, it stands for proprioceptive neuromuscular faciliatation and is a common technique taught in physical therapy programs. It involves working groups of muscles on the diagonal pattern. If it's the same thing, the originators of the procedure are Dorothy Knott and somebody Voss. If you do a Google search, you may be able to find one of their books still in print.

04-27-2003, 12:37 PM
Sally Fitt talks about PNF stretching and gives a few examples in her book Dance Kinesiology. Even though it's not directed at skaters, it's a great book--it teaches basic anatomy & kinesiology as it applies to dance (you could easily learn the principles and apply it to skating). It also talks about how to develop a core cross-training workout for when you can't do your primary activity and for days between your primary activity. I think it also has chapters on injuries and prevention and nutrition.